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Christian Journey,  Faith


Who are you? When asked this question, we give our name, qualification, skills, role in society and family, and sometimes even the labels given to us by others. We rarely describe ourselves based on God’s perception of us, and because of that, we have built invisible ceilings for ourselves. Yes, you are a daughter, son, husband, wife, manager, CEO, preacher, mentor, etc. But that’s not all you are. I know you are about to tell me you know, but really do you? How many times have you talked yourself out of something because you feel you people like you can’t do it? Today I want to remind you of this truth, that’s not all you are. There is so much inside you that God wants to reveal to you and through you.

It’s funny how we assume that because we’ve not seen our tribe ( I mean clique) do something, we imagine it can’t be done. But has it ever occurred to you that maybe God wants you to be the one to pave the way for the others? Sure it looks like it can’t be done, but you will not be doing it alone and His guidance will get you to the other side.

3 people who broke their own limitations.

  • Moses did not think he could lead because he stammered and felt inadequate. But when he surrendered his inadequacy to God, God empowered him. Moses discovered that there was more in him than he knew. God used Moses mightily to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses thought that the best he could do was be a shepherd in the wilderness. He was on the run after all. Can you imagine coming from a palace to now shepherding the flock? But God had improved plans for him. God did not wait for Moses to get the confidence and courage he required to deliver the Israelites. God met him where he was and empowered him when he was at his lowest. Moses had run away from Egypt after realizing that the people he was called to save had rejected him. You see he had killed an Egyptian to protect an Israelite because the Israelites were being oppressed. But instead of the Israelites appreciating him, they jeered at him thinking he wanted to be their ruler. They even asked him who made him ruler over them. Moses lived in the wilderness because he did not think there was anything better for him. He was there for 40 years before God called him back to his purpose.
  • After Moses died, Joshua doubted his ability to take over. He doubted his ability to have people obey and heed his instructions. But Joshua was the one who got them to the promised land. Joshua was comfortable being Moses’ assistant. God, however, proved to Joshua that he had it in him to lead the Israelites.
  • Once Esther got to the palace, she was comfortable being the queen and she thought that that was all she would always be. God, however, had other plans. He wanted to use her position to deliver the Jews from the jaws of death. Esther did not realize the power and authority she had and it took Mordecai to get her out of that thinking.

How to get out of your limitations and grow into what God has for you and discover that’s not all you are!

Let me ask you this: have you had moments like Moses where because of rejection you’ve doubted yourself and your capabilities? Or maybe like Joshua, you’ve felt inadequate and wondered if even you had what it takes. Maybe, like Esther, you have allowed your past to prevent you from seeing your authority now. Maybe God has opened doors for you, but because of your past limitations, you find yourself thinking that you don’t have the power to change a situation. So what will you do? How do you get past your limitations?

Identify the limitations you have placed on yourself to help you discover that’s not all you are.

How many times have you said you can’t do something? Maybe your excuse has been your age, or maybe you do not feel qualified. First off, when God calls you to something, He will equip you. Again, we know God will not share His glory with another, hence if you feel unqualified, know that you are the best candidate for the job. What limiting conclusive sentences have you been speaking over your life? If Jeff Bezos had limited himself to working at Wallstreet as a computer scientist, there would be no Amazon. Could you be depriving the world of one of the best inventions because you do not want to smell the roses on the other side? It is never too late and you are not too young or too old to start afresh.

God always has amazing paths and plans for you and me and one of the ways we can access these opportunities is by first identifying the limiting beliefs and changing our mindset

Reframe your mind

For you to actually get out of the limiting mindset, changing your mindset will be vital for you. And one of the ways you can do that is by fasting. Fasting is denying yourself something often times food and entertainment so as to seek God and renew your mind and soul. Esther gained the confidence she needed to go and help change the fate of the Jews. She knew she could not do it on her own. You see often times we think that when we fast, we are only doing it to please God but often times when we fast we are denying ourselves something and God in turn is filling us and replenishing us because we have yielded to Him. Clarity, boldness, strength, purpose,

Revelations all come through fasting. That’s not the only way though, but if you are lacking in these things and you feel led to fast, it could be that God wants to give you what you are lacking in. So you might as well give it a try. I know you are tired of doing things in your own strength so today I want to encourage you to give fasting a try. Fasting will help you silence every other noise and in turn heat God clearly. And when God speaks it will take you doing what He is telling you to get the limitations out.

