3 keys to navigate the new season
Christian Journey,  Faith


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Are you in a new season? Are you wondering how to navigate the new season you are in? What do you do when the seasons change and what used to come naturally to you doesn’t anymore? What do you do when it seems like the time you used to have is no longer accessible and suddenly the time you used to spend with God becomes less? Suddenly, guilt overpowers you and you feel you are failing. Sometimes God takes us to new seasons and grounds without giving us a warning and it is easy to get lost in the transition. Often new seasons are difficult to decipher. It takes a while to catch up with what is going on, especially when you feel different but externally things still look the same.

When Joseph became the 2nd in command in Egypt, it just happened. Suddenly he was living in the promise and I can only imagine his transition. It happened so fast that he did not even have the time to adjust to the new season. He no longer had time as he used to and I don’t know if he struggled with making time, but with the responsibilities bestowed on him, it mustn’t have been easy.

Do you feel you are in a new season? Is time becoming a rare commodity to you? Are you struggling because the 3 hours you used to have to pray now seem impossible? Let me encourage you with this. Don’t fret maybe you are in a new season and there is some adjusting you have to do.

Sometimes new seasons come with a new way of doing things. You might find that the time you used to spend with God is not there anymore. And this can make you feel guilty. But today I want to encourage you by giving you practical keys you can use to spend time with God. But before I do, I want to say this.

Don’t forget that it is God who has taken you to that new season. And He knows you don’t have the time you used to. Not only that, but He understands as well. Now obviously, I am not advocating not spending time with God. After all, He is the One who can sustain you in the new season. And not only that, He can give you the strength, wisdom, and grace that you need to navigate the new season.

So it is imperative that you spend time with Him. But you also have to be realistic and not set yourself up for failure. You need to ask yourself some tough questions like How many hours or minutes can I set aside every day for uninterrupted time with God? Should I adjust the time from morning to evening or vice versa? Do I need to have different days for prayer and Bible study or can I do both daily? Asking yourself some of these questions will help you gain clarity on your time with God. Don’t leave it up to chance. This is because doing so will only hinder you from spending time with Him anyway since it is easier to push it forward.

If you find yourself feeling guilty, ask God to help you heal. This is because maybe you could be projecting your insecurities by viewing God with the same filters you used on others. God is not a human being. And He is not seeking perfection from you. After all, He wouldn’t want you to view the time you spend with Him as a chore. He wants you to delight when spending time with Him.

Asking God for inner healing will help you overcome the hurdle of trying to keep up when it just is not working. Even the book of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time for everything and that seasons change. Why would the same God who blessed you make you feel guilty for also seeking excellence in your new season? Again, I am not telling you not to spend time with God. What I am saying is that flexibility and adaptability are essential in your life. Anyway, let’s look at the 3 keys that will help you navigate the new season.

What do you do when you are in a new season? 3 Keys that will help you navigate the new season.


God takes us from glory to glory and with every level comes new assignments and roles. As we evolve and transform, our relationship with God will too and there are seasons when you will not have the hours you used to have, and that is okay. God knows the seasons we are in and He is interested more in quality than quantity. Are you sensitive to His leading? Can you discern when He is speaking? There are moments when God will speak to you in the mundane as you go about your life. Now I am not discarding the quiet time with God. I am saying that should you find yourself lost in the transition; you need not allow shame and guilt to overpower you.

Acceptance will also help you allow God into every area of your life. Having time set aside for fellowship with God is great, but so is inviting Him into the mundane as well. As you accept the new season and the shifts, you become even more creative on how you can spend time with God. Also, accepting the new season will help you stop focusing on the past.

The Israelites had a hard time accepting the new season. That was why they kept looking back and remembering the old times every time things got hard. Mind you, they were in bondage while in Egypt, so there was nothing good there. Who wants to be a slave, anyway? Yet there were moments they longed for the good old days.

Then the whole community of Israelites began complaining again. They complained to Moses and Aaron in the desert. They said, “It would have been better if the LORD had just killed us in the land of Egypt. At least there we had plenty to eat. We had all the food we needed. But now you have brought us out here into this desert to make us all die from hunger.” Then the LORD said to Moses, “I will cause food to fall from the sky. This food will be for you to eat.

