make room for the new
Christian Journey


Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Holding on, whether it is to things or people, is a quality we all veer towards. Unfortunately, sometimes letting go is the easiest thing one can do. There is power in subtraction too. In fact, human beings over complicate things by focusing more on addition than subtraction to solve a problem. Anyway, back to my point, I think the scarcity mentality is partly the reason we find it hard to let go of something, even if it is not good for us. We imagine we might not get better or that the next one will be worse, so we decide to just hold on. Or maybe we think so low of ourselves to the point we decide to settle. Either way, we need to realize that an ending of a chapter signifies the beginning of another. And in doing so, you make room for the new.

Although we might not see it yet, we can trust that this one will be better. That is, once we get over the uncomfortable transition. Yes, I know transitions should be beautiful, but truth be told, it gets ugly sometimes. To help us, let us look at some Biblical characters who had to let go, embrace the new, and learn a few things from them.

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Hannah could not have children because she was barren. Although she had a wonderful husband, there was always something missing in her life and that was a child of her own. So what Hannah did was to pray and ask God for a son. She even made a vow with Him that she would dedicate him to God if He gave her a son. God heard her prayer and gave her a child, Samuel.

Imagine how Hannah must have felt getting her prayers answered and knowing that she had to honor what she told God. Mind you, this was only one child and she risked not having another child. That meant she probably wouldn’t have someone to take care of her in her old age.

Anyway, despite knowing all that, she kept her word and gave Samuel back to God. The good thing about all this is that when Hannah honored her vow, God blessed her with 5 more children. Hannah letting go led to an increase in her life. The same woman who had been barren for years now had 5 children. How amazing is that?

Hannah let go of her gift from God because of her promise to God. Her giving up her only child led to an unimaginable increase in the same place she had experienced barrenness. Would you like to learn more about Hannah and how she was able to finally receive her promise? Would you like to apply the keys Hannah used to break through? Then check out my book In pursuit of breakthrough. This book will help you get unstuck by providing you with the keys that will help you unlock your new season. You don’t have to remain stuck in the wilderness.

The widow of Zarephath

God had instructed Elijah to move to Zarephath in Sidon, where a widow would feed her. Elijah, at the time, had been staying in the desert where a raven fed him. He also had a brook he could draw water from. But as time went by, the brook dried up and he had to move. Elijah could have held on and stayed there, trusting God to provide for him, not knowing that God’s grace in that place had moved. And so he followed God’s voice and led and move to the place that God was showing him.

And because of that, God provided for him for the rest of the drought. And mind you, God used a widow who, at the time, had just enough for a day.

So when Elijah met the woman, he asked her for water to drink and food to eat. Back story, there was a drought and so they did not have food. When Elijah asked the woman, she told him that all she had was a handful of flour and oil. She also told him she intended to make food for her and her son and after that, they would die. Despite knowing all this, Elijah still insisted and asked her to go ahead and make him food and that God would provide for her and she would never lack.

Again, she had the option of not making the food for Elijah. After all, it could have been a lie. But again we see the lady following the instructions. What followed was supernatural. She never ran out of both flour and oil. She was provided for and not only that when her son died, Elijah raised her back to life.


When it was time for Elijah to be taken up to heaven, Elisha was not ready. He, however, knew that the only way he could get the double portion of what Elijah had been him having to let go of Elijah. And that was exactly what happened. Once Elijah was taken up, Elisha received the double portion anointing.

He could have held on or focused on what he would be missing. But the minute he embraced change, his double portion came.

We could talk about the disciples too. After Jesus left, they had to learn to navigate life in a new way. Not only that, but they also recognized because of the resistance they were experiencing that spreading the gospel would look different.

In they also had to embrace the new way that God was moving in their lives. The move of the Holy Spirit led to them being criticized because they embraced change and let go of what they thought it should look like. They experienced an increase in their ministry.


Obviously, these are just some examples. There are more like the disciples having to embrace Jesus and leaving their customs to follow the truth of the Gospel. Because of their openness, they could receive the Holy Spirit, start churches, and spread the Gospel to the entire world.

In what ways can you make room for the new?

You require a mindset shift as you make room for the new.

Sometimes, what we have to let go of is our mindset. Maybe God is yet to bring in what you prayed for because you still have the old beliefs that you did. We know we can not place new wines in old wineskins. God cannot bring in the new if you are still stuck in the past. So what do you think you need to let go of to make room for the new?

