become your best self
Spiritual growth in the wilderness and waiting season


Estimated reading time: 13 minutes

What do you think makes you scared of becoming your best self? Why are you afraid of the person you could become? Do you find yourself self-sabotaging every progress you make? Do you feel awkward whenever you take steps in the right direction? Why is it easy to get back to the person you used to be and hard to get to the person you want to become? Let’s talk about this for a moment. Change is uncomfortable, and often people embrace it once they get to the other side. And it’s easy for you to reject change until it becomes inevitable. There is no point in holding on to a version that no longer serves you.

God does not want you to remain mediocre. He wants you to step into the fullness of who He created you to be. There is a purpose and path that God has ordained for you. But it requires a new version. Are you ready to become your best self? It is okay for you to reinvent yourself.

Back to the question at hand: Why do you think is the reason you don’t step into the new improved version God always meant you to be?

  • Could it be that you are so used to dysfunction and brokenness that you don’t think you could learn how to navigate the healed you? It might sound ridiculous, but there are people who thrive on dysfunction and brokenness because that’s all they know. And often, the root cause is childhood trauma. Maybe the only time you got attention was when you acted up and thus, you associate dysfunction with attention. 
  • Are you afraid of change? Does the responsibility that comes with your healing scare you? Maybe you think that you will have to put in so much work before you can see results and are not ready for that kind of commitment 
  • Maybe you are not ready to relive your past. Growth and change come after you confront your past and that often means relieving it. Are you scared of going through that pain all over again? 

Examples of people in the Bible who had to relive their past.

Jacob looked up and saw Esau coming with his four hundred men. Jacob divided the children between Leah and Rachel and the two maidservants. He put the maidservants out in front, Leah and her children next, and Rachel and Joseph last. He led the way and, as he approached his brother, bowed seven times, honoring his brother. But Esau ran up and embraced him, held him tight and kissed him. And they both wept.

Then Esau looked around and saw the women and children: โ€œAnd who are these with you?โ€ Jacob said, โ€œThe children that God saw fit to bless me with.โ€ Then the maidservants came up with their children and bowed; And then Leah and her children, also bowing; and finally, Joseph and Rachel came up and bowed to Esau. Esau then asked, โ€œAnd what was the meaning of all those herds that I met?โ€

โ€œI was hoping that they would pave the way for my master to welcome me.โ€ Esau said, โ€œOh, brother. I have plenty of everythingโ€”keep what is yours for yourself.โ€ Jacob said, โ€œPlease. If you can find it in your heart to welcome me, accept these gifts. When I saw your face, it was as the face of God smiling on me. Accept the gifts I have brought for you. God has been good to me and I have more than enough.โ€ Jacob urged the gifts on him and Esau accepted. Esau said, โ€œLet me at least lend you some of my men.โ€ โ€œThereโ€™s no need,โ€ said Jacob. โ€œYour generous welcome is all I need or want.โ€ Genesis 33:1โ€ญ-โ€ฌ11โ€ญ, โ€ฌ15 MSG

Imagine when Jacob had to face Esau again when he was coming back home. Remember how he kind of went back to being the schemer he used to be? Going to the lengths of dividing his family. Placing the ones he liked less first and the ones he loved more last? But again, imagine how freeing it must have felt when he realized Esau had already forgiven him and was in fact happy to see him. Can you imagine the burden that must have been lifted from Jacob after he relieved his past?

One day Elisha passed through Shunem. A leading lady of the town talked him into stopping for a meal. And then it became his custom: Whenever he passed through, he stopped by for a meal. โ€œIโ€™m certain,โ€ said the woman to her husband, โ€œthat this man who stops by with us all the time is a holy man of God. Why donโ€™t we add on a small room upstairs and furnish it with a bed and desk, chair and lamp, so that when he comes by he can stay with us?โ€ Through Gehazi Elisha said, โ€œYouโ€™ve gone far beyond the call of duty in taking care of us; what can we do for you?

Do you have a request we can bring to the king or to the commander of the army?โ€ She replied, โ€œNothing. Iโ€™m secure and satisfied in my family.โ€ Elisha conferred with Gehazi: โ€œThereโ€™s got to be something we can do for her. But what?โ€ Gehazi said, โ€œWell, she has no son, and her husband is an old man.โ€ โ€œCall her in,โ€ said Elisha. He called her and she stood at the open door. Elisha said to her, โ€œThis time next year youโ€™re going to be nursing an infant son.โ€ โ€œO my master, O Holy Man,โ€ she said, โ€œdonโ€™t play games with me, teasing me with such fantasies!โ€ 2 Kings 4:8โ€ญ-โ€ฌ10โ€ญ, โ€ฌ13โ€ญ-โ€ฌ16 MSG

Another example is the Shunammite woman. She went on about her life childless, thinking she was comfortable with not having a child until Elisha brought it up. Remember her response when Elisha told her she would have a child the following year? Does that response look like that of someone who had healed? In agreement, we can all say no, right? Imagine then the excitement and joy she must have felt when she finally had a child of her own. Do you see the theme here? Reliving your past and confronting it is the only way that will get you to that place of ultimate joy. 

How then can you overcome the fear of becoming your best self?

Learn who you are in God.

The secret is to always find your identity in Jesus. Discovering your identity will get you closer to becoming your best self. This is because He, being your creator, knows who He wanted you to become before the beginning of time. That is why the Psalmist in Psalms 136 says God wrote all our days before we came to be. You will grow into who God created you to be and become your true self when you learn who God is and who you are to Him.

