your words are hindering your breakthrough
Spiritual growth in the wilderness and waiting season

Beware Christian Millennials. Your Words Are Hindering Your Breakthrough.

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

The other day I was watching a sermon about the power of our words. And the preacher mentioned how she had killed a dream of hers through her words. Fortunately, God revealed it to her, and she repented and her life came back on track. This got me thinking. Could my words be the reason I am in the wilderness? And today I want to ask you the same question. Could your words be hindering your breakthrough you Christian millennial? Maybe you don’t even think this is true. But before I reveal scripture to you that talks about the power of your words, let me give you some scenarios.

  • Maybe because of frustration, you cursed your gifts and even resigned to the fact that your gifts could never amount to anything.
  • Maybe because of a lack of employment, you assume that your degree was a waste of time.
  • Or maybe because of disappointment in relationships, you curse the desire to settle down
  • Or maybe because you had to take care of your siblings, you cursed the desire of having kids.

And you see, you don’t have to make a long proclamation to curse something. Cursing simply means speaking death over a situation. Or simply just agreeing with the enemy. God’s words will always bring life. So anything that does not bring life comes from the pit of hell. Have you in your frustration, said something like ‘I quit’?

Maybe at some point in life, you have told yourself you don’t want a certain thing because of the process or maybe because of fear. Let’s even say because of rejection, you agreed with the words that were spoken over you leading you to give up on your dream.

It could be that the first place you applied to the person told you-you are not qualified. And because of their word you decided that you were not qualified and even started speaking it. Sometimes people in authority might say something that’s not true for you. Just because they are an expert on something does not mean that they know what’s best for you. They are not God. And you agree with them is wrong because when you agree and even speak it out, you thwart God’s plans for your life. Child of God, have you been hindering your breakthrough through your words?

Proverbs 18:21 says that death and life are in the tongue’s power and those who love it will eat of its fruit.

There is so much power in your words that Jesus even promised that you and I will give an account of every idle word we said. He even says that He will judge us for every idle word. Isn’t that scary to know that God will judge you for every word? And you might wonder why there is so much power in words.

So let’s get back to the beginning. God created the world with His mouth. All He did was say, let there be light and light appeared. Mostly, all He did was utter and the thing He spoke of would spring up. That is except for you and me. When it was our turn for God to create us, He got His hands ‘dirty’ and created us. And He created us in His image and likeness. So we reflect on God.

And God said, โ€œLet there be light,โ€ and there was light. Then God said, โ€œLet us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.โ€ So God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:3โ€ญ, โ€ฌ26โ€ญ-โ€ฌ27 NIV

God blessed them and said to them, โ€œBe fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.โ€. Genesis 1:28 NIV

So as you can see from the scripture above, God created us in His image and likeness. And a seed produces after its kind. So God says that He created us in His image and likeness means that we too have power in our words. After all, we are the children of God. How then can you be His child and not have power in your words? You have the creativity in you too. Anyway, as we see the second scripture, we see that God gave you and me dominion over everything that is on the earth. That is why even the scripture says that God gave us authority over the entire world. Whatever you have authority over, you have power over. And when you have power over it your words will shape it.

Let me give you another example too.

For the word of a king is authoritative and powerful, And who will say to him, โ€œWhat are you doing?โ€
Ecclesiastes 8:4 AMP

And before you wonder how this applies to you let me give you another scripture to bring the one above home.

Jesus has made you a priest and king to God. As king, you have the power to say a word and it will be established. No wonder Jesus says that when you have faith, you can speak to a mountain and tell it to move and it will do so. Ezekiel, through his word, could speak to the dry bones and they came alive. Do you see then how important your words are? Have you been guilty of speaking careless and idle words? Have you been partnering with the devil? Maybe you have given the enemy access to your life through your words. It’s time for you to take back your power. Remember, the enemy will only use the authority you give him. God has put some limits on the enemy and he can be restrained.

But for you to drive out darkness, there has to be light. You cannot speak negative words and expect light in your life. You empower what you focus on. When you focus on positivity, then positivity reigns and vice versa. Are you ready to partner with God?
Let’s look at ways you can partner with God using your words. Stop hindering your breakthrough.
First, I want you to recognize that shame, and guilt are not how God operates. Yes, you spoke all these negative words against you but that’s not how it ends. You don’t have to stay stuck in the regret and the guilt of your past. I want you to know that God has revealed to you because He wants to set you free from the prison of negative words. He wants you to be free from the bondage of the enemy. So recognize that God will not ostracize you. He reveals because He wants to Redeem.

Now that you have this truth then let’s get to the keys that will help you stop hindering your breakthrough.

