Easter,  Redemption

The Easter Series: When You are Birthing Your Purpose.

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

The birthing process of your purpose is not easy. Just like a woman about to give birth, the pain just before the child is born ( the crowning) is almost unbearable. But once the child comes forth, the pain is soon forgotten. Jesus uses this analogy as He talks to His disciples while explaining to them some of the things they were about to go through.ย So lets look in detail at what happens when you are birthing your purpose.

Table of Contents

A woman, when she is in labor, has pain because her time [to give birth] has come; but when she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of her joy that a child has come into the world. John 16:21 AMP

Now we know the context of this scripture was that Jesus was explaining to His disciples how His death would bring them so much grief but once He resurrected they would have unexplainable joy. But today I want us to look at it from a slightly different angle. Let us focus on what happens before the unveiling of your purpose. Your purpose is the assignment that God gave you. Now over the course of your life, your assignment will vary but at the core, it will be the same. Jesus’ assignment was redemption and salvation. And everything He did pointed to that. Whether it was when he was healing the sick or saving the lost. You see salvation in Greek is translated as Sozo.

Sozo meaning in Greek Lexicon

  • to save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction
  • one (from injury or peril)
  • to save a suffering one (from perishing), i.e. one suffering from disease, to make well, heal, restore to health
  • to preserve one who is in danger of destruction, to save or rescue
  • Save in the technical biblical sense
  • to deliver from the penalties of the Messianic judgment
  • to save from the evils which obstruct the reception of the Messianic deliverance

Some of the words used to describe Sozo are?

  • bring…safely
  • cured 
  • ensure salvation 
  • get well, made well
  • preserved 
  • recover 
  • restore 
  • save 

Sozo is life and some aspects identified with Sozo are salvation, health, freedom, wholeness, and life. As Jesus healed, He set people free from the bondage of infirmity. He brought wholeness and deliverance when He raised people from the dead. And His message was love and redemption, so in the end, everything was tied together. The same goes for you. Everything you do will stem from your core purpose because ultimately your purpose should align with what you do. When what you do is incongruent with your purpose, that’s when God’s redirection comes in. That’s why it is very important to know what your purpose is. Always remember that you were created to be a solution. What this means is that there is a purpose that God put inside you that needs to be revealed to the world.

It does not matter how you came to this world, the truth of the matter is that God knew you before you were created and He loves you so. The fact that you are alive means that you were created for such a time as this and that you have something to offer the world. Never ever feel like you do not matter because you do. Jesus came on earth to Redeem you too. He had your name in mind as He was laying His life down. Stop allowing the enemy to lie to you by telling you that you are unworthy because that is not true. You are worthy, God’s own prized possession and that is why He sent His Son to die on the cross so that you can experience life in abundance and experience eternal life too. 

So back to the topic of today, I want us to look at the birthing of your promise.

What to expect before the birthing of your promise.


Because we live in a fallen world, there will always be difficulties in bringing the kingdom of  God here on earth. I hope you do know that every good and perfect gift comes from God. So anytime that you are about to bring something good to the world you are establishing God’s kingdom here. And because you are, the enemy will fight you tooth and nail to get you to give up on your purpose.

Since your purpose is a solution to the world, the enemy will fight you to deter you from bringing the solution that will set people free. Jesus said that once people know the truth, they will be set free. And in your purpose, people will experience freedom from some form of bondage. This is why God wants you to fulfill your purpose. There is someone who will experience freedom and walk in the fullness of who they were created to be after hearing what you have to give to the world.

I hope this now gets you to see why sometimes God redirects you. Your purpose is tied to someone else experiencing freedom. One of the warfare you might experience is setbacks that you did not anticipate. Have you been experiencing warfare the closer you get to your unveiling? What kind of warfare have you been experiencing?

Always remember that it gets worse, right on the brink of your victory. So hold on


Whenever you are walking on your purpose, you will experience some form of backlash. This usually is because those that knew you before do not understand what is going on with you. As human beings, we do not like change. And we surely do not like it when people introduce something new. The Pharisees had a hard time receiving Jesus because He threatened the foundation they were on. He was challenging them to focus on inward transformation and not just the outward. Jesus challenged them to walk in freedom and they were not ready for that because that meant leaving what they knew so that they could embrace the new. Has God asked you to let go of something because He has better for you?

Embrace the shift and allow God to redirect you to the path He has for you. And as you do that, expect rejection because people don’t understand. It is important to realize that you need to check your heart because harboring bitterness will hinder you from walking in your purpose in the fullness that God wants you to. 


