Christian Journey,  Faith


What character do you need to embody in the waiting season? We experience circumstances that cause us to lose the essence of who we are. And we end up living in a way that we should not have to begin with. But even as we wait to get the answer to prayers, there is a way we need to position ourselves and we have people we can glean from. An example of such a person was David in the Bible.

When David was about 15 years old (age estimated by Bible scholars), Samuel anointed him as king of Israel. Now, just because he was anointed, does not mean he became king immediately. In fact, we are told he did not become king until he was 30 years old, that was 15 years later. You would think that after he was anointed as king, his family would treat him like one. Unfortunately, that was not the case. He still went on with the chores that he used to do.

Samuel Anoints David

ย Theย Lordย said to Samuel, โ€œHow long will you mournย for Saul since I have rejectedย him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oilย and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesseย of Bethlehem. I have chosenย one of his sons to be king.โ€

2ย But Samuel said, โ€œHow can I go? If Saul hears about it, he will kill me.โ€ Theย Lordย said, โ€œTake a heifer with you and say, โ€˜I have come to sacrifice to theย Lord.โ€™ย 3ย Invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will showย you what to do. You are to anointย for me the one I indicate.โ€ 4ย Samuel did what theย Lordย said. When he arrived at Bethlehem,ย the elders of the town trembledย when they met him. They asked, โ€œDo you come in peace?โ€

5ย Samuel replied, โ€œYes, in peace; I have come to sacrifice to theย Lord. Consecrateย yourselves and come to the sacrifice with me.โ€ Then he consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice. 6ย When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliabย and thought, โ€œSurely theย Lordโ€™s anointed stands here before theย Lord.โ€ 7ย But theย Lordย said to Samuel, โ€œDo not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. Theย Lordย does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance,ย but theย Lordย looks at the heart.โ€

8ย Then Jesse called Abinadabย and had him pass in front of Samuel. But Samuel said, โ€œTheย Lordย has not chosen this one either.โ€ย 9ย Jesse then had Shammahย pass by, but Samuel said, โ€œNor has theย Lordย chosen this one.โ€ย 10ย Jesse had seven of his sons pass before Samuel, but Samuel said to him, โ€œTheย Lordย has not chosen these.โ€ย 11ย So he asked Jesse, โ€œAre these allย the sons you have?โ€ โ€œThere is still the youngest,โ€ Jesse answered. โ€œHe is tending the sheep.โ€

Samuel said, โ€œSend for him; we will not sit down until he arrives.โ€ 12ย So heย sent for him and had him brought in. He was glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsomeย features. Then theย Lordย said, โ€œRise and anoint him; this is the one.โ€ 13ย So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointedย him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of theย Lordย came powerfully upon David.ย Samuel then went to Ramah.

This is actually evident because he went back and forth tending his father’s sheep, and playing the harp for Saul whenever he had the evil spirit come upon him. So from the Bible, it is clear that David still held on to his duties even after he was anointed.

David in Saulโ€™s Service

14ย Now the Spirit of theย Lordย had departedย from Saul, and an evilย spiritย from theย Lordย tormented him. 15ย Saulโ€™s attendants said to him, โ€œSee, an evil spirit from God is tormenting you.ย 16ย Let our lord command his servants here to search for someone who can play the lyre.ย He will play when the evil spirit from God comes on you, and you will feel better.โ€ 17ย So Saul said to his attendants, โ€œFind someone who plays well and bring him to me.โ€

18ย One of the servants answered, โ€œI have seen a son of Jesseย of Bethlehem who knows how to play the lyre. He is a brave man and a warrior.ย He speaks well and is a fine-looking man. And theย Lordย is withย him.โ€ 19ย Then Saul sent messengers to Jesse and said, โ€œSend me your son David, who is with the sheep.โ€ย 20ย So Jesse took a donkey loaded with bread,ย a skin of wine, and a young goat and sent them with his son David to Saul.

21ย David came to Saul and entered his service.ย Saul liked him very much, and David became one of his armor-bearers.ย 22ย Then Saul sent word to Jesse, saying, โ€œAllow David to remain in my service, for I am pleased with him.โ€ 23ย Whenever the spirit from God came on Saul, David would take up his lyre and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spiritย would leave him.

What are some of the Character traits exemplified by David?

Patience and humility.

