Would you like to know the reward for your generosity and kindness? I know your generosity does not stem from a desire for reward rather, it stems from a heart posture. Still, I would like to help you understand the effect of your generosity.
- Characteristics of a generous person.
- What is the real reason behind not helping others?
- Fear that they will become better than us.
- The Shunamite woman as an example of how kindness pays off.
- That one act led to her receiving answers to her prayers in 3 instances.
- Lessons to learn.
- Your act of kindness will precede you.
- Just do what you can do
- God fulfills desires.
- You reap what you sow.
- Final thought.
- Remember this.
Generosity is one quality that helps one get over self. When you go out of your way to help others, you inadvertently suppress your selfish tendencies, which are the norm. Let’s look at the definition of generosity.
Definition of Generosity.
According to Google, Generosity is defined as the virtue of being liberal in giving. It is also referred to as the quality of being kind, understanding, and a willingness to share with the less fortunate.
The biblical definition of generosity.
In the Bible, generosity is referred to as a lifestyle where you get to share who you are and what you have as a way to demonstrate the love of God to others in response to the Grace you have received from God.
Generosity stems from an understanding that all we have and who we are is not ours to possess, but we recognize that we are God’s stewards. The realization that we are stewards humbles us enough to know that what you have is a gift and you have been entrusted with it to share with those that don’t have it.
Generosity is not a natural response to most human beings and as such, it is a skill that can be learned. In what ways can you help someone and make his or her life a little bit better? It does not have to be in monetary form, it could be an act of kindness like lending a hand to someone who is feeling overwhelmed. You can be generous with your time and offer someone a shoulder to lean on. Habit is learned from doing simple things consistently and for a period of time.
True generosity, however, comes from the revelation of God’s grace and love for you. After all, you can only give out what you have. The realization of the extravagant love of God and endless grace will spark a desire to want to see someone else experience the same. In turn, it will lead to you becoming generous because you will want to see someone else’s life get better.
One way to learn about God’s love and grace is by reading the Bible. In there, you will find instances where God expressed his unconditional love to human beings and that means to you too. This kind of generosity comes from a being mentality and not a works mentality. God did it for you that’s why you are extending it to others. And this kind of generosity becomes a part of who you are.
Characteristics of a generous person.
This is the art of giving without expecting something in return. A generous person is people-focused and not self-focused. He or she does not allow 0ersonal gain to motivate him or her to do good. They create a culture of hospitality.
A generous person believes that the world can get better
Generous people believe that although the world is imperfect, it can get better. And they use their actions as a way to help others see the world in a better light. This also means they are grateful people because they focus on what they do have and don’t have an entitlement mentality hence their desire to help others.
The generous person is not afraid to lead and they do so by setting an example to support the cause they are standing up for. In this case, they will not wait for someone else to do it when they are in a position to because they know it is their responsibility to help. They are action takers.
They are willing to open themselves up and be vulnerable, which means they have to have some level of trust in people to enable them to see the good in others that warrant them to take action.
There is enough room for you and me to succeed. And your success will never take away from someone else’s and vice versa. Why is it we don’t want to help others, especially when we can help? Why do we deem it an inconvenience to help someone else? How many times have you and I seen someone we could help and chose not to? Why do we do that?
What is the real reason behind not helping others?
Why do we not help others when we have a chance?
Fear that they will become better than us.
Sometimes the fear of having someone become better than you could cause you not to want to help them. Maybe you are in an environment that has opportunities you know could benefit someone else. And instead of letting them know of the opportunity, you stayed silent. While our culture has become more individualistic than years prior, we should not allow it to dictate our behavior. So what they become better than you? Won’t it be a good thing? Who knows what the future holds? Maybe the position they hold will get you out of a critical situation.
The Shunamite woman as an example of how kindness pays off.
Look at the story of the Shunamite woman. She realized that Elisha and his servant did not have a permanent place to stay whenever they came to her town, and so she gave them one. And it was through this act of kindness that she received an answer to her prayer. She and her husband, although very wealthy, were childless. And because of the agony of it all, she buried that desire. She basically learned how to live with that trauma caused by her disappointment.
Do you have a desire so deeply hidden because of the disappointments brought about by years of pursuing it with no fruit?. Maybe you desired a certain career, but because of the countless rejection letters, you decide to let it go thinking it’s not for you. And no matter how much you try, deep down you still feel the pain of the unmet dream? Elisha, wanting to repay her for her kindness, asked his servant what to do for the lady and his servant mentioned her not having children. So Elisha called the woman and told her that by that time the following year, she would have a child.
