breakthrough is taking long
Faith,  Spiritual growth in the wilderness and waiting season

Why Your Breakthrough is Taking Long?

Have you been waiting for your breakthrough for a long time? Maybe you have wondered why your breakthrough is taking long to manifest. Have you done everything you thought to do but are yet to see the manifestation? Maybe you have been going through the same experience repeatedly, and you are tired and just want the season to be over. Maybe, you have been waiting for 5 years, 10 years, or even longer. Can you relate? Have you been waiting for God, and He seems to delay?

Is there a specific promise that He made you have yet to see come to pass? And maybe you have given up on the said promise. Or perhaps you even thought you did not hear God correctly. Or worse still, you feel you missed out on God. If this is you, join me as we dissect the word for today.

But before we can do that, I want you to know that there are people who are also going through something similar. Some people are still waiting on God and have been doing so longer than you. Now, of course, I am not trying to diminish your feelings because they are valid. All I am trying to say is that sometimes God makes us wait longer than we expected. And it is because He has a reason.

And to help us understand the reason your breakthrough is taking long, let’s look at the story in Luke 8.

When Jesus returned to Galilee, the crowds were overjoyed, for they had been waiting for him to arrive. Just then, a man named Jairus, the leader of the local Jewish congregation fell before Jesusโ€™ feet. He desperately begged him to come and heal his twelve-year-old daughter, his only child, because she was at the point of death. Jesus started to go with him to his home to see her, but a large crowd surrounded him. In the crowd, that day was a woman who had suffered for twelve years from slow bleeding. Even though she had spent all that she had on healers, she was still suffering.

Pressing in through the crowd, she came up behind Jesus and touched the tassel of his prayer shawl. Instantly, her bleeding stopped, and she was healed. Jesus suddenly stopped and said to his disciples, โ€œSomeone touched me. Who is it?โ€ While they all denied it, Peter pointed out, โ€œMaster, everyone is touching you, trying to get close to you. The crowds are so thick we canโ€™t walk through all these people without being jostled.โ€ Jesus replied, โ€œYes, but I felt power surge through me.

Someone touched me to be healed, and they received their healing.โ€ When the woman realized she couldnโ€™t hide any longer, she came and fell trembling at Jesusโ€™ feet. Before the entire crowd, she declared, โ€œI was desperate to touch you, Jesus, for I knew if I could just touch even the fringe of your robe I would be healed.โ€ Jesus responded, โ€œBeloved daughter, your faith in me has released your healing.

You may go with my peace.โ€ While Jesus was still speaking to the woman, someone came from Jairusโ€™ house and told him, โ€œThereโ€™s no need to bother the Master any further. Your daughter has passed away. Sheโ€™s gone.โ€ When Jesus heard this, he said, โ€œJairus, donโ€™t yield to your fear. Have faith in me and she will live again.โ€ Luke 8:40-50 TPT

Child of God, here was a woman who had been waiting for her miracle for 12 years. Can you imagine that? 12 years. The Bible tells us she had spent all that she had on physicians, but her condition only worsened. Wow! She lept on believing in her miracle despite the odds. Her faith is one for the books. And she had kept the faith in those 12 years. So much so that when she heard about Jesus and found out that He was in town, she knew she had to receive her healing. How amazing is it that even after all these years, she still had the faith to believe in her miracle?

She did not let her situation inhibit her faith. First off her condition dictated that she had to isolate herself because she was unclean. But she still went because she had to receive her miracle. Second, she pressed her way through despite the crowd to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. She did not care that people would recognize her and chase her away. Remember the fact that she had struggled with the issue for a while? And that people identified her with her condition meant that people knew her. She still did not care. Anyway, she touched the hem of her cloth, and instantly the bleeding stopped. So what changed?

Let’s not forget that God is Sovereign. And in His Sovereignty, He can use anything to heal you. In one instance we saw Jesus heal by speaking a word and yet in another instance, we saw Him touch a man’s eyes. Either way, He could have healed her through the Physicians. After all, He is the one who gibes Physicians’ wisdom to come up with the idea of medicines for various illnesses. So why did God make her wait for this long?

We find the answer in the scripture below. So let’s get right to it.

Just then, a man named Jairus, the leader of the local Jewish congregation fell before Jesusโ€™ feet. He desperately begged him to come and heal his twelve-year-old daughter, his only child, because she was at the point of death.

The interesting thing to note here is that Jairus’ daughter was 12 years. So the woman with the issue of blood had been suffering as long as Jairus’s daughter had been alive. God will never waste a moment or even your pain which means that this moment had to be significant.

Jairus had to be strengthened to believe that Jesus would heal his daughter through the woman’s faith. And it required that coincidence. Which we all know was not a coincidence. This was because moments after the woman gave her story and God redeemed her, Jairus received terrible news. His servants came in and informed him that his daughter had died.