Acknowledge that your words are hindering your breakthrough.

Acknowledge the fact that you had partnered with the enemy. You see, now that you know better it is okay to admit that you did wrong then. Acknowledging sets you free from guilt and shame. That’s why the Bible says that light reveals the darkness and what is in the dark, God cannot heal. Acknowledging also breaks the power of the enemy over the situation. Acknowledging a failure brings exposure which brings healing. God can only heal what you bring to Him. And when you come to Him and acknowledge that you did partner with the enemy, then He can heal you. When you acknowledge you are one step closer to breaking the curse that has been hindering your breakthrough.

Repent and denounce.

When you use negative words, you are hindering your breakthrough. You see the same avenue you used to curse is the same avenue you will use to bless. Denounce partnering with the enemy. Yes, you did not know then, but now that you do you need to dissociate yourself from those words. Reverse the curse. You say that you repent for the words that you spoke against yourself or those you had authority over.

What words did you say? Repent for speaking them. And if you do not know, you can ask the Holy Spirit. Imagine when you just ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you that He will. It does not have to be complicated. You just ask and He will tell you. It might not be immediately sometimes. But the truth of the matter is that He will. Just be open to hearing Him and you will.

The Bible says that when we ask; we receive. Once you have asked the Holy Spirit and He has revealed, then denounce. Repent for partnering with the devil in hindering your breakthrough. Tell God that you are sorry for what you said. Ask Him to cleanse you of the curse. Remember, Jesus already paid the price and broke the curse, so once you repent you are free. Also, God promises that when you repent, He is faithful and just to forgive you.

This is a promise and we all know that God keeps His promises. He also says that as far as the east is from the west, He will remember your sins no more. Denounce and repent.


Once you have repented and denounced, you need to replace them with God’s truth. What did God speak over you? What promises has God spoken over your life? Partner with those by speaking them out.

Remember, in Job 22:28 God says that you shall decree a word and the word shall be established. So what words do you want to see manifest in your life? Speak those words. Culture has taught us the power of manifestation and decree. It is Biblical to decree. So do that.

Remember that every promise written in the Bible is yours too because you are a child of God. And you have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of Light. So it is not for others only. It is available for you too. And replacing the lie with the truth is how you thwart the plans of the enemy. Remember God has a good plan for you and partnering with Him will yield the best results.

Be disciplined.

When frustration or disappointment comes your way and you are tempted to speak negativity, restrain yourself. When you don’t restrain yourself, you will hinder your breakthrough. Discipline is what will get you to enjoy your life here on earth. Because let’s not forget that we will reap what we sow because God is not mocked. So if even after knowing this truth you continue the same way, your words will catch up with you.

Be disciplined with your thought. And never forget That God will hold you accountable for every idle and careless word you utter. God is never mocked. You reap what you sow.

Ask the Holy Spirit for help to avoid your words hindering your breakthrough.

David prayed in Psalm 51 and asked God to be a guard over his mouth. You can make the same prayer too. Ask God to guard your mouth. He honors such prayers. The Holy Spirit wants to see you win so asking Him for help is the best thing you can do. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to be our helper. And the Holy Spirit wants to help you guard your tongue.

Be submitted to God.

Surrendering to God is what will keep your mouth in check. The more you have surrendered to God, the more power the HOLY Spirit has over you. This means that He will warn you when you are about to say something negative. He is your helper after all, and He is always rooting for you. So you can trust Him to guide you in the right direction. Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee. So, as you can see, it all begins with surrender. Are you submitted to God? Have you made Him Lord over your life?

Meditate on God’s word and good things.

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. And what you focus on, you empower. What are you focused on? What do you meditate on? Because in your anger and frustration, what comes sour is what you have meditated on. Remember, thoughts create pathways that shape you. That’s why Jesus tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

The more you practice meditating on God’s word, the more you become one with God. And as you do, you will find that your word will reflect God more. And you will be less likely to curse yourself or others because that’s not who God is. Meditating on God’s word will restrain you from hindering your breakthrough because you will be full of God’s truth. And we all know that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.


If you have been hindering your breakthrough, use these keys to help you break that curse. God does not want you to be condemned or remain in guilt and shame. He wants to see you experience the fullness of what He has for you. There is power in your words because you are a child of God. That you were created in His image and likeness means that you too have creative power in your words. Be wise and learn to Tame your tongue.

You don’t have to give the enemy more ammunition. It is time for you to take your Power back by renouncing and repenting. Use your words to create your future and change your environment and shift your circumstances. It is doable because God redeems. So don’t think you are too far gone. You can start over and start using your tongue for good.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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