Remain Hopeful in hopeless situations

How to Remain Hopeful In Hopeless Situations.

How do you remain hopeful in hopeless situations? Are you going through the most right now? Do you find it difficult to keep the faith because of the surrounding circumstances? Have you grown weary of waiting for the promises to come to pass? Do you feel like you have been left behind? In life, we all go through seasons where we have to hold on to the word God spoke over us because everything around us is telling us something else. And in situations like these, the question then becomes, whose report will you believe? Will you trust what God told you or will you believe the circumstances will never change? How do you keep faith when your environment contradicts the word that God gave you?

Let’s look at the reason why we go through such seasons.


Before elevation, you have to go through some form of test. Again, the enemy will always contradict the word of God, so when your circumstances contradict what God told you, they should confirm that you are on the right track. The enemy will only contradict God’s word to make you forfeit your promise. How else will you have a testimony if you never go through a test? Also, it is in the testing that you get refined to be able to have the stamina to receive the promise God gave you. In order for you to step into what God has for you, there will be purging which will come as testing. Abraham’s situation did not look like what God had promised him. As a matter of fact, he was old and so was his wife. So his becoming a father seemed like a far-fetched idea. Nevertheless, he remained hopeful in hopeless situations and he reaped his reward at the God-ordained time.


Before God can elevate you, He will prepare you for the very thing you prayed for. Before you can get to the promise, you will have to go through the wilderness. The Israelites had to go through the wilderness to get to Canaan because God wanted to ensure they were ready for their promise. This is because of the promise they had to use the skills learned in the wilderness. All the skills learned in the wilderness will benefit you in your promised land so do not ignore the training. God trains you so that He can equip you for what He promised. You can’t just go to the promised land without the skills needed for you to get there.

To learn to trust in God.

Sometimes God will allow you to go through a wilderness season so that He can ground you in Him. He does not want you to rely on anyone or anything else but Him alone. God will strip you of things that you have made idols so that He alone can take the center stage. Are you in a season where God is stripping you? If yes, could it be that God wants you to realize that He is your only source? Or maybe He wants to save you from the disappointment of relying on others. The fact of the matter is that everyone and everything will let you down at some point. The market could crash and your investments go south. Either way, everything is fickle, and the only solid ground is God.

To humble you. Sometimes as human beings we can get so carried away by the success in our lives that we forget who gave us the success, to begin with. We can do nothing with our strength. It is God who gives us all the good things.

Every gift God freely gives us is good and perfect, streaming down from the Father of lights, who shines from the heavens with no hidden shadow or darkness and is never subject to change.

James (Jacob) 1:17 TPT

The wilderness experience brings out empathy in us and also helps us to come to the end of ourselves and in turn focus on God. Pride always comes before a fall. And God will sometimes protect us from ourselves by taking us through a wilderness season.

Refine you

Ultimately, God wants you and me to reflect Jesus to the world, and the wilderness experience does exactly that. Do you have traits that you acquired while in the wilderness season? Have you noticed that you have more patience and peace than you did before the wilderness season? God is more concerned about our character than He is about our comfort. God will take you through some very challenging seasons so that the best version of you can emerge.

To reveal an aspect of Him, you don’t know.

When you are in the wilderness season, God reveals an aspect of Himself you never knew. Maybe you knew Him as a provider before and now He is teaching you He is your sustainer, too. Or maybe you’ll get to know Him as a healer and promise keeper too. There is always a reason for every season, and ultimately, the goal is to grow closer to God. And you can never grow close to God by having head knowledge of Him. Often it is the experiential knowledge of who God is on a personal level that draws us close to Him. What aspects of God is He teaching you in this season? Take a moment to think about it and rest in that fresh revelation you have of Him.

How then can you remain hopeful in hopeless situations?

Draw close to God if you want to remain hopeful in hopeless situations.

In seasons where everything around you is uncertain, you need to focus on the only steady ground. God is the only constant in your life and He will never change. Having this in mind will cause you to turn to Him. When you are experiencing shaking in your life, you go through moments of uncertainty. And when you focus on Jesus, He becomes the rock in the shaking where you can anchor. And He promises that when you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. For you to remain hopeful in hopeless situations, you need to set your mind on God. That is the only way your current situation will stop overwhelming you. And that is how the peace of God will permeate your entire being.

Fortunately for us, we have a God who will never take you through a hard time if He did not have a glorious destination for you. God knows that it is in relationship with Him you get to experience the fullness of who He created you to be. Also, in your intimacy, you get to discover who He is to you and His purpose for you.

