Ask for help
Faith,  Spiritual growth in the wilderness and waiting season

To Trust or not to Trust: How To Know Which One To Choose as a Christian Millennial.

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

The Bible clearly tells us that those who put their hope in man are cursed. Our trust should be in God alone because He is the only one who will never disappoint. And yet again, throughout scripture, we see God use people to help others and this then begs the question, should you rely on people, where do you find the balance? Have you ever felt guilty because someone has promised you something and you are expectant of them to fulfill what they promised because it makes you feel like a fraud? Like why would you wait expectantly when a human being promises you something?

Do you battle with finding the balance between accepting help and allowing people to help you where they can while also maintaining your trust in God? The religious spirit will convince you not to trust anyone. But let’s say a family member promises to help you out, financially or otherwise, and they tell you that once they get the finances they will help you out, will you expectantly wait on it? How do you stay hopeful and be okay waiting on the person to come through while still leaving the leeway for when they don’t come through? Better yet, how do you stay flexible enough should God decide to use a different person? And what does the Bible say about it? 

If you have been struggling with trusting people while still relying on God, then this word is for you. And I know you could be feeling guilty for depending on others and today I want to help you get rid of that thinking. God is your only source, but the truth of the matter is that God will use people oftentimes to get you the help you need. He will not drop the finances to your doorstep although He could. He will use someone to give you the finances, whether it is through wages for a job done, inheritance or whatever the case may be. 

Let’s look at 4 instances where God used people to bring deliverance.

When the Israelites were in bondage while in Egypt, God used Moses to deliver them. In Exodus 2:25, God says that He saw the plight of the Israelites and knew it was time to act. God is Sovereign, therefore, He could have supernaturally delivered them without the use of anyone. He instead used Moses, a person, to do that. 

God used Rahab to hide the spies who had gone to check out Canaan. He could have teleported them or made them invisible who knows. Instead, He chose Rahab as the one to save them from being killed. 

Rahab and the Spies.

 Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. “Go, look over the land,” he said, “especially Jericho.” So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there.

The king of Jericho was told, “Look, some of the Israelites have come here tonight to spy out the land.” So the king of Jericho sent this message to Rahab: “Bring out the men who came to you and entered your house, because they have come to spy out the whole land.”

But the woman had taken the two men and hidden them. She said, “Yes, the men came to me, but I did not know where they had come from. At dusk, when it was time to close the city gate, they left. I don’t know which way they went. Go after them quickly. You may catch up with them.” (But she had taken them up to the roof and hidden them under the stalks of flax she had laid out on the roof.) So the men set out in pursuit of the spies on the road that leads to the fords of the Jordan, and as soon as the pursuers had gone out, the gate was shut.

When the Israelites cried out to God for deliverance from the Midianites, God used Gideon to deliver them. 

Jesus came to earth in human form to deliver us from sin and bring us salvation. 

When Haman wanted to annihilate the Jews, God used Esther to deliver them.

These 5 instances show us that although God wants us to depend fully on Him, He will use people to get us out of our predicaments. What impossible circumstances are you facing today? Do you know God is saying to you that even as you depend on Him as your source, do not ignore the people God will send your way to help you? He created you for a relationship hence why He will use others to help you out. 

Now what? What then should we do?

Now that we know God will often use people, how then should we respond? How do we learn to fully rely on God while also being open to other people’s help? What actions can we take? How should we respond?

It is okay to ask for help.

Do not allow yourself to suffer in silence. Yes, the Holy Spirit will always be there for you and you can rely on Him. But it is okay to ask those around you for help if you are struggling. It does not make you a bad person or a hypocrite; it makes you human and it is okay. And do not allow the fear of losing people to prevent you from asking for help when you need to. The secret is to find a balance in such a way that you will not put all your trust in man and ignore God, but also do not disregard those around you. No man is an island.

You will never make it alone and if you want to go far, ensure that you have a tribe around you. You should use wisdom and discernment because not everyone around you should be in your tribe. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you find the right tribe for you that aligns with the assignment God has over your life. There are opportunities that will only come your way through interaction with others. Through Peter, the fishers around him also experienced multiplication after Peter obeyed Jesus by casting his net on the other side. They got blessed simply by association.

