

What do you do when you have been waiting a long time? How do you position yourself in the waiting? Maybe, like Hannah, you are in pursuit of your breakthrough. Today I have a word for you. And again, if you want to go deeper into Hannah’s story and have thought-provoking questions to help you get unstuck, check out my new book in pursuit of Breakthrough.


Have you or are you going through a roller-coaster season and you can’t seem to catch a break? Are you growing weary and wanting to give up? Has this been going on for so long that you’ve become accustomed to it? Well, I have a word for you today. You’ve heard it said that you find green pastures in the valley. This is because that’s where you grow. Unfortunately, growth comes after a tough time and the only way strength is cultivated is when you are in a hard season. The length of the valley season is unfortunately not entirely up to us but it is inevitable. One promise Jesus gave us is that in this world we will experience trouble, but we should take heart because He overcame it.

The good news, though, is that He promised to give us something to hold on to in the difficult moments and that is His peace and the Precious Holy Spirit. The other promise He gave is that He will never leave us, nor forsake us, and even when we go through the fire, He is present and He goes in with us.

When King Nebuchadnezzar threw Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego into the furnace, Jesus came to their rescue. As the Jews were stoning Stephen, he did not experience any pain because he was already in the glory realm. So one thing you can be confident about is that you are not alone in this season because God is with you and the Holy Spirit is strengthening you. But sometimes it’s difficult to believe it, so let’s look at an example of someone who experienced hardships for a long time.

Hannah’s story.

There once was a man who lived in Ramathaim. He was descended from the old Zuph family in the Ephraim hills. His name was Elkanah. (He was connected with the Zuphs from Ephraim through his father Jeroham, his grandfather Elihu, and his great-grandfather Tohu.) He had two wives. The first was Hannah; the second was Peninnah. Peninnah had children; Hannah did not. Every year this man went from his hometown up to Shiloh to worship and offer a sacrifice to God-of-the-Angel-Armies. 
Eli and his two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, served as the priests of God there. When Elkanah sacrificed, he passed helpings from the sacrificial meal around to his wife Peninnah and all her children, but he always gave an especially generous helping to Hannah because he loved her so much, and because God had not given her children. But her rival wife taunted her cruelly, rubbing it in and never letting her forget that God had not given her children. This went on year after year. Every time she went to the sanctuary of God she could expect to be taunted. Hannah was reduced to tears and had no appetite. 
1 Samuel 1:1โ€ญ-โ€ฌ7 MSG 

For a moment, just picture what Hannah must have felt. Year after year, she expected the same taunting and gut-wrenching pain because Peninnah mocked and looked down on her. Can you imagine the feeling in her heart every time they had to go as a family to offer sacrifices? Just picture her seeing Peninnah with her children.

Have you ever found yourself around people who are experiencing breakthrough after breakthrough while all you have is hope? Does it ever feel like everyone around you is experiencing multiple breakthroughs, yet all you want is one? Has it been going on for a long period such that you have become accustomed to the pain? Have you been celebrating other people’s milestones while in your case, things have been stagnant, almost to a standstill? Have people even labeled you based on your circumstance that you have accepted that that’s all you’ll ever be?

Hannah must have gotten to the place where she had accepted that that’s all she would ever be-barren. Have you, like Hannah become so accustomed to pain, tears, and heartache? What will you do about it? Hannah became tired of going through this year after year and so she resolved to do something about it.

Hannah’s resolve.