Now that you know that rejection will be something you experience, then it goes without saying that you will experience Loneliness. After all, most people will not understand you, especially when you challenge their comfort zone. It is not easy to let go of the familiar therefore people will prefer to let you be than to change which will lead you to feel alone. Let the example of Jesus guide you. And always remember that you are never alone since God promises that He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is right by your side. In fact, you will experience God, even more, when you are on the path He has ordained for you. God is found in the path of obedience.ย 


Fear will manifest in different forms. First off it is because what you are about to step into is different. You are birthing something that you have little to no idea of how to steward. And even if the thing looks similar to what you are used to, there are some aspects that will differ. Jesus’ ministry was saving people by freeing them from whatever had been holding them captive. And although He was going to do the same thing on the cross, it still felt different. This was a whole new ballgame and He had to face it. I don’t know if Jesus experienced fear, but I do know that at some point He cried out to God to have the cup taken away from Him. He, however, endured it all in the end. Let this encourage you to endure whatever you have to to get to your purpose.ย 

Being misunderstood

In the birthing of your purpose, you will be misunderstood. Your purpose comes with, you having to grow and be a different person so that you can accommodate the new thing that you have to do. A woman prepares for the birth of her child and she knows that her life will be different because she is bringing a new life to the world. This means that she has to act differently and let go of some of the things she was used to.

The same goes for you, as you birth your promise, you will realize that there are some tendencies that you will leave behind because they will not serve you in your next season. In so doing, the people who knew you before will not understand why you are doing so and this will lead to you feeling misunderstood. Maybe you have been feeling like people are misunderstanding you? Has this been your experience? Today I want to encourage you not to give up. Just keep going because in the end, it will all make sense to them. 

How then can you position yourself when birthing your purpose?

Now that you know what to expect when birthing your purpose, how then can you align yourself so that you can birth your purpose correctly? There is always a set way that soon-to-be mothers are advised to position themselves as they prepare to give birth and even when they are pushing, they are usually guided so as to ensure the baby comes out fine. The same goes for you. Here are 4 Keys that will help you do exactly that. 

Focus on Jesus

As you give birth to your purpose, focus on Jesus. Since He knows how it feels to birth purpose, He will guide you on what you should do. Before Jesus left the earth, He gave you and me the Precious Holy Spirit to be our helper. This means that you do not have to do it alone so you can turn to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide you on your journey so that you can give birth properly. 


There is always a reward for your perseverance. God will never ask you to leave something behind without giving you something better to hold on to. If God is asking you to birth something it is because He knows it is the best for you. Staying Power is very important as you birth and step into your purpose. Hold on when things seem bleak because the sun will rise and you will be glad you persevered. In your weariness, turn to God and ask Him for help and He will give you the strength to hold on to the end. Keep going, keep pushing you are almost on the finish line. 

Have Faith and trust.

It is vital for you to believe that God has good intentions for you and that what you will give birth to will help others too. God wants you to trust Him as He leads you to your purpose. The beauty about purpose is that it is irrevocable and specific to you. The purpose that God has given you, HE knows you have what it takes to bring it to pass and birth it. Let this confidence give you the faith to bring it to pass. 

Intimacy with God.

Stay close to God because He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. He wants to be the one to encourage you to keep going when it seems like the pain is too much. When Jesus was overwhelmed with His purpose, He turned TO God and it was in that that God sent the angels to strengthen you. In your case, you have the Holy Spirit who wants to strengthen you so do ensure that you are in a place of intimacy with God. You can do so through prayer. You might be so weary that the last thing you want to do is pray, it is in these moments that the Holy Spirit will pray for you.

After all the Bible does say that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groanings that no man can understand. When you do not know what to say, the Holy Spirit will tell you so yield to Him. Worship and praise is also other keys that will help you to cultivate intimacy with God as well. So use them. Reading the word will also help you in your journey with God.

The more you yield to Him the more you get to hear Him and in so doing the birthing process although painful becomes endurable. Maybe you have grown weary in the birthing process and feel like you are about to give up. Could it be that you have not been turning to God for strengthening? The Holy Spirit wants to strengthen you, but He can only do so when you turn to Him. You have gone around all this time trying to do it on your own. Why not surrender and ask the Holy Spirit to help you now? He wants to do that after all.


Birthing your purpose is not an easy process. In fact, it gets harder the closer you get to the unveiling. However, you should not let this deter you because God promises that when you persevere you will reap the reward. Just like a soon-to-be mother forgets the pain once the baby is born, so will you forget that pain once you birth your promise.

This Easter I want to encourage you that as you read the story of Jesus’s death and resurrection, look at the areas in your life that you have given up because things got too hard. And just like Jesus endured the pain of the cross because He saw the joy set before Him, today I want to encourage you to go back to that thing that you had let die and take it up. Allow God to strengthen you so that you can finish strong. The end of a matter is more important than the beginning of one. So press on and give birth. It might seem unbearable, but once you get to the other side you’ll be so glad that you never gave up.

Are you experiencing warfare because of your obedience to God? Don’t worry, the enemy will only contradict that which comes from God. Let this warfare serve as confirmation to keep going because it is when you faint not that you will reap a reward. These are labor pangs which means you are so close. Keep holding on because everything will work out for your good. JESUS did His part, now it’s your turn. Take on your cross and remember there is a reward for you on the other side of your perseverance. 

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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