5 Unique Signs You’ve Discovered Your Purpose as a Christian Millennial.
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
The word purpose has been a major conversation globally. Most times on YouTube and when listening to podcasts, you realize that there is someone talking about purpose and how to discover your purpose. And maybe you have been in that phase where you, too, want to know if you have discovered your purpose. One thing is for sure: fulfillment and satisfaction are the best signs that prove you have discovered your purpose. There is no point in living life just chasing the next opportunity and paper if there is no true purpose in it. And to help you understand if you are on the right path to your life’s purpose, here are the signs to help you.
Table of Contents
- Signs you’ve discovered your purpose.
- Your core values are aligned with your work.
- You are fulfilled and satisfied when you are doing your work.
- Another one of the signs you’ve discovered your purpose is the ability to motivate yourself without needing outside validation.
- You no longer feel stuck.
- Sometimes your family and friends will affirm the path you are on if you’ve discovered your purpose.
- You don’t allow other people’s opinions to define you when you’ve discovered your purpose.
- You live a healthier and happy life.
- Conclusion.
Signs you’ve discovered your purpose.
Your core values are aligned with your work.
You have to have your core values aligned with the work you do to be on your path to your life’s purpose. One sure thing is that your purpose in life will never contradict your core values. After all, why would God give you a task that is against who you are? And to help paint you a picture, let’s look at the story of Moses. Moses, from a young age, knew he wanted to help his people, the Jews. Having been raised in a place of privilege, it would have been easy for him to ignore what the Israelites were going through. After all, they did not fully embrace him as one of them.
Moses, however, did not let that deter him. And that was why he ended up acting before it was time. He killed an Egyptian to save the Jew. At the core of who he was, he knew he had to deliver and set his people free. Your core value might not be leadership. Maybe it is helping others get out of poverty. When you find your work aligning with your core values, then that is one of the signs you’ve discovered your purpose.
Whether it is a 9-5 or your own business, anytime your work aligns with your core values, it is a clear sign you are living a purposeful life.
Let me ask you this: is your place of employment aligned with your core values? Do you come alive at work or do you pretend to be someone you are not? Do you dim your light because where you are cannot handle your true and authentic self? One thing I want you to know is that regardless of how much you try, your own purpose will catch up with you. Moses hid in the wilderness for 40 years and God still called him out to live out his life purpose, Below I have some questions that will help you discover your core values.
- What is important to me?
- What would a perfect day look like? And what values are represented in this choice?
- And what do I spend my free time on?
- What do I enjoy doing?
- Lastly, what would I do if there were no limitations?
Jesus could not help but remain at the temple at 12 years of age. He knew He had a calling and purpose and that required Him to spend His time understanding what His Father (God) wanted and expected of Him. His value included following God’s will and He stuck to it to the point of dying on the cross.
You are fulfilled and satisfied when you are doing your work.
When you find you are satisfied and fulfilled in your career path, this is one of the biggest signs you’ve discovered your purpose. One thing you should understand is that fulfillment doesn’t mean that everything is okay. Things could be going wrong. But when you are operating on your purpose, you find that even at your worst you are fully satisfied.
When Joseph was in prison, he found fulfillment in interpreting dreams. That was why, despite his predicament, he could sense when others were not okay. One of the clear signs you’ve discovered your purpose is the ability to function in your calling amid pain and disappointments. Do you still operate in your purpose of life amidst trials and pain? Have you found that working brings you peace when you are in pain?
If you haven’t today, I want to encourage you to discover your purpose. God has a plan for you He wants you to fulfill. And in doing so, it will bring you joy and bring Him glory. When you are walking in your purpose, work will not feel like work. Ant the best part is that you will have no problem learning and honing your skills to perfect them. Because your purpose gives you a sense of meaning, you find you will keep at it every chance you get.
Investing in yourself and your skills is a clear sign you’ve discovered your purpose. Whether it is through buying courses, going for therapy, reading books or watching personal development videos on YouTube. When you get to the point where you are intentional with how you spend your time, you’ve discovered your purpose. Personal development is a very intentional and personal journey. No one can force you to do it.
Another one of the signs you’ve discovered your purpose is the ability to motivate yourself without needing outside validation.
And to help you understand this, let me give you the story of Jesus. When Jesus started operating in His purpose, He faced a lot of criticism and rejection. In fact, those that He came to save rejected Him and were focused on living life as they were used to. Jesus, however, did not let that deter Him. In fact, He was persistent to die on the cross for those same people.