Every day the people should go out and gather the food they need that day. I will do this to see if they will do what I tell them. Every day the people will gather only enough food for one day. But on Friday, when the people prepare their food, they will see that they have enough food for two days.” So Moses and Aaron said to the Israelites, “Tonight you will see the power of the LORD. You will know that he is the one who brought you out of Egypt. You have been complaining about the LORD, and he heard you.

Accepting that you are in a new season will help you not focus on the past. It is okay to mourn the old season. It is even okay to acknowledge the good times. But don’t stay stuck in the past. The more you focus on the past, the more you miss out on the good thing that God is doing. God is aways taking you from glory to glory, so your being in a new season means there is better for you on the other side of your acceptance.

Give yourself grace.

As you navigate the new season, you need to realize that you now have other things that God has placed in your life and it will take time for you to adjust. Be patient with yourself as you adapt and find your balance. And instead of focusing on the past, now find a time that you can set aside for God. It does not have to be 2 hours like it used to. Just ensure in that set time that you are fully present to glean from Him and get rejuvenated.

This is because if you don’t you will crash and burn in your new season. It might not be possible for you to spend time with God the times you used to, but can you do so at a different time? It is not the time of the day that matters, but the fact that you are present and ready to hear from Him

Let’s say that God has blessed you with your dream career and you work from morning to evening. Spending time with God at 2 pm might not be possible, so you will have to either do so in the morning or at night. The other option could be you splitting the time that is mornings and evenings. Give yourself that grace to adjust and find your rhythm.

Also, realize that you are in a new season and what worked in the past will not work now and that is okay too. Do not get stuck in what was that you forget to bask and enjoy what is. You are living your promise and it is God who blessed you with it, to begin with. God is doing a new thing, can you perceive it?

Embrace the new season.

Embracing the new season is key as you navigate the new season. God wants you to enjoy every blessing and opportunity He brings your way. He does not want you to dwell on what was. Instead, He wants you to see this new opportunity as a way to experience a new revelation of who He is to you. He says He delights in blessing you and fulfilling your desires. And He does that simply because He is your father and He loves you. So when God is shifting you into new seasons learn to embrace the joy and opportunities.

When David became king and started walking in His promise, He got to experience God in a new way. God was still his protector and sustained, but He got to experience God as the promise keeper and redeemer, too. He wants you to know Him in a new way and He does that by taking us through different seasons.

God does not want you to experience Him only in the wilderness where all you know about Him is being your comforter. He wants you to experience Him on your mountaintop, too. As you experience answers to your prayers and begin walking in the fullness of who God created you to be, you will discover God in new and exciting ways. And that is beautiful too. Will you embrace the new thing that God is doing in your life? Will you allow Him to take you through this beautiful and exciting journey? He wants to walk with you in your fullness, as He has heaps of His goodness in store for you. He does not want you to stay stuck in the past, dearly beloved.

Don’t allow the enemy to make you feel guilty for actually enjoying the blessing that God has given you. For God to bless you means He can trust you. Therefore, you will figure it all out and find a rhythm that works for you. You don’t have to do it the way every other person is doing it. Ask God to show you how you can navigate the new season without neglecting Him. It is time for you to surrender, let go of the old, and embrace the new.


God has so much more for you and me. He has a beautiful journey in store for you and He wants you to partner with Him as you navigate this new season. Do not be afraid to enjoy the blessings He has bestowed upon you. And also do not forget Him as you live in your promise. Remember you can offer your day as a sacrifice to God. Whether it is your eating, working, or whatever the case may be offer it to Him as a love offering.

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

Romans 12:1‭-‬2 MSG

As you can see from the above scripture, God wants you to embrace the new season as that will bring Him glory. Some people will come to the knowledge of God through your testimony and your elevation. Let God lead you in every way and thank Him for the blessings you have now, as well as what He’s done in the past. Be flexible and step into what God is calling you to. Embrace the person you are becoming and confidently take on the role God is bestowing upon you. It is your season to shine, so go on and be great.

Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19 NKJV

Have you been feeling guilty for not spending time with God like you used to? I hope this blog helped bring clarity to your life on how to navigate the new season. Today I want to encourage you to go easy on yourself. Rome was not built in a day. Therefore, you cannot have everything figured out at once. You will find the rhythm. Right now, take it a day at a time. And remember, the same things that worked before will not work now. This is because you are in a new season and you will need to create new habits. Be flexible and learn to adapt. God trusts you. Do you trust yourself? You don’t have to figure it all out on your own. Allow Him to help you figure it out. He wants to walk with you every step of the way. Make room for the new.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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