Personal Development fot Christian Millennials


Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Do you struggle to honor your covenant with God as a Christian millennial? Are there moments when you wonder if it’s even worth it to honor your covenant given that things are not working out? Maybe you are in a season where it comes your way after waiting for something for so long. And now with the excitement of something new, you find yourself relaxing some of your standards. Can you relate with this? Today I have a beautiful post for you so read along. Let’s find out how you can honor your covenant with God as a Christian Millennial.

And to begin with, let’s define what a covenant is.

The Idea of Covenant. The term “covenant” is of Latin origin (con venire), meaning a coming together. It presupposes two or more parties who come together to make a contract, agreeing on promises, stipulations, privileges, and responsibilities. In religious and theological circles there has not been agreement on precisely what is to be understood by the biblical term. It is used variously in biblical contexts.

It’s very easy to make a covenant with God in seasons of isolation and the wilderness. And you can even find it easy to hold your end of the deal during such seasons. But then comes the season of revealing where you step into the promised land and the ball game changes. Suddenly, you find yourself dealing with all these temptations that you never experienced in your wilderness season.

Let me give a practical example. Let’s say you have been single for a while now. And while in the wilderness season, no one was approaching you. But then you get to the season where God now reveals you to the world. And suddenly you get people approaching you. And in such a season, you find you are tempted to compromise in some areas. How then do you navigate that? How can you honor the covenant you made with God in such moments?

First things first let me give you the real reason why the devil desires for you to break your covenant with God.

  • Whenever you make a covenant with God, some guarantees come with the said covenant. One of them is there is the protection that comes with it. This means that as long as you are honoring that covenant, God is mandated to protect that very area. And the devil has no legal right to attack you in any way in that area. Let me give you an example. The Bible reminds us that when we help the needy, God takes care of us, preserves our lives, heals us when we get sick, and He cannot hand us over to our enemies. ( Read Psalm 41: 1-3). This means that even if the devil wanted to, there are boundaries, he cannot cross regardless of how much he tries. So the only way he can get to you is if you violate the said covenant. The same goes for every other covenant you make with God. We serve a God who honors covenants. Think about how rebellious the Israelites were, yet despite their rebellion, God could not annihilate them because of the covenant He made with Abraham. That is how seriously God takes covenants. This means that when you make a covenant with God He will honor His end of the deal and there are rewards that come from it.

A biblical example of someone who made a vow with God and honored it.

Hannah had been childless for years. And despite her numerous prayers, she couldn’t seem to break through. Until she made a vow to God. And the vow went something like this. God, if you give me a child, a male child at that, I will give him back to you. Do you know when she prayed that prayer, God honored her prayer and gave her a son? And after she honored her vow and gave Samuel back to God, God blessed her with 5 more kids. Imagine that! You see, God opened her womb after she made that prayer. But it was her honoring her vow that unlocked every other blessing after that.

Do you see the power in honoring your covenant with God as a Christian millennial? There are some blessings that you will not have to intercede for if you simply learn to honor every covenant you make with God. With that being said, how then can you honor your covenant with God as a Christian millennial?

How to honor your covenant with God as a Christian millennial?

Don’t try to do it with your strength.

The Bible reminds us numerous times that Jesus did not leave us as orphans. Child of God, Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to teach, guide, and lead you. You cannot achieve righteousness in your strength. It is when you try to do so that you end up failing miserably. This is because of your fallen nature. Remember that the default nature of humanity is to sin and rebel against the truth of God’s ways and words. And unless you lean on the Holy Spirit, you will always fall short. Constantly pray to Him and ask Him for the strength to honor your covenant with God. Stop trying to figure it all out. Lean on Him. He has the power to help you live a life that honors God including honoring your covenant with Him.

A simple prayer asking for His help goes a long way. And in moments when the temptations come your way use the 3-minute rule. I first read this book in the prayer of Jabez devotional. The author says that when temptation rages, just ask the Holy Spirit for help and remain still for 3 or so minutes. By the time the said minutes are up you will realize that the very desire to sin has subsided. With the help of the Holy Spirit, you will realize that it becomes easy for you to navigate this life full of temptations.

I would like to encourage you to use the 3-minute rule and see how the Holy Spirit will step in and give you a way of escape. Even the Bible reminds us that God will always give us a way of escape whenever we experience any kind of temptation.

Find a reason greater than you that will help you honor your covenant with God as a Christian millennial.

The importance of having a strong why for your decision is that it will help keep you grounded. When you don’t have one it is easy to stray and fall from the said covenant. Now let me give you yet another example. Let’s say your greatest desire is to honor God with your body and practice sexual purity. If your reason is that people told you that’s what you should do and you don’t have a strong conviction for it, you will end up falling.