Her husband Elkanah said, โ€œOh, Hannah, why are you crying? Why arenโ€™t you eating? And why are you so upset? Am I not of more worth to you than ten sons?โ€ So Hannah ate. Then she pulled herself together, slipped away quietly, and entered the sanctuary. The priest Eli was on duty at the entrance to Godโ€™s Temple in the customary seat. Crushed in soul, Hannah prayed to God and cried and criedโ€”inconsolably. Then she made a vow: Oh, God-of-the-Angel-Armies, If youโ€™ll take a good, hard look at my pain, If youโ€™ll quit neglecting me and go into action for me By giving me a son, Iโ€™ll give him completely, unreservedly to you. Iโ€™ll set him apart for a life of holy discipline. 1 Samuel 1:8โ€ญ-โ€ฌ11 MSG 

ย Hannah cried out to God because He was the only one who could change her circumstances. She stopped allowing her circumstances to determine her emotions and so after eating; she went to the temple to pray. One thing I love about Hannah’s prayer is that she was real with God. She was not afraid to tell God what her need was and what she desired the most. She was specific. Her prayer came from the heart and it was not some formulae and steps learned.

Another thing is that Hannah did not care what others would think of her. She had become desperate and needed God’s immediate intervention.

It so happened that as she continued in prayer before God, Eli was watching her closely. Hannah was praying in her heart, silently. Her lips moved, but no sound was heard. Eli jumped to the conclusion that she was drunk. He approached her and said, โ€œYouโ€™re drunk! How long do you plan to keep this up? Sober up, woman!โ€ 1 Samuel 1:12โ€ญ-โ€ฌ14 MSG  

Have you hit rock bottom? Tell God where you are at and leave nothing out. Be honest with Him. Although He already knows He wants you to tell Him, anyway. Eli thought Hannah was drunk, but that wasn’t the case. What names have others labeled you? How have others misjudged you? Has your pain caused you to look a certain way to others? Worry not, because God is still working on your case. Notice Hannah’s response to Eli.

Hannah said, โ€œOh no, sirโ€”please! Iโ€™m a woman hard used. I havenโ€™t been drinking. Not a drop of wine or beer. The only thing Iโ€™ve been pouring out is my heart, pouring it out to God. Donโ€™t for a minute think Iโ€™m a bad woman. Itโ€™s because Iโ€™m so desperately unhappy and in such pain that Iโ€™ve stayed here so long.โ€ 1 Samuel 1:15โ€ญ-โ€ฌ16 MSG 

Hannah’s response proves that she was at her breaking point and needed God to move, as she had been in that condition for a long time. Her pain was so deep that she could not hide it any longer. Maybe this is you. Maybe you have been through so much that you are tired of acting strong and putting on a brave face. Please know that it is okay to share with someone you can trust and who can advise you and pray for you, too. It is okay to not be okay and sometimes sharing your problem can ease some of the pain. After all, they say, a problem shared is half solved. Eli’s response is proof of that.

Eli’s response.

Eli answered her, โ€œGo in peace. And may the God of Israel give you what you have asked of him.โ€ โ€œThink well of meโ€”and pray for me!โ€ she said, and went her way. Then she ate heartily, her face radiant. 1 Samuel 1:17โ€ญ-โ€ฌ18 MSG 

Don’t stay stuck in your pain that you ignore other people’s help. Eli’s words of encouragement blessed Hannah so much so that she became radiant and her face even glowed. Sometimes God will use someone to brighten your day by telling you the right thing at the right time. When going through a hard time, it’s difficult to stay positive, but a word from the right person will get you out of a funk and revive your spirit.

God’s response.

Up before dawn, they worshiped God and returned home to Ramah. Elkanah slept with Hannah his wife, and God began making the necessary arrangements in response to what she had asked. 1 Samuel 1:19 MSG

God remembered Hannah and give her the desire of her heart.

So what lessons can you learn from this story for when you have been waiting for a long time?

Being vulnerable and specific is key when you have been waiting for a long time.

When Hannah finally reached her breaking point, she prayed to God, and through her pouring out, she specifically asked for the very thing she wanted. Crying about it is not enough. Tell God what it is you want. He says that you have not because you ask not. Hannah knew what she wanted and notice that in her prayer she even specified that she wanted a son. It was not enough for her to have a child. She wanted to have a boy. If you have been waiting for a long time, it is time for you to be specific in your prayers.