And for you to do that, you need to have a relationship with Jesus. Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Have you given Him access to your life? If you haven’t, I want to encourage you to invite Him into your heart. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins and repent of them, too. And surrender your life to Him. Jesus promises to save those who believe in their hearts and confess with their mouths that He is God. When you give your life to God, you become a new person. And as you commune with Him, you experience a transformation like you never knew before. If you have made that decision, congratulations and know that heaven is celebrating with you. You can reach me at so that I can celebrate with you for taking this bold step.

In what ways can you become your best self?

  • Prayer
  • Read the word
  • Surrender
  • Consistency
  • Find your tribe
  • Embrace solitude

Prayer is essential if you want to become your best self

Prayer helps you unload everything that is in you in exchange for what God has. He says that you should bring your burden to Him and how you do that is through prayer. As you pray, His peace cascades all over you and lightens the load, revealing who you truly are within. Your spirit comes alive when you silence the soul and noise. And the gems God placed in you become clear. So if you want to know who you are, prayer would be a good place to start

Ask God who He created you to be. And be expectant that He will answer you. The Holy Spirit has the answer. Why don’t you commune with Him today?

Reading the word of God

God has laid out everything you need to live a victorious life in His Word. He also makes it clear who you really are in Him. So instead of looking for your identity in fickle places, turn to your guide, the Bible, and ask The Holy Spirit for revelation because He is more than willing to help you out. 

The word of God will refine you and transform you through the renewing of your mind. The more you spend time in the word of God the more you become your best self. You see, you first think before you become. That is why the book of Proverbs reminds us that as a man or woman thinks in their heart, so are they. And yet again, the scripture reminds us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Your mind is the first place that is transformed before you can become your best self. There has to be unlearning of old patterns and learning new patterns so that you can experience transformation.

The word of God is alive and true. As you dig deep into His word, you will uproot the lies that are holding you back. You will also receive healing, which will give you the boldness to step into the person God created you to be.


Through prayer, the flesh is silenced and when that happens; it becomes easy to read the Bible. In here you will find all the nuggets that reveal to you who you are. When you realize that you are a conqueror and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, you will feel equipped to confront your past and your fears. Reading the word will also get God’s promises etched in your heart and thus when you are afraid, the Holy Spirit will always bring up one scripture to encourage you.

The study of the word will get you accustomed to the voice of the Holy Spirit such that you will differentiate between Him and your flesh and even the enemy. Since Jesus gave you the Holy Spirit to be your helper, He wants you to ask Him for help and give Him room to do so. Surrender, on the other hand, gets you to the end of yourself, and once you do that the Holy Spirit takes over to mold you into your best self. 

Don’t be afraid to let go of what you believed in and embrace what God is doing. As you surrender and let go, you make room for the version God wants you to be. The Holy Spirit wants to reveal to you your destiny. Don’t hesitate. Surrender to Him today. Check out my blog post on how to live a surrendered life.


You can only become your best self when you are consistent in doing the things that make you better. Focus on personal development and self-care. Find scriptures that talk about your identity and rewire your brain to believe what God says about you. You will not become your best self overnight. But when you focus on being the best you can be every day, you find that you live an authentic life which in turn leads you to become your best self. Your best self is hidden in your authenticity.

Find your tribe

You are the average of the 5 people you spend time with. Therefore, if you want to step into your authenticity and become your best self, the best thing you can do is to find people who encourage you to be your best. After all, birds of a feather flock together. So let me ask you this, who do you spend most of your time with? Do you hang out with people who fuel people-pleasing or who encourage you to embrace your uniqueness? And do you have people who make you feel comfortable being your true self? Do you have people who encourage you to grow?

Asking yourself these questions will help you find the tribe that brings out the best in you. There is no need to hang out with people who don’t bring out your best. Or people who don’t encourage and challenge you to be your best self.

Embrace solitude

Learning to step away from the crowd to be alone will help you become your best self. The more time you take alone, the more you get to learn yourself, and, in so doing you discover your highest version. Always remember that your spirit will always pull you to your highest and best version. And the only way you can truly hear your spirit is by embracing solitude and learning to quiet the noise. After all, the Holy Spirit will commune with your spirit and reveal to you who you really are.

Today, I encourage you to set time aside to step away from the crowd and listen to your spirit. There is so much you will learn in solitude that you can never learn when you are in a crowd. God wants to reveal to you who you really are and that translates to your best self. Are you ready to take heed?


The minute you get to the end of yourself, you give room for your authentic self to emerge. The person that God had in mind before the beginning of the world. You do not have to be afraid of the person you were meant to become all along because that is where you get the ultimate satisfaction.ย 

The good news is that you will not do it alone. You will have Jesus to help you out and the Holy Spirit giving you the blueprints. Jesus wants you to let go of the mediocre self you have been holding on to and step into who He wants you to be. He wants to see you happy. So step into it. The road will not be easy, but I promise you it will be worth it. You don’t have to be afraid; you are not alone. And also you have the whole of heaven cheering you on.

Don’t wait any longer it is time for you to step into that person God wants you to be. It is okay to reinvent yourself and become your best self. Jesus wants us to move from glory to glory. He wants us to experience the fullness He paid on the cross. ย 

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too