David still went on with his duties, even after Samuel anointed him as king. He still tended to his father’s sheep and also played the harp for Saul, whom he was to take over. Can you imagine going to the same palace as a servant, knowing very well that it should be you on that throne? Not once did David complain or fail to do his duties. But he patiently waited for God’s green light and, because of that, he was exalted. God tells us to humble ourselves and He will be the one to lift us. We also know that God hates the proud, but He is pleased with the humble. Will you like David to continue serving as you wait for your turn?

God will always keep His promises. And when He gives us a word, He is faithful to bring it to pass. But we know that there is always a process before the promise. Because God’s desire is not for us to get the promise, but more so for us not to lose ourselves because of the promise. God does not want us to lose our salvation. Therefore, He will delay in getting us to the place He promised. This is until our character can match the level He is taking us. And one more thing, I want to encourage you to serve with diligence as though you are working for the Lord. Do the best you can. As you are faithful with someone else’s blessing, God will bring you yours.


When his father sent him to take food to his brothers, he did not complain, but obeyed and did it. God wants us to obey those He has placed in authority over us. God commands us to honor and respect our leaders. So wherever He has placed us we must respect those above us. Where has God placed you in this season? Maybe God has placed you in a ministry, but you feel you should run your own. In the meantime, serve and glean from the leaders in your current ministry. And as you do so, learn from them whatever God wants you to. And in due season, He will reward you if you do not give up.

The Bible also commands us to respect our parents and honor them as this is the first commandment with a promise so that all may go well with you and you may live long.

Hard worker

He still did the chores given to him with excellence and he did not lazy around. After all, God, through Samuel, had anointed David as king. As a leader, David knew he would be the one to lead his army to battle and so while he was in the field looking after his father’s sheep, he perfected his craft by killing the bear and the lion. He could not have killed Goliath if he had not first handled the bear and lion. Are you perfecting your craft and skills to match the place God wants to take you? We know God desires to partner with us and He will not do our work for us. He also says that He is not mocked, for whatever we sow is what we will reap.

What skills do you need to take with you to your promised land? Have you learned it whether it is through taking courses online or even researching on google, you need to be mastering your craft? The only way God will elevate you is when you practice and learn so that when an opportunity arises, you will be ready. Because David knew how to take care of and protect his father’s sheep, he could also protect the Israelites when their enemies threatened them.

Can you lead the team that God wants to place under you with excellence? Will you protect them and be their covering? Can you lead by example? Whatever it is you are praying to God for, you need to prepare for it and be the best you can be at it. Remember, God is always watching and He will not unveil you prematurely.

In communion with God

The Spirit of God was upon him always and we know God will only dwell where He is welcome and so for the Spirit of God to dwell with him, we can agree that David had a deep reverence for God. For you to experience lasting victory, you need to have a relationship with God where you can hear Him for yourself. David could defeat Goliath because he was sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Because David had an intimate relationship with God, God gave him victory over Goliath.

In the natural realm, it did not seem possible for David to kill Goliath, but because of David’s connection with God, he did. Do you have a relationship with God? Can you trust God’s leading even when faced with an impossible situation? It is not by might or by power, but by the Spirit of God. David was not afraid of Goliath or even the bear and lion because he had the confidence that God would always be with him.

David’s confidence came not from his skills, but from the fact that God was always with him and was the one protecting and fighting through him. Today, I want to encourage you to commune with God and allow Him to lead you in every area of your life. He says that He will level the ground before you, but for Him to do that, you have to be connected to Him through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the vine and you are the branch. Apart from Him, you can do nothing. This simply means that as long as you abide in Jesus, there is nothing that will be impossible for you. And even when you face impossible situations in your purpose and calling, you can trust that He will guide you and give you strategies that will help you to come out victorious.


Has God spoken something to you and given you a promise and it seems like your circumstances do not reflect the promise? If so, then just look at David’s example and character and follow them and as you do so, God will exalt you and get you to your place of promise. Be encouraged in the Lord and know that God is not a man and that He should lie and when He says something, He will definitely fulfill it because all His promises are yes, and Amen in Christ Jesus.

As you wait, I want to encourage you to remain faithful and be patient because God will come through for you. If you want to discern the season you are in check out my blog posts on how to discern the season you are in, how to discern a pregnant pause and how to discern the times. Until next time, Be blessed.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too