big calling in your life
Spiritual growth in the wilderness and waiting season

Signs You Have A Big Calling in Your Life.

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Would you like to know if you have a big calling in your life? Has the thought that your life purpose is bigger than you been haunting you? Then today I have some good news and that is I would like for us to talk about it. In this blog, I will provide you with the key signs that will help you gain clarity on whether you have a big calling in your life.

Table of Contents

Your specific mission in life will be bigger than you. It will also align with God’s purpose for you. You will require the help of the Holy Spirit to fulfill your divine calling. Without further ado, Let’s dive right in.

Key Signs That You Have A Big Calling In Your Life.

Unexplainable warfare.

Having a big calling in your life will invite unnecessary warfare. This is because the enemy will want to fight you to ensure that you don’t get to fulfill your particular purpose. Think about this for a second. Why would the enemy make it easy for you to achieve the true calling in your life when the ultimate goal for you to walk in your divine calling is to help others achieve freedom? The purpose of your divine calling is to become a solution to the world. This means that your calling is for the sake of others. Knowing that the enemy’s goal is to have people live in bondage, he will not allow you to walk in your divine calling. Difficult times are a clear sign that you have an extraordinary life.

And the primary way the enemy will fight you is through:

  • Attacks. These attacks could be physical, spiritual, or mental. Physical attacks include sicknesses and financial difficulties. Have you been struggling with your health? If this has been going on for a long time, then it could mean that you have a big calling in your life. Spiritual attacks include toxic relationships and endless disagreements. Other factors include witchcraft, jealousy, betrayal, tarnishing your name, and abuse. The Bible reminds us we fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities. Therefore, this proves that the enemy often influences these people. It is easy to blame them. But the truth is that the battle is more spiritual than it is physical. There is so much power in unity. And that is why the enemy seeks to bring discord to families. Mental attacks include depression, anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, and condemnation. When you experience any of these mental issues, it is difficult for you to function. In fact, the last thing on your mind when anxiety or worry are overwhelming you is to fulfill your purpose. If you have experienced any of these attacks, then there is a sign that there is a big calling in your life.
  • The enemy will plant seeds of doubt as warfare. And to illustrate with the best example, I want us to talk about the story of Jesus. Do you remember when Jesus Christ was tempted by the enemy in the New Testament? The enemy discredited the word God spoke to Jesus. Before the Holy Spirit led Jesus to the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, God had called Jesus His beloved Son, with whom He was well pleased. Fast forward to the wilderness, the enemy, with every temptation, mocked Jesus by telling Him to prove that He was the Son of God. Obviously, Jesus was smarter than him and did not fall for the lies, unlike Eve in the garden of Eden. What I am getting at is that the enemy will use doubt to get you to veer from God’s plan and your spiritual calling. When God gives you a word, He will fulfill it. It does not matter how long it takes; it will come to pass.

Discontentment in your comfort zone

You will find that you have a hard time in your comfort zone when you have a big calling in your life. This could mean that despite being comfortable and having what everyone says is a good thing, you will not be content. You will find that you desire to do different things and take a plunge into the unknown. You will have a strong inclination to walk on the road less traveled. And the best example of this is Moses. Although Moses was living in the palace and lacked nothing, he had that desire to deliver his fellow Jews and get them out of bondage. He did not want to live life as usual.

Instead, he found meaning by looking out for his people. So much so that he killed the Egyptian to save his own. Doing that turned things around for him. He went from living in luxury to living in the wilderness. He wanted a sense of purpose, and this drove him to a place of discomfort. Do you feel you want to go from doing good work to meaningful work? This could stem from a deep impression of your inner self. If you feel your comfort zone shaking, then this could be a sign that there is a big calling in your life.

Strong desire for something new.

Is there a nagging feeling deep within for you to embrace a new calling? Do you desire to live a meaningful life? Then this could be a sign that there is a big calling in your life. It does not matter how good your professional life is. If what you are doing is not tied to your calling, you will always experience a lack of fulfillment. A desire for something new could look like you having new hobbies, taking new courses, changing your circle of friends, relocating, going deeper in your spiritual journey, and desiring spiritual fulfillment. Your true passion is your big calling. And when you are not walking in your calling, there is a void that you experience. Do you feel you have yet to grasp the true meaning of life?