So imagine having to revive her hidden desire of having a child. She was terrified of hoping again. She did not think she had it in her to put her faith out there, knowing very well the outcome she had had in the past. But true to Elisha’s word, the Shunamite woman conceived and bore a child. So one act of kindness from her led to her receiving her greatest desire. She did what she could to ease the pressure and stress from Elisha and his servant, and because of that, her prayer was answered. And that was not all.
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That one act led to her receiving answers to her prayers in 3 instances.
The first one was the birth of her son. The second one was the resurrection of her son. Years later, as the son and father were in the field, the boy had a severe migraine that led to his death. So the woman went to the room that belonged to Elisha and placed the dead son there. Then rushed to go to Elisha. Yet again, because of her one act of kindness, Elisha prayed to God and her son came back to life.
The third instance was Elisha warned her of impending drought and so she went to seek refuge in the Philistines. But after the drought season was over, she came back and found out that other people had taken her property. She no longer had a home and her husband must have died as they do not mention him in the scripture, so she had no one to fight for her. Again, because of her generosity that preceded her, the king instructed that her belongings are returned to her including the produce from the field and profits earned the entire period she was away. In the third instance, it was Elisha’s servant who spoke about her kindness to the king, and this led to her restoration.
Lessons to learn.
Your act of kindness will precede you.
This simply means that you should not count it as a loss when you help someone who needs you because that is a seed you are planting. You will never know when and where you will need it. The Shunammite woman was just being generous, offering the spare room she had. But that minor act gave her a harvest in 3 different seasons.
Just do what you can do
You might not have much, but there is always something you can do to help others. So use what you have. The Shunammite woman had an empty room and wealth and she used that to help Elisha and his servant. This touched God and in turn, God did what only He can do. In all 3 instances, the Shunammite woman lacked the ability to get herself out of the predicament she was in. She was helpless, but because of her kind deeds, she was assisted.
Your kindness will speak for you in places you have not even set foot in. Don’t despise the small thing you do to ease someone’s load. The Bible says that when you throw your bread in the water, you will reap it after many days. And no good deed goes unrewarded. God is always watching, and He notes all the time you have helped. And although it might not be immediate, you will receive a harvest for the seed sown.
God fulfills desires.
The Shunammite woman desired to have a son and, although it took time, she had her hope fulfilled. God wants to fulfill the desires He has placed inside you. Do not give up on the promises that God has spoken over you. It might have delayed and taken longer than you would have wanted, but every desire God has placed inside you will surely come to pass. I am sure that the Shunammite woman did not even think that God would ever fulfill her desire. But God had other plans, and she finally had a son. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled brings joy.
God knows what you need, and He sees the pain inside you. He wants to heal that wound that came because of the disappointment and hope deferred. But you have a role to play. What will you do as you wait for your answer to come forth? There could be an assignment that will unlock your blessing. Again, as human beings we are limited and unfortunately, we do not have answers to everything. But there is someone out there who can help you in that area you are struggling in. The question remains, will you look outside of yourself and help someone else in need? Your kindness will precede you and speak for you.
You reap what you sow.
The Bible says that God is not mocked, whatever a man sows, that He shall reap. Do you want people to be there for you in your time of need? Then be there for them in their time of need. Sow with intentionality. The truth of the matter is that we can never out-give God. And although our focus should not be helping to get something in return, God guarantees a reward for our kindness. What seeds are you sowing? Are you helping others? Have you put a smile on someone’s face today? In what ways can you show kindness to other people?
Final thought.
Your act of kindness will go a long way and it will come back to you. Look at Joseph as an example. He interpreted the dreams of the butler and baker because he saw how distraught they were. And because of that, his kindness led to his elevation. Can you be there for someone in need even when you are in need? God wants you to keep on doing good. Do not grow weary in doing good because you will reap if you faint not.
When a farmer plants a seed, they do so with the expectation of a harvest. And when they plant apple seeds, they expect apple fruits. So what seeds are you planting? Because what you sow is what you reap. If you have not been planting the right seeds, just ask God for forgiveness. He says that He is faithful and just to forgive when we confess our sins to Him.
So just repent and ask Him to forgive you and give you a clean slate and He will. Then ask the Holy Spirit to help you identify ways you can be of service to others and He will. Once He does that, take the first step and do what He tells you to do. Take the time out and be kind to someone today. Use what you have to bring a smile to someone. It doesn’t have to be grand, minor acts of kindness are enough too. And remember, your act of kindness is a seed you sow that will speak for you in your time of need. Always remember that there is a reward for your generosity.
Remember this.
God always blesses those who are kind to the poor and helpless. They’re the first ones God helps when they find themselves in any trouble. The Lord will preserve and protect them. They’ll be honored and esteemed while their enemies are defeated. When they are sick, God will restore them, lying upon their bed of suffering. He will raise them up again and restore them back to health.
That is a promise from God to you today. Do not lose hope. Keep doing good and trust that God will reward you in due season.
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