When we talk about mindsets, we simply mean our belief systems. An example could be what you think about yourself. Do you believe that you deserve the good things in life?

Have you allowed your background to keep you stuck in the past and hinder you from moving forward? Making room for you means being able to move forward in life and embrace change. When God takes you from glory to glory, He does so in every aspect of your life. This means there has to be growth in your mindset before it can be reflected in the physical realm. You can only go as far as your faith. Therefore, faith is important as you make room for the new. Go believe you are worthy of the good things and that it is possible for you too. If you desire to change your mindset, here are a few keys that will help you.

Keys that will help you make room, therefore, the new by shifting your mindset.

  • Prayer. You are what you consume and who you spend time with. If you want to have a mindset that reflects God, learn to spend time with Him. Prayer is communication with God. It is being able to set time aside to hear from God and to talk to Him.
  • Worship and praise. God inhabits the praises of His people. And where the spirit of God is there is freedom. Every mindset that does not reflect God leads to limitation and, therefore, bondage. Therefore, if you want to shift your mindset and experience freedom, worship and praise is key. The more you focus on God, the more you reflect Him here on earth. And as you reflect Him, you are transformed and thus experience freedom from any limiting beliefs.
  • Reading the Bible. As humans, we think logically, and it’s difficult to believe that miracles are possible. That is why it is vital to read the Bible. As you read the Bible, you experience a mindset shift that makes you believe that anything is possible.
  • Community. You are who you surround yourself with. If you want to experience a mindset shift, surround yourself with people who have the mindset you wish to embody. Having a circle that has faith and is positive will lead you to be like them.

Don’t limit God

Again, we cannot limit God. He is dynamic. Yes, He never changes, but His ways are different. Have you been limiting God, expecting Him to move in familiar ways? He wants to show you something different, but He is waiting for you to accept it. Sometimes we can be so stuck in the old that we miss out on the new that God is doing.

You cannot put God in a box. He is Sovereign and His ways will always be higher than our ways. He is also the Alpha and the Omega. As we lean on Him and trust Him, it becomes easier to believe Him and follow His ways. God is always doing a new thing. And it will take you taking the limits off to see what He is doing.

Here are 2 keys that will help you embrace the new by not limiting God.

Discernment is key as you make room for the new.

Sensitivity to the voice of God is key if you want to walk with God. Sometimes God’s ways are unorthodox and so when we are not sensitive, we can easily miss Him. Being sensitive involves surrender and obedience.

As you spend time with Him and follow His commands, He will speak to you and you will find it way to know what He is doing. Moses never missed God and what He was doing. This is because he made it his mission to hear from God and learn from Him by spending time with Him. For you to make room for the new, you need to have the discernment to know when God is moving and how He is moving. He might ask you to do something totally unexpected, ethical but different. And if you are not careful and sensitive, you might end up missing Him.

Fellowship with the Holy Spirit will help you learn how to make room for the new.

The Holy Spirit’s role in your life is to reveal Jesus and the Father to you. So as you spend time with the Holy Spirit, He will reveal to you what God is saying and what He is doing. Just ask the Holy Spirit for help and He will show up and help you. In fact, He wants to help you more than you desire Him to. So instead of trying to figure it all out on your own, ask the Holy Spirit today. As you make room for the new, He will hold your hand and lead you every step of the way. He will even help you let go of the old and embrace the new.

Expect the new as you make room for the new.

For you to make room for the new you have to expect it. It will not just happen. Expectation breeds manifestation. What are you waiting on God for? Make room for it by living with anticipation and expecting that God will do it for you. God is not. Man, that HE SHOULD LIE. If He said it, He will do it.

This is what the Lord says—
    he who made a way through the sea,
    a path through the mighty waters,
17 who drew out the chariots and horses,
    the army and reinforcements together,
and they lay there, never to rise again,
    extinguished, snuffed out like a wick:
18 “Forget the former things;
    Do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    And streams in the wasteland. And streams in the wasteland Isaiah 43: 16-19

Final thought.

Fortunately, we have a wonderful and merciful God. If we have been limiting Him or holding on to things that He has told us to let go of, He is ready to forgive us if we repent. Just turn to Him, tell Him you are sorry and that you are ready to make room for the new. Again, ask the Holy Spirit to show you what you need to let go of. If you are having a hard time letting go, ask Him for strength. Last, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, which can be through the word or Him impressing upon your heart what to do. Be open and hear what God wants you to do. Make room for the new today!

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too


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