Another way you can refrain your mind is by reading the Bible. Often times the limitations come from the beliefs that we have developed over the years. The beliefs sometimes could stem from your own experiences or other people’s experiences. Just because someone else was not able to do something doesn’t mean you will not be able to even if they come from your family.

You should never allow other people’s limitations to become yours too. Another thing you need to realize is that just because something did not work before does not mean it will not work now. Sometimes the issue is that it was not the right time. So don’t allow a past experience to get you to think that will always be your reality. Get that out of your mind. Moses’ plan of rescuing the Israelites did not work the first time, but when the right time came, it worked and he was able to deliver them. Could it be that God did not say no, He only said not yet? Ponder on that.

Reading the Bible will also help you replace the limitations with the truth. The truth is that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. The truth is that you have a purpose and a destiny and God wants you to fulfill it. God has grand plans for you and He always wants to take you from glory to glory. What limiting beliefs could you be holding on to? Today, I want to encourage you to find scriptures that counter those beliefs and personalize them. The Bible is not a storybook. Its words have power and are living so as you speak these words, faith will come alive and you will confidently walk into what God has called you to.

Another thing to note is that just because you have been in a certain field for years doesn’t mean that you can’t step into a different one and excel in that one too. You could be in finance now, but maybe God is calling you to be a coach. It doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Don’t allow a field to define you. You are way more than that field.

Take the leap of faith.

Just start doing it. You might not be fully skilled, but the truth is you will never be ready. The good thing, however, is that once you start, you will learn along the way. And you will also tweak your idea along the way by changing strategies and eventually get a hang of it. We are always growing and changing, so your idea will not stay the same. But as long as you start, you will grow and change with it. Do not be afraid to take that leap of faith. Remember, He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it. When you give God that yes, you will get to do things that you never even thought possible. But it has to start with you taking that leap of faith and getting out of your comfort zone.

Moses had to get over himself to fulfill his purpose. Joshua had to do it anyway, even while doubting. You know often times people make it look like you can only do what God is calling you to do when you are confident enough. But that’s not true. Often it will take you to do something scared. It will take you to take that leap of faith while still harboring doubt. Moses had so many excuses for why he was not the perfect person for the job, yet God still used him.

God used Moses despite his doubt and God wants to do the same for you too. There will be voices inside you that will tell you you are not capable or the best person for the job. But guess what if God has called you to it, He knows you are the best person for the job. And to be honest, that’s what really matters. Focus on what God is telling you. He is the one who created you so He knows you are the best person for the job.

Trust in God will help you know more about yourself and realize that that’s not all you are.

It’s okay if you do not trust your abilities. You can always trust God, He is after all who will see you through it all. You do not have to have it all figured out, He does. And also the best part is, He is okay with you doing it scared as long as you put your trust in Him. Because His word says that those who trust in God will never be put to shame.

All Moses needed to do was give God that yes, and God empowered him to do the rest. God wants to help you start this new journey, and He is waiting on you to give Him your yes. It is different; it looks scary, but He is with you so you are not alone. This is a new chapter of your life and if you let God be your co-author, you will have a beautiful ending and you will be glad you took that leap of faith.

Abraham trusted God even when it did not make sense. His limitation was that he and his wife were old to have a child, yet God gave them one. It’s okay to have questions and even doubt sometimes but don’t let that be all you do. God knows that as a human being you will doubt that’s why He send you confirmation so that He can build your faith and in turn your trust in Him. There is so much more that God has placed in you. Don’t focus on what you are right now because that’s not all you are. God has so so much more for you. Its time for you to get the limits off.


What you are doing right now is not all you are. There is so much more that God has in store for you. He wants you to experience all He has in store for you. And walk in the fullness of who He created you to be. God has a plethora of things He wants you to do. Don’t allow your past, background, or your skills to limit you. Today allow yourself to dream big. Discover your purpose and live in your authenticity.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too