ย So then, surrender to God. Stand up to the devil and resist him and he will turn and run away from you. Move your heart closer and closer to God, and he will come even closer to you. But make sure you cleanse your life, you sinners, and keep your heart pure and stop doubting. James (Jacob) 4:7-8 TPT 

Pray as this will help you remain hopeful in hopeless situations

When you are in the wilderness and confused, prayer and reading the word of God will see you through. Prayer will silence the noises that tell you this is all you will ever be. When you pray, you remember who you are and this helps you realize that things will get better. Prayer gives you the confidence to hold on when everything around you tells you to stop. When you pray, you learn to surrender to God and give Him room to work on you, refine you, and bring out the person He always intended for you to be. Another thing prayer does is to get you to stop focusing on your situation and instead turn back to God, who is the God of all. As you pray, your problems become smaller because God becomes bigger. Prayer is the arsenal that God gave us to help us combat seasons of uncertainty and frustrations. God knows that when you pray, you gain clarity and revelation on how to navigate your current season. Don’t stop praying! Prayer will help you remain hopeful in hopeless situations. As you pray you to recognize how Sovereign and powerful God is. And this will make you realize how small your problem is.

ย Donโ€™t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life, then Godโ€™s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding will make the answers known to you through Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:6-7 TPT 

Prayer will bring about peace in your heart that will enable you to persevere in the storm and give you the strength to face it too. When you feel overwhelmed, discouraged, frustrated, and depressed just pray.

Read the Word in order to remain hopeful in hopeless situations.

In seasons of uncertainty, the word of God will give you hope and increase your faith. The Bible is not just a storybook. It contains words that encourage you and inspire you to hold on even when you can’t. As you read the word, God will reveal Himself to you, giving you the boost you need to take on the storm. In His Word, you realize He will sustain you and be with you through it all. This will give you the confidence to know that you will get to the other side. His word will also help you realize that the same way He came through for others, He will do for you too. Knowing what God says in His Word and who He is gives you the confidence to hold on to His word too. After all, He is not a man that He should lie. In reading the word, your hope arises because you realize He can do for you too what He did for others and that takes you out of the wilderness.

Remember what He did years past.

Recalling all the times God has come through for you in the past will help you in this season, too. When you are in a challenging season, the definite thing is that you will get to the other side. The question, however, is how will you get to the other side. Will you have learned what God wanted you to? Will you get out refined and reflect Jesus more? God is good, and He wants to lavish you with all the good things. So always remember that God will come through now just like He did before. It will not always be this way. Remembering what God did for you in years past will help you have faith to hold on now. If He did it before, He can do it again. It is when you remember the goodness of God and how He came through in the past that will help you remain hopeful in hopeless situations.

Praise and gratitude.

Gratitude and praise will help shift the atmosphere and bring peace to your life. Praise will also give you perspective and show you that this is not the end. So whenever you feel overwhelmed just put your praise suit on and write down your gratitude list and this will brighten your spirit. Praises help to unlock God’s glory which brings change. God inhabits the praises of His people.

Decree God’s promises over your life if you want to remain hopeful in hopeless situations.

You were created in the image and likeness of God and you have power in your tongue. When you decree God’s promises over your life, you build momentum in the spirit to bring forth the promises of God on earth as it is in heaven. God’s promises are like arrows that go forth to strike a mark. What situation do you want to see a change in your life? Start decreeing the word of God and you will see them change. The key part is to have faith. Faith as little as a mustard seed is enough to move a mountain when you command it to. So as you decree, let the decrees be fueled by your faith. And remember that it is God’s word you are using to make the decrees. Your tongue is like a key you can use to unlock God’s promises. Death and life are in the tongue and those who love it will enjoy them. Just focus on decreeing because what you focus on, you empower.

Exercise patience.

After you have done all to stand, keep standing. Patience is a virtue that can only be gained in the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit for patience to hold on in the storm. He wants to help you and when you ask Him, He will not deny you. Sometimes it takes time to see the change even after doing all this. But hold on because God promises you will reap when you sow. And just like He answered Hannah’s prayer and gave her Samuel, God will remember you too. The sun will shine. Patience is a virtue that sharpens and refines you. It is a beautiful fruit of the Spirit that will help keep you going when everything around you is asking you to stop. I want to encourage you to learn to be still and lean on God.


It might look like things will never turn around, but I want you to know that they will. The evidence of the storm around your promise should be proof enough that you are on the right track. God sees you, hears you and He will come through for you. He wants to give you beauty for ashes, a garment of praise for your mourning, and double for your trouble. Keep holding on and keep in mind that this is just a season. And just like Joseph, you will get to your palace. No season is permanent. Don’t give up because you are on the brink of your miracle. And more importantly, God your Father is still on the throne and thus He has everything under control. He has not forgotten you. So today I want to encourage you not to give up. Hold and and remain hopeful in hopeless situations.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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