But let’s say you choose to honor God with your body because your ultimate desire is to please Him and walk in His ways. You find that it becomes easier to honor your covenant. Sometimes your reason could be you want to break the generational cycle. This through the help of the Holy Spirit will become such a great burden for you and you will find yourself honoring it. Always make sure that your covenants are tied to a revelation of who God is and not just a rule that people have imposed on you.

This is why it is important to have a relationship with God. Don’t rely on other people’s encounters and expect to have a strong conviction to honor your covenant with God as a Christian millennial. We live in a world full of distractions and it is easy to break your covenant with God. Having good intentions is great. However, relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit is what will keep you grounded. After all, your righteousness is filthy rags to God.

Find a community that keeps you accountable ifyou want to honor your covenant with God as a Christian millennial.

Community is imperative in your walk with God. Isolation is where the enemy spews his lies and leads you to stumble. When you don’t have people to keep you accountable, honoring your covenant becomes impossible. After all, the enemy will whisper to you that no one will ever find out. And he might even tell you that you can always repent. It is in the presence of wise counsel that success comes. You will succeed in honoring your covenant with God if you allow people in. Be honest with them about your struggles, desires, and your covenants with God. Of course, make sure that the said people are spirit-led and will not lead you astray. And again this is where the Holy Spirit comes in. Ask Him to guide you to the right wise counsel for you.

The beauty of community is that you will realize you are not doing life alone and that the struggles you are facing are not unique to you. This will then help you to journey on unashamed. God does not want you to live in isolation as no man is an island. Do you have people in your corner you can trust? I know sometimes it can be difficult, especially if you have experienced betrayal in the past. However, allow God to heal you from the pain of your past and put yourself out there. Not everyone is out to get you. Some people genuinely care for you. However, you will never know if you never give them a chance. And by giving them a chance I mean, let them in. Give them a chance to get to know the real you and don’t put on a mask.

Experience mind transformation

In Romans 12: 2 the Bible reminds us that the renewal of our mind is what leads to transformation. This means that to change how you think you need to rewire your brain. To do so, you need to guard what you listen to and what you watch. One great way of renewing your mind is reading the Bible. The more you read the Bible the more you experience the transformation you need to weed out external pressure to fit in. God transforms you think like Him and it is when this happens that it becomes easier for you to honor your covenant with God as a Christian millennial.

Have you been spending time in the word of God? Have you allowed His truth to wash over you? God has given you the tools you need to live a life of righteousness. He does not expect you to figure it out on your own. Rather, He has laid out the blueprint that will guarantee success in your walk with Him. Remember the phrase garbage in, garbage out? Well, the same concept applies here. You become what you constantly think about. Therefore, if you want to live a life that honors God, then maybe it is time to understand what He says in His word.

Listen to testimonies of people who honored their covenant with God

You see, sometimes it takes hearing how people managed to honor their covenant with God for you to get encouraged to do the same. When you listen to the testimony of someone who honored their covenant successfully, it will give you the stamina to realize that you too can do it. Besides that, seeing the rewards for them seeing through their covenant will help you see its worth. Sometimes the reason we break covenants is because we are ignorant of the blessings that come with seeing our vows through. And until wee see how God rewards obedience and sacrifice, we might be tempted to give in to the ways of the world.

Today I want to encourage you to listen to testimonies of people who have successfully navigated the season you are in. Find the tools they used and see how you can incorporate the same in your life as well. In doing so you will find that honoring your covenant with God will become easier.

Setting boundaries will help you honor your covenant with God as a Christian Millennial.

It is imperative that you set boundaries when it comes to seeing your commitment to God through. Setting boundaries will help you do exactly that. Let’s say you are someone who can easily fall into sexual sin, you need to be able to know your limit. It could be that spending time alone with your soon-to-be spouse is your weakness. If that’s the case, then ensure that you don’t spend time alone with them. Find outdoor activities that you can do. Or if you must hang out indoors, invite other friends over to keep you accountable.

Do the best you can, to honor the covenant. And remember that as you do your part, God will do His part and help you do the same. Remain accountable to people. Don’t keep your relationship under wraps to the point that no one knows about it. Have people who can hold both of you accountable.


I hope this post helped you find ways to honor your covenant with God as a Christian Millennial. I want to encourage you not to grow weary doing good or doing things God’s way. There is a reward at the end of it all. And again, there are blessings that can only be experienced by those who follow through with their covenants.

One last thing I need you to know is that if you ever find yourself going astray and breaking your covenant with God, dust yourself up and try again. Remember God’s mercies are new every morning. And there is grace available for you each day. Don’t allow the enemy to condemn you and keep you stuck in the cycle of defeat. Allow God to heal you and show you a better way. He can redeem your mistakes and turn them around for your testimony. However, don’t allow this to give you the license to sin. God’s grace is greater than your mistakes.

Like David turn to God in the midst of your struggles and ask Him for His help. You are not alone and the journey you’re on will pay off. Keep the faith, don’t get distracted and don’t allow negative voices to cause you to sidetrack from your covenant. Choose the higher version today!

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too