Child of God, the most important thing in life is to live in your calling. And to do this, you need to discover your purpose. When you realize that you have a deeper desire for spirituality and connections, then lean into it. In the same way, Moses yearned for something new, you will too, until you find your calling. It does not mean that something is wrong with you. It just means that your calling is calling you and it is time for you to fulfill it. Changing your routine out of the blue is a sign that you are not walking in your purpose.

Delays can be a sign that there is a big calling in your life.

Abraham, Hannah, and Zechariah all experienced delays in their lives. And this had to do with the birth of their sons. And the reason for this was because of the calling their sons had. God made Abraham the father of many nations. Can you imagine an entire nation coming from you? That was a big calling for Abraham. And because of this, there had to be delays before God blessed him with a son.

And this was not because God was mean, but because he had to refine Abraham to prepare him for his task of raising Isaac to carry on the mandate of birthing a nation. Hannah, on the other hand, had to experience delays so that God could prepare her heart to give up her son for God’s purpose. And again, because only firstborn sons could be dedicated to God for ministry, God had to wait before blessing Hannah with other children.

Although delays can be demonic, that is not always the case. And it is important to discern whether the delay is divinely ordained or from the enemy. If it is from God, there is nothing you can do except stick it out. After all, your calling and anointing will not fight the will of God. Zechariah also experienced a delay in the birth of his son because of Joh’s task. John was to pave the way for Jesus by preparing the hearts of people. This meant he and his wife, Elizabeth, had to raise John differently. His entire life was dedicated to heralding the way for Jesus. Let me ask you this: are you experiencing delays in your life? Could it be God is preparing and refining you through this delay because of the big calling in your life?

How to posture yourself when you have a big calling in your life.

Ask for the gift of discernment.

Understanding why you are experiencing delays will help you as you prepare to step into your big calling. Discernment gives you the clarity to understand the season you are in. Often, we mislabel seasons as being demonically influenced when it is God who ordained the season. You can never walk into your purpose if you have a big calling in your life until you have been refined and tested. After all, why would God entrust you with this calling if you are not ready for it?

Always remember that God loves you so much and He would rather forfeit the promise than have you get lost. He even says that He is not slow in answering our prayers because His goal is to ensure we don’t perish. The Holy Spirit wants to give you this gift to help you decipher the season you are in. Just like the sons of Issachar could understand the times, God wants the same for you. You will walk in your true purpose after God has refined you. And He refines you in the waiting season. And don’t worry, at just the right time, you will walk in the full manifestation of your life’s work and purpose,

Stay rooted in God when you have a big calling in your life.

The only way you will walk in the bog calling of your life is when you remain rooted in God. After all, He is the only one who can help you fulfill your divine purpose. Staying rooted in God means spending time with Him. This could be in prayer, studying God’s word, worship, praise, and meditation. All these will activate your spirit and sharpen your spiritual senses.

This means that you will have the clarity to walk in your purpose as well. Always remember, you will have a hard time fulfilling your calling when you don’t develop an intimate relationship with God. When Moses tried to deliver the Israelites his way, he failed miserably. In fact, acting on impulse and before God’s time led to him living in the wilderness for 40 years. I pray this shows you the importance of staying rooted in God. You cannot fulfill your big calling on your own. You need God.

Guard your faith.

The enemy will try to bring doubt your way. Especially in the delays. The enemy will make you think that your calling is not real but from your own imagination. Don’t give him the room to shake your faith. And in this situation, what will help you is holding firm and waging war on the promises God spoke over you. After all, the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. Guarding your faith looks like you filling your mind with God’s word. It also means allowing other people’s testimonies to activate and renew your faith. After all, the same God who did it for them will bring your calling to fulfillment. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.

Exercise patience.

When there is a big calling in your life, you will have to go through a process before the promise. This way, the calling will not destroy you. Allow the waiting season to take full effect. Allow God to do what He wants to do in your life before you can walk for your true purpose.ย But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (James 1:4) Patience will also yield discipline and consistency. And this means nothing will phase you, not even criticism when God finally reveals you to the world.


When there is a big calling in your life, you will experience discontentment, warfare, and a yearning for more. Don’t ignore these signs. If you want to experience fulfillment you will need to walk in your true calling. Today, I want to encourage you to go through the process and allow God to perfect and finish what He began in you. How has this blog post spoken to you? I hope you are encouraged to walk in your calling. Don’t be afraid to walk on the road less traveled. You will achieve your purpose. Don’t grow weary, God is with you.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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