Christian Journey,  Faith


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In Exodus 14, God hardened the heart of Pharaoh, so he went after the Israelites. His reason was that he had let the Israelites go, yet they were his and his peoples’ laborers. When the Israelites saw the Egyptians coming after them, they were frightened and regretted their decision to leave Egypt, Pharaoh came after them with chariots and an army. The Israelites did not feel qualified to fight them. They could not be still. Sometimes we can allow past bondages to control us, although God has already set us free. What the Israelites failed to realize was that with God on their side, they had nothing to fear. God is Sovereign.

The scripture continues to tell us that the pillar of fire that was leading the Israelites moved to the back. This pillar acted as a barrier between the Israelites and the Egyptians, this prevented the Egyptians from crossing over. God can decide not to take you away from a situation but provide a hedge of protection that will shield you from harm.

Moses, their leader, gave them a God-inspired instruction. He told them not to fear because God would fight for them and deliver them. The second thing he told them was that, the Egyptians they feared would be a thing of the past. All He wanted them to do was to be still.

Be still Definition

Be still means to stop striving, relax, rest, and just yield. God wanted the Israelites to experience freedom from activity and labor.

Has life worn you down and do you feel you cannot go on? God is telling you to rest and relax and watch Him bring you to the other side victorious. He is a powerful God who cares about you and wants to help you in your battles. Maybe you have forgotten who you are. God wants to remind you who He is and who you are to Him. When the Israelites saw the Egyptian army, they lost all hope and for a moment they forgot who God was to them. Can you imagine them doubting even after all the miracles they had experienced whilst in Egypt? They had seen plagues attack the Egyptians and God preserved them from the same. And despite all that, they doubted God.

Now before you go throwing stones at them, haven’t we all done that? Found ourselves in seemingly impossible situations and forgot that the same God who did it in the past will do it again? Do not condemn yourself for doing that, just pick yourself up and go back to that place of faith. God is waiting on you to trust Him, and you will see Him do impossible things in your life. Just be still.

Points to note from this chapter.

First, I would like to tell you that before God can give you total deliverance, you will experience situations that will make you think you are back to your previous circumstances. When the Israelites saw the Egyptians, it mentally took them back to Egypt. They felt they would always be slaves to them and would never be free. Are you experiencing a situation that seems all too familiar, and it tempts you to think it will never change? Well, I am here to tell you that is a lie. God tells us that our latter days will always be greater than our former. He also tells us who the Son sets free is free indeed. No situation is permanent. Look at the Israelites’ example, they were slaves for 400+ years and God delivered them.

It gets worse before it can get better. Before the Israelites experienced total deliverance, they had to face the same people who had tormented them for years. God wanted them to be still in Him. Before God can break that cycle in your life, He will take you through it again. This is because unless you face your demons once and for all, there will always be a fear in you that will keep you from moving forward. God will take you to the place that broke you so that He can bring healing and deliverance into your life. God made the Israelites deal with the Egyptians one more time. Then the most amazing thing happened, He destroyed the Egyptians by drowning them. Obviously, when this happened, the Israelites knew they were free from them completely.

Stillness and Rest in God!

When God delivers you, He will take you out of the situation entirely and He will make sure that you never go back. He will burn those bridges completely. Trusting God will come with uncomfortable instructions. The Israelites were told to cross the sea. Imagine walking in between 2 walls of water and trusting that the water will hold. The Israelites had to trust that God’s way was better than dealing with the Egyptians. Their level of trust was at 100. Or maybe they realized they were between a rock and a hard place. And so they did it, anyway. Is that what you are experiencing now? God is asking you to trust Him. Do what He is asking you to and even if you are afraid- Do it afraid.

Resting in God means trusting Him fully: Total surrender and reliance on Him. God wants to deliver you, but He will not do it unless you let go and trust Him. God’s rest will lead you to unfamiliar paths. His deliverance will come with some messy circumstances. But I want you to know that in all that mess will emerge something beautiful and precious and once you get to the other side, you will be so glad you never gave up.

I don’t know about you, but I want to give God my yes and fully trust Him. Will you do it as well? You can trust God because He always has the best plans for you. He wants you to experience abundance, healing, and deliverance. But sometimes it will mean going back to those hard places so that He can heal you and grant you victory.

StillYour yes to God will change your life and the problems (difficulties, trials, etc) you see today you will see them no more!!

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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