- But before we do let us look at some of the truths from the Bible that tell us who we are.
- What does Romans 12 say about it?
- What are some of the reasons holding back?
- How then can you let your real you shine?
- Surround yourself with people who appreciate the real you.
- Conclusion.
Why do we hold back from expressing ourselves and being our true authentic selves? What reason do we have that we should be okay with being shallow and having weak connections? Why are we scared of letting the real us shine and unleash our true authentic selves? Why should we be okay with the status quo? What makes us think that what society tells us is the way to go? Why can’t we allow the personalities that God placed inside of us to shine? These are some of the questions I have been pondering on and today I want to invite you so that for the next 3 or so minutes we can look at some of the things that hold us back and keep us from being ourselves.
But before we do let us look at some of the truths from the Bible that tell us who we are.
We need to realize that God has very many layers, facets and there are myriads of mysteries that He wants to reveal to us and through us. With that being said we all have unique attributes that God gave us so that we can reveal an aspect of who He is to the world. God created each one of us uniquely and we can almost say that trying to be something we are not is almost like insulting God. Why do I say that? It is like trying to tell Him that He made a mistake with you and you would rather be like so and so. And this my friend, is wrong.
- What To Know About God’s Promises.
- The Journey To Becoming Your True Self As Christian Millennials.
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Now don’t get me wrong, we need to be morally upright and abide by God’s word especially for those that are Christians. But this does not mean that you can’t let your passions, desires, likes, dislikes, Hobbys, and talents shine. Just because you are a Christian does not mean that you can not also allow yourself to live life to the fullest. Okay so let me ask you, what do you like? What are your passions and Hobbys? Do you realize that you can use them to bring glory to God too? God does not want you to live a boring and stiff life. If God was to ask you the kind of life you want, what would you tell Him? You can give God every day of your life as an offering. Do you know that even in the mundane you can use it to bring glory to God?
What does Romans 12 say about it?
12ย 1-2ย So hereโs what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary lifeโyour sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around lifeโand place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Donโt become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. Youโll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12: 1-2 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%2012%3A1-2&version=MSG
Isn’t it amazing that things like eating, working, studying, spending time with your friends, can be offered to God as a love offering? If you can offer the mundane as an offering to God, how much more if you choose to offer your personality, talents, your real you as an offering to God. Wouldn’t that please God even more? Imagine utilizing the very core of who you are for the glory of God. Just picture yourself unveiling the very person you strive so much to hide from the world. How much more fulfilling would your life be?
What are some of the reasons holding back?
Could it be the fear of rejection?
Are you afraid that people will not accept the real you if you show them? What if they do? What would happen if they actually accepted you? And should they reject you, it means that they are not even meant to be in your close circle. Always remember that you are called to be friendly with every person not friends with everyone. And you should learn that even Jesus was rejected too. But if you always stay stuck in being the person you are not for fear of rejection, you will never experience the fulfillment that comes with being the person God intended for you to be. The essence of the person you are becoming is hidden in the boldness and courage of unveiling who you are.
Maybe it’s the fear of getting out of your comfort zone.
Are you afraid of being the real you because it could mean that you will have to explore unchartered territories? But let me ask you this, what is the use of staying in your comfort zone when there is so much for you to explore and experience? Why would you allow yourself to get stuck in a place you don’t even like and aren’t fulfilled? Maybe you have always wanted to be a singer, why don’t you explore that? Do you love speaking, maybe that can become your career? Are you an outgoing person? God could want you to use that personality to bring people to Christ.
Advance Automotive Beauty Becoming change content Easter Faith Fauth finances as Christians finances for christians financial freedom financial wealth Friends fulfilled godly sophisticated woman Gods love Grow growth hope i am enough Jesus joy new wine occupy patience peace plowing Possess power prayer preparation promises prunning purpose Redemption resurrection Saviour self discovery transformation trust unconditional uniquely me wait waiting
There is a way that your personality could reach a group of people that others couldn’t. So do not diminish who you are because not only do you have a purpose, but also you are valuable in the kingdom of God and its advancement. God will never waste anything be it a season or even a personality. Allow God to use every area of your life and not just some areas. When you allow Him, He will use the real you and help you become your best version. Not the one that others want you to be or who you think you should be but the very core of who you are.
How then can you let your real you shine?
Be bold and confident in your authenticity.
Focus on who God says you are and confidently embrace that. What gifts and attributes have God given you? In what areas can your gifts, personality, and attributes be unveiled to the world? Be fearless as you walk in your true identity. Realize that God is the one who created you and thus your focus would be who He says you are. What kind of person does God want you to be? In what ways can your personality bring God glory. Don’t forget that God created you the way you are because He wants you to reveal His attribute to the world. He has a plan for you as you are in Him. Don’t focus on your imperfections, surrender them all to Him and watch Him transform you into the person He intended.
Let go of the things that do not profit you.
What things hinder the real you and what things bring out the real you? Categorize each one of them and prioritize things that bring out the real you. Don’t be afraid of starting over, it is okay. Sometimes the pain of regret is far much greater than the pain and process of starting over. What steps do you feel like God is asking you to take? God wants to see you become the person He envisioned when He created you. So you can be sure that His path will lead you to a place of fulfillment and this will all bring Him glory.
Surround yourself with people who appreciate the real you.
Do not allow other people to diminish you and make you feel unworthy simply because you are trying to be yourself. Learn to surround yourself with people who bring out the real you. Limit the time you spend with the people who try to make you live a fake life. God created you as an original, don’t try to be a copy. You are perfect just as God created you. Be confident in who God says you are that even when people tell you any different it does not faze you.
There will only be one of you. So be confidently authentic and let the real you shine. Let every area of your life including your personality and talents bring glory to God. Ofer them all as a love offering to God daily and you will be amazed at the impact you will have on people, simply because you were authentic. Surround yourself with people who bring the best in you. It is okay to start over if starting over means that your authentic self will emerge. God has an amazing life waiting for you if you will allow the real you to shine! Go on and be great! This is your season, stop hesitating.