God is obviously Sovereign, but sometimes being at the right place at the right time will accelerate your promise. Who is in your corner? Do you have people you can count on? Can people count on you? Ask yourself these questions to help you figure out if you are in the right place. 

If there are people around you that you trust to help you, don’t be afraid to ask them for help. No man is an island. God created you for partnership. This means there are people meant to help you. And you too have people God wants you to help.

During a drought in Israel, God asked Elijah to go fund a widow in Zarephath. God had instructed the widow to help Him. When Jesus sent His disciples to minister, He sent them in pairs. This goes to show you that God wants you to ask for help when you need it. And it is okay to do so.

Find a balance.

The easiest way to do this is by spending time with the Holy Spirit. Through your quiet time, He will reveal to you if you have any idols in your heart. Idols are simply things or people that you have placed in the place of God. The HOLY spirit will correct you through conviction and you do not have to be afraid of going overboard. Cultivating a personal relationship with God is also another way.

When you know God for yourself, you will not fall into the trap of fully relying on others. Why? Because you have a revelation of who God is and so, you will not need to fully depend on others. Your relationship with Him will reveal to you He is enough, and this will even help you build healthy relationships. Codependence stems from a fear of being alone and a lack of knowing your identity. So when you discover your identity in Christ, you will not have unhealthy soul ties with others that could hold you back and hinder God from blessing you. 

Repent and renounce.

At some point, we have all had unhealthy relationships. But once you recognize you are codependent on someone, repent. Ask God to forgive you for idolizing the person and putting all your trust in them. Then ask the Holy Spirit to help you find the root of the problem. Why are you so reliant on the person? Why is there an unhealthy relationship and soul tie? Once He reveals the root, renounce and turn from it. Then ask Him to fill you with His peace and heal you from the unhealthy soul tie. Finally, ask Him to fill you with His Spirit so that you can learn to look to Him as your source and not someone else. Do not allow shame and guilt to get you stuck in that cycle. God in His mercy, will forgive you when you repent. He will never turn away a contrite heart. 

Do not allow your unhealthy behaviors in the past to keep you from opening your heart to others. You can unlearn co-dependence and learn how to have healthy relationships. Just because you got it wrong before does not mean you will not get it right. The Holy Spirit will guide you on how to set healthy boundaries and how not to overly depend on other people. When you ask for His help He will guide and lead you. He will show you the right way you should go.

Key take away.

Jesus did not do ministry alone. He had His tribe, the 12 disciples, and other people, too. He recognized that there was no way He could be effective on His own. However, He also did not fully rely on people because He knew how fickle people are. They will love you one minute and hate you the next. So, just like Jesus, find a happy medium and you can only find this through the Holy Spirit. Through His help, you will discover how to live a fulfilling life where you do not isolate yourself from others but also don’t make people your idols. 

Resurge after a wilderness and purging season.

Although God is your source, He will use others to help you. Mary needed Elizabeth because of her assignment as the mother of Jesus and that is why the angel Gabriel directed her to Elizabeth. The disciples needed each other. And also that is the reason God created Eve for Adam and vice versa. God knows that relationship is a necessity for human beings. In His Sovereignty. He will use other people to catapult you to your destiny and purpose. That is why your destiny is tied to people. You need them to get to where God wants you to. These destiny helpers will only do so if you let them in. Be vulnerable, ask for help but anchor yourself in God because He is the only one who will never fail you. 

Final thought.

In what areas do you feel you need God to move on your behalf? Will you be open enough to ask for help from those around you? There are people who will help you, and some will not do so until you ask. So let me ask you this, will you take the step to ask for help? Will you allow people to help you? Have you made people your source instead of God? And if you have made people your idols and your source, are you willing to repent and ask for help from the Holy Spirit? Will you allow Him to help anchor you in Christ, the only solid rock? Today pray and ask God to help you find a balance between letting people in and looking to Him as your source. Do not get stuck because of isolation, it is okay to ask people for help. 

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Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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