the waiting season
Faith,  Spiritual growth in the wilderness and waiting season

When the waiting season is never-ending.

How long have you been waiting for the promises of God over your life? Do you feel like your waiting season is never-ending? When the waiting seems long, what do you do? Isn’t it funny how, as human beings, we assume that when God gives us a promise, He will fulfill it immediately? But what do you do when you get to where you know it is time for the manifestation of the promise and still no fruit? God told Elijah that it would rain and the drought was over. But the rain did not come immediately. In fact, it took Elijah travailing 7 times before a sign of the manifestation of the promise could materialize.

Mind you, God was the one who told him of the coming rain. Maybe, like Elijah, God has given you a promise that your drought season is over. But everything around you looks the same, and it almost looks ridiculous to speak God’s promise over your life. The waiting can be long and exhausting.

Let me ask you this,

Have you been believing in the things that God has promised you to come to pass? Numbers 23:19 says that God is not a man that He should lie nor the son of man that He should repent. Has He not spoken and will He not do it? God always fulfills His word. Even when you and I are faithless, He remains faithful because He will never change. But the reality is God’s timing, and ours is different. To God, 1000 years is like a day to Him.

Because God is not limited to time, He does things according to His timings and nothing ever catches Him by surprise. God gave Joseph a dream at 17 that came to pass when he was 30 years old. Abraham waited for 20+ years before God gave him his son Isaac and mind you this was God’s promise to Him. God will one way or another take us through a longer route to our promise land because He wants us to go through a preparation process. Although God is Sovereign, He will always take you and me through a process, and it is always for our own benefit. When the waiting season is never-ending, there are a few things God wants you to know.

So let us look at some reasons God might take you through a waiting season that is ‘never-ending’.

Do you feel like you have waited for many years for your promises to come to pass? Have you gone weary in the waiting, do you feel like giving up? No one wants to wait and because we live in a microwave generation where everything is a click away, waiting feels foreign. And if we were honest with ourselves, we would admit that God is always right in making us wait. So why does He do that?

To refine you

God will never give you something you are not ready for. His will is for none to perish and that is why He patiently waits for you to get in the right headspace, where you can receive what He has promised. When your waiting season is never-ending, God wants to refine you in the process. There are things that you have to prepare to ensure that you steward it best once you have it. When athletes are preparing for a competition, they always practice. And most often, the training is simulated in such a way that it mirrors the actual competition. In doing that, it fully equipped them for the competition and, because of the discipline instilled in the training sessions, they can easily handle the wins, fame, and celebrations that come after they win.

Because of how hard they worked for the trophy, the win does not get in over their head and this is because of the discipline instilled during the training. For you not to perish in the promised land and get carried away, God will take you through a waiting season to prepare you for what you prayed for. You will appreciate your promise more when you work a little harder for it and you will carefully steward it because you understand the price you had to pay.

To equip you.

The reason why your waiting season is never-ending is that God is equipping you for your next. Whatever you prayed for requires a skilled you. If you have been praying to be a leader, God will equip you with the skills needed. You cannot just wake up one morning and become a leader. No! There is a process to it. This oftentimes is the reason why some promises take long. God is a loving father who will never give you something that will destroy you. He has to make sure that you are prepared for what you are praying for. There are skills that you can only acquire and learn in waiting.

Patience, endurance, humility, faith, and empathy are often cultivated and developed in the waiting season. It takes courage and patience for you to hold on to a promise for long without seeing its manifestation. Joseph could handle the limelight because of the humility and endurance, he gained while in the waiting season. Faith is a muscle that you can only work on while you are in waiting. How else will you exercise your faith if you do not have to wait for what you have prayed for?

To learn to lean on God.

There are revelations that God will only reveal to you while you are in the valley. Learning to hear God’s voice is a skill learned best while you are in waiting. The reason why the waiting season is never-ending is that God wants you to learn to trust Him. This is because you will often hear God clearly when there are no other NOISES. And often when you are waiting for God, the other voices easily fade in the background. Imagine how much confidence Abraham must have had in God for him to trust that God would give him a son in his old age. Abraham learned firsthand that God was a promise keeper, and He dies the impossible because He did it for him. How else would you have the faith to believe God for the impossible if you hadn’t heard of the impossible things He had done for others?

To bring glory to God.

God wants you to rely on Him alone, so He will get you in a season of waiting that will allow you to look to Him alone. God will waste no season and everything He does is so that it will bring Him glory and draw people to Him. Through your story, there will be people who will come to the knowledge of God. So beloved, do not give up while you are in the waiting season.

Everything God does is to reveal Himself to you and also to bring Him glory. And every season you go through reveals a specific aspect of who He is to the world. Through your victories, people, in turn, look to God and praise Him.

To exceed your expectation.

Every time in scripture God made someone wait, He blew their mind by exceeding their expectation. God will never take you through a season without having something good come out of it. God exceeded their expectations despite the trouble the Israelites faced in Egypt while Moses was trying to get them out. Not only were they’d delivered from Pharaoh, but God gave them their wages and they all left wealthier than they started off. This all came because of the pain that they had experienced.

Hannah waited so long for a son, but when finally God came through for her, He gave her a son who became a renowned prophet. Not only that, God blessed her with 5 more children. When Job went through a season of testing, it looked like he had lost it all. But when God restored it, He gave him better and more than he had. And not only that, but God also prolonged his life and years. Jacob lost 25 years with his son Joseph but when God reconnected them, the years were compensated and Jacob even got to see his grandkids. If God is making you wait longer than you expected, it is time for you to get excited.

God is the God of restoration and there is no way that your former years will be greater than your latter. He is the author and finisher of your faith, and He always has splendid plans for your life. When Jesus restored your relationship with God, you automatically qualified as a candidate of grace, inheritance, power, influence, and fellowship and union With God through eternal life. God has a plan and purpose for you. He always has better than what you lost.

Final thought

Do you have areas in your life where God is making you wait for? Have you waited for so long and even grown weary in the waiting? Don’t lose hope. You have come too far to give up now. Remember that God always watches over His word to perform it and His word never goes back void until it accomplishes everything God sent it out to do. I know people have disappointed you, but God never will.

As long as you are alive, know that God has a plan for you and He will never leave you high and dry. His word says that those who trust in Him will never be disappointed. You can trust His word because He who has spoken is faithful. His words have been tested and tried. Do not give up on the promises that God has given you. Tomorrow could be the day that everything works out. Just like the Holy Spirit came suddenly, so will your promise come. Keep believing and trusting in God. Decree the word of God and what He has spoken over you.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too