Do you know what you want? How are your prayers when you talk to God? Do you use a formula or are you honest with Him, telling Him exactly what is in your heart? He is Sovereign, so He obviously knows, but He still wants you to tell Him. If God was to ask you today what you wanted, would you have an answer for Him? Can you point out your need?

In Mathew 7:7, when He tells you to ask, He says that when you do, you will receive, and the verse after even explains further and says that everyone who asks will receive what they are asking. So, have you told God of your specific need? Do not be afraid of God. He is your heavenly father and you are His child. As His child, He delights in you, cares for you, and wants you to include Him in every area of your life by telling Him everything in your life. Pour your heart out to Him. He sees and knows your plight and He has you in His heart.

Be open if you have been waiting for a long time.

Sometimes God will give you an answer to someone else and it will take you sharing your problem with them for you to receive the answer. When Hannah told Eli her plight, Eli blessed her and prayed that God would remember her. Although you can hear God for yourself, sometimes when you are in the middle of a tough season, you can fail too. And that’s why having someone you can share your problem with can be of help, because, in moments where you cannot hear God for yourself, they will hear Him for you.

Having people in your corner is vital, and it is okay to have an open mind. But even as you do, use wisdom so that you can know who you can and can’t share your struggles with. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you choose the right people to confide in. But don’t allow fear to keep you from opening up to the people God might send your way to help you.

Be careful not to judge others.

We are all so quick to judge and it is dangerous because when we learn the truth, we can end up feeling embarrassed. Imagine what Eli must have felt when he realized that Hannah was not drunk but in pain. How many times have you been so quick to judge someone only to find out that you were wrong about them? It is best to give someone the benefit of doubt because you can never know the battles they are fighting. Never judge a book by its cover.

When you give God your problems, don’t go back to pick them up.

Once Hannah poured her heart out to God, the Bible says that she went her way, showered, ate, and was merry. She understood that since she had given it all to God, there was no need for her to pick it up again. Are you guilty of checking up on the things that you left in God’s hands? Stop doing that. When you surrender to God, you need to be confident that He has it all figured out and He is working behind the scenes on your behalf. He says that you should cast your burdens unto Him because He cares for you.

God wants you to give up control so that He can work on your behalf. You are more precious to Him than the birds and just like He takes care of them and feeds them, He will do the same for you too. If He dresses the lollies with beauty and splendor, how much more will He clothe you. If He watches over every sparrow, how much more does He love you? God loves you, cares for you, and wants to take care of the very thing that is keeping you up at night.

If you have been waiting for a long time, I want to encourage you by saying, God redeems.

Hannah did finally get her prayer answered, and this silenced Peninnah. In fact, after that, there is no mention of her in the Bible. God will silence the enemy. Please note that your enemies are not people.

Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. Ephesians 6:12 TPT 

God will never take you through anything unless He has a redemption plan in place. You might weep now, but I want you to know that joy comes in the morning. God blessed Hannah with Samuel. And her story is so inspiring because Hannah’s blessing was added to the other blessings she already had. She had a husband who loved her and also had a comfortable life. And yet God answered the one prayer, she longed for. God does not have to take away from you to bless you and you might like Hannah to have everything else, but lack one. God will not reprimand you for wanting something more. Do not be afraid of asking God for something if that’s what you desire, even though you have other blessings too. It is okay.

God is your redeemer. He says that He will restore everything that the locusts have eaten. That is who He is, the redeemer. So hold on to this truth if you have been waiting for a long time.

The reason God does all this is to bring Him glory and through that, have people turn to Him. God is good and He has the best intentions for you. This so why He sent His Son to die on the cross for you so that He could reconcile you to Him.


 It does not matter how long you have been going through this, God is for you and He will redeem you. The sun will rise again and you will receive a garment of praise for the garments of mourning. And you will receive beauty for your ashes. Keep going, hold on because you will make it through. You will get to the other side. For the time being, just laugh in the tears and know that He is faithful to fulfill every promise He has spoken over you. Don’t lose hope.If you have been waiting for a long time, don’t give up on God. You are still on His mind.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too


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