To bring it to our times, look at Steve Harvey. He believed in his craft even when no one believed in him. And he honed it day and night. In one of his talks, he explained how he lived in his car and for a moment sacrifice the comfort of stability. There was no one to cheer him on them. However, he persisted until others discovered his craft. In those lonely months, he had to motivate himself. The same thing happened with Tyler Perry. Even when no one believed him, he still believed in his dream. And because of his self-motivation and drive, he got to the other side.
The inner drive is a clear sign you’ve discovered your purpose. Do you have an inner drive pushing you to keep going even when you don’t want to? And your drive cannot be money-motivated. This is because often it takes a while for the money to trickle in when you are walking in your purpose. However, once it starts, it does not stop. That is why the Bible reminds us that our gifts will make room for us and take us before the kings and queens of this world. (Proverbs 18:16)
You no longer feel stuck.
Issues like people-pleasing and FOMO become a thing of the past when you’ve discovered your purpose. You also realize you have no problem embracing solitude and practicing stillness because you are in tune with your spirit. Your creativity also comes alive. And you realize that there is no room for fear. When you’ve discovered your purpose, you take risks and embrace uncertainty. You rarely walk in your comfort zone when you’ve discovered your purpose.
After all, you are forging a new path and learning new skills along the way. One of the key signs you’ve discovered your purpose is the ability to embrace personal development. After Moses had discovered his purpose, he was comfortable spending time with God to grow. And because of this, he could lead the Israelites well.
When you embrace personal development, you realize you perfect your craft and learn how to incorporate your personal experiences in your skills, giving you that edge to stand out and reach your niche. When you’ve discovered your purpose, you no longer question why you had those terrible and painful personal experiences. Instead, you allow those experiences to have a positive impact on your life and other people’s lives.
Again, because you recognize that there is a purpose in your pain, you use the time to discover new possibilities and take daily actions toward your purpose. You also learn to embrace new experiences more quickly than before. Another one of the signs you’ve discovered your purpose is the ability to take daily action even when you are in the waiting season to get you closer to your life’s purpose.
Sometimes your family and friends will affirm the path you are on if you’ve discovered your purpose.
This is not always the case. However, sometimes your family members will acknowledge the fact that what you are doing is your true calling. Something you need to note is that when you are walking in God’s purpose for your life, what you do will come easy for you. And that is how others will acknowledge it. You will not strain to do it. Joseph did not struggle to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. He also did not struggle to find solutions to the impending drought. Pharaoh and his team would not have known what to do about it. But because that was his calling, the solution rolled out of his tongue easily.
You don’t allow other people’s opinions to define you when you’ve discovered your purpose.
When you are dealing with an identity crisis or trying to find the meaning of life, you will often have a hard time not getting offended by people’s opinions. This is not the case once you have discovered your purpose. You find that what they say does not phase you. Because you recognize that you have a stronger sense of purpose so everything else fades into the background. Your purpose will be your driving force. And inner peace will lead you amid criticism.
Can you relate? Do you have tough skin now that you are walking on the path you love? Jesus even condemned Peter’s words when he tried to hinder Jesus from facing the cross. When you get to where you follow your path, even when others don’t understand it, then this is a clear sign you’ve discovered your purpose.
At the end of the day, you understand you are accountable to God. Just like the parable of the talents, God will ask you what you did with what He gave you. And that is why it is imperative that you follow what God is saying and not what others are saying.
You live a healthier and happy life.
Because your life now has a greater meaning, you will have a burning desire to embrace a healthier lifestyle. You will invest in things like having a life coach, having clear goals, and other areas of your life. Your true passion will lead to a healthy life as there is a low-stress level and no inner turmoil and conflict. Most of the time, frustration comes because you are not walking in your life goals. Again, because you will no longer have limiting beliefs when walking in your purpose, you realize you experience freedom on a whole other level.
I want to congratulate you if you have discovered your purpose. And I want you to know that this is a huge accomplishment since older adults live their lives unfulfilled because they have secret desires that are unfulfilled. God wants you to walk in your purpose. And if you are yet to discover your purpose, I want you to know that it is not late for you to discover your purpose,
Maybe you could start by identifying your personal mission statement. I have a blog on how to discover your purpose. There is still enough time for you to walk in your purpose. And it is in your purpose and life goals that you find that sense of peace you are looking for. You will find the greatest contribution in your life purpose, and that is where you will find your real purpose.