Now, wait a minute! Jairus had the faith to believe in healing and not resurrection. And now his faith was tested in that he had to believe for resurrection. And it was through the woman’s story that Jairus’ faith grew to believe in the resurrection. Sometimes we will never understand the reason for our pain until we get to the other side of our breakthrough. All the woman did was touch the hem of the garment and because of that, her miracle became a seed for Jairus to hold on to concerning his daughter.

Jairus now had the faith to believe that her 12-year-old daughter stood a chance for her miracle.

So how does this story apply to you today? How does it help you understand why your breakthrough is taking long?

Your miracle is the seed for someone else’s breakthrough.

Your miracle is not just for you. There is someone who will receive the faith to believe in God for their miracle. And God has given you the grace to handle your current situation. You might think that you are losing the battle. But in actuality, you are winning. Because truth be told, there is someone who would have folded under the pressure you are in right now. They would not have had the grace to endure. And maybe they would have forfeited the promise along the way.

But look at you. Here you are still going strong. Here you are still trusting God despite the immense disappointment. And here you are trying again, even after the setbacks. This is a miracle. Still holding on to that dream even after all these years. Honey, you are a miracle. You have what it takes. It is time for you to celebrate yourself for holding it together. Others would have crumbled yet you stand strong.

And it is because of this that God has you wait. Because He knows you can handle it, HE is preparing the other person to receive your story when you get to the other side. You will get to the other side. That’s for sure. God would never want you to go through this and not give you a testimony. He will take you through and you will be a Testament to many.

Look at the story of Naomi. She had lost her husband and sons, too. Her situation did not look redeemable. But through Ruth, her daughter-in-law, Naomi received her redemption. And because of that, there are people who right now are encouraged because of Naomi and Ruth’s resilience and faith in God. Let’s not forget that Naomi, for a while, was bitter, and she did not even think there was any hope left. She even changed her name to Mara because of the cup she had been dealt with. Yet in all these, we see her bounce back. And she was able to help Ruth find a mate. She became Ruth’s destiny connector.

Your miracle will be someone else’s seed to hold on to. That person will know that it is possible because you received yours. It could be your lineage that will benefit from this. Maybe God wants you to be the one to break the cycle, and that’s why you are going through this. Not everyone has to go through what you have gone through. And you could be the one God assigned to break the chain. So anytime you feel like giving up, I want you to remember that someone else out there, is counting on you to make it so that they can have the strength to break through.

You are not the only one who has a stake in it. Not that God has forgotten about you or does it care. It is simply a matter of timing. God will never make a promise He can’t keep. He is not a sadist. He wishes the very best for you. But He knows the importance of your story. And that is why He is allowing it.

This was why Jesus had to let Lazarus die, knowing that, it would devastate Mary and Martha. But as you read on the story in John 11, you realize that the whole reason was for the salvation of many. Through the resurrection of Lazarus, many came to the knowledge of Christ. So your story is tied to someone else’s breakthrough, miracle, and salvation and you owe it to them and yourself to get to the other side.

Can you imagine how bad you would feel when, at the end of your life, you realize just how much impact you would have made if you had just held on to the promise and persevered through the process? Don’t be like Esau. Hold on and be patient. Let patience do its work so that you may lack nothing.

It is normal to feel frustrated and even want to give up. But today I want to encourage you to press on. Ask the Holy Spirit for strength to endure so that you can win the race. He wants to help you so you might as well ask Him. Read on other people who had to wait for a long time. People like Abraham, Joseph, and David will encourage you to press on when it feels like all hope is lost. When you can’t go on remember that Abraham had to wait for 20+ years and through that God rewarded him by making him a father of many nations.

Also never forget that God will give you the time to enjoy the promise. You see, times and seasons belong to God. So you can never run out of time. God will ensure that you enjoy the promise. Abraham lived to see his son Isaac settle down. That is how good God is. He redeems the time. Joseph had 10+ years with his father Jacob before he died.

So don’t worry about the time you have lost or the years you think have gone to waste. God knows when and how He is going to redeem them.

Don’t be afraid to tell your story.

When God finally answers your prayers and gives you your breakthrough, don’t forget to testify about it. Remember, it is not just about you. There are others whose breakthroughs will be unlocked through your story. In the book of Revelation, the Bible tells us we will overcome by the Blood of Jesus and the power of our testimonies. There is power in your testimony. It might feel small but I promise you, it will encourage someone else. And this is why your breakthrough is taking long.

Do not let anyone silence you or diminish your story. It is yours. And just because one person does not believe in it doesn’t mean that no one believes in it. Do not allow the enemy to lie to you by telling you that your story does not matter. Because it does. Why do you think God took you through the situation, to begin with? He knows how much of a blessing it will be for other people. Go out there and share your testimony.


The reason your breakthrough is taking long is that there is someone who your story will touch. And God has to prepare their heart and also set the stage for them. They have to be ready to receive your story and miracle. God will redeem the time lost. And He is also preparing and refining you so that you can come out as gold. You are not alone, beloved. God is with you and He sees you are waiting for your miracle. Don’t quit. Just hold on because when the time is right, God will make it happen. You are where you are supposed to be. You will get to the other side. Just hang in there.

breakthrough is taking long

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too