How to overcome a deep sense of restlessness
Spiritual growth in the wilderness and waiting season


Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

Has a deep sense of restlessness overwhelmed you? Are you exhausted by your current level? Are you tired of pretending that you are okay? Well, today I have a wonderful word for you. 

Today I woke up with that feeling of unease and restlessness. I couldn’t just shake off the feeling of dissatisfaction. And not even prayer, reading the word, or music could shake it off. It got to a point where the frustration got the best of me and I just broke down. To top it off, everyone seemed to be so caught up in their own thing that I found myself feeling lonely. And it was at that moment that I just found myself crying out to the HOLY Spirit. And all I could do was to ask Him to help me. I felt lost. And true to the word that says He is our helper and comforter, He showed up. And this was WHAT He ministered to me.

Why you are dealing with a deep sense of restlessness?

Lack of intimacy with the HOLY Spirit.

There are moments where, because of a lack of intimacy with the HOLY Spirit, you can find yourself battling a deep sense of restlessness. This is because your spirit knows it’s lacking something, but because you don’t want to take that time to spend it with Him, the feeling of restlessness will erupt. Are you fellowshiping with the HOLY Spirit? Does He have your attention? If you need more time to do that, maybe it is time for you to do that. 

The beauty about the HOLY Spirit is THAT He will not ostracize you, or condemn you for not spending time with Him. When you invite Him, He is more than willing to commune with you. Will you invite Him in? 

Change in season.

There is a part of scripture where Isaac, while blessing Esau, tells him. When you become restless, you will break the yoke off your neck. Sometimes restlessness can be a direct result of a change in season. You see, just because your mind has not perceived it yet does not mean your spirit hasn’t. 

Remember, your spirit is always communing with God and can discern a shift in season. Could it be that a shift is happening? Maybe God is signaling to you that you are about to step into your new and that’s why you have grown weary of your current situation. 

Let me ask you this, have you been feeling this way for a while now? Has your comfort zone become so uncomfortable? Maybe it’s time for you to prepare for your new season. God wants to introduce you to your new. Get readyโ€ฆ 

A deep sense of restlessness can be a sign of a test.

Again that season of hopelessness and restlessness could be a sign of some test. As the HOLY Spirit was ministering to me, one thing I remembered was that just yesterday I was on a spiritual high. And one thing about the devil is that he is always looking for opportunities to get you down. Especially after an encounter with God or after experiencing victory. Case in point Elijah and Jesus. You see, after Elijah eliminated the prophets of Baal, Jezebel sent word to him that the same thing would happen to him. We obviously know that it was the devil speaking through Jezebel. And yet again in Mathew 4, the devil came to tempt Jesus after he had fasted for 40 days and nights. You see, the devil waited until after Jesus was done fasting and communing with God before tempting Him. And if he did that to Jesus, why not you? 

Think about this for a second. The enemy will always want you to question every encounter you have with God. That was why he challenged the very words God spoke to Adam and Eve. And the same could be happening to you, too. Maybe you were on a fast, and you are done. And now the enemy is playing mind tricks on you to get you to doubt your experiences with God during the fast. 

Again, it is important to note that the enemy will always try to discredit every experience you have when communing with God. And the reason is, he does not want you to come to the full knowledge of God. And that’s because he knows that freedom and victory come from revelation. The goal is to keep you bound. 

So let me ask you this again: could it be that your deep sense of restlessness is a test because of your encounter with God? 

The Holy Spirit is drawing you closer.

Restlessness can be a sign of the HOLY Spirit drawing you closer to Him. Maybe the Holy Spirit wants you to gain a deeper understanding of who He is which is why He is allowing you to experience that kind of restlessness. It is important to note that whenever God wanted the Israelites to experience a deeper revelation of who His identity and character, He allowed them to experience discomfort. Could it be the same for you too? Maybe the Holy Spirit wants to reveal more of Himself to you. And therefore allowing a deep yearning that you can only identify as a deep sense of restlessness.

Unfortunately, it’s not easy to articulate what you feel in some moments and therefore find yourself using the next best explanation.

Having said all this, I think it is best to understand how to overcome a deep sense of restlessness. With that being said, here are 5 keys that will help you.

Keys that will help you overcome a deep sense of restlessness

Confront the source of your restlessness

Could it be that there is an issue that the Holy Spirit wants to help you confront and that is why He is allowing you to experience that deep sense of restlessness? Think about it for a second. For that huge a price Jesus paid, why would you not enjoy the freedom and wholeness that comes with it? You know, it is after addressing the issue that you will experience the wholeness and satisfaction you are looking for. Peace is found in Jesus. But then again, peace comes after casting our burdens on God. In Phillipians 4, the Bible reminds us that it is when we pray about everything that the peace that surpasses all understanding will rest upon you.

Confronting your issues involves vulnerability and honesty. It makes sense if you don’t know what’s bothering you. And if that is the case, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what the issue is. Let me tell you this truth: the Holy Spirit wants to help you access wholeness and healing. He will not withhold that from you. He probably wants you to experience freedom more than you want to. Therefore, involving Him and asking for His help should be your first step. As you ask Him, He will reveal it to you. And maybe you might wonder how you will even know it is Him speaking. This then brings me to my second point.

Stillness is a way to help you overcome a deep sense of restlessness

Stillness is the art of quieting the soul. It comes after you have silenced all the external distractions. You see, it is in the stillness that you can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. He is very gentle and calm. That is why it is so easy to miss when He speaks. The distractions and noises of everyday life can hinder us from hearing Him. To practice stillness, you must learn to embrace solitude. Solitude is simply taking time out to spend alone and decompress. It could mean going on a retreat if you are trying to be fancy. Otherwise, just going to your room and switching off every form of distraction works, too.

You might wonder how this works. Well, once there is silence, your mind will start screaming at you, so to speak. But as you deal with all the thoughts that come, you will get to that place of calmness. And as you tarry even more while meditating on the goodness of God or a Bible verse. Or simply listening to some soaking music, you will get to that place where you experience the presence of the Holy Spirit. You might feel a warmth or bolts of electricity rushing through your entire being or just a cool breeze.

It might be for you that you will experience an overwhelming sense of peace or a deep knowing that He is present. Either way, when He shows up, He will give you what you need. If maybe you are struggling with loneliness, He will reveal Himself as your greatest friend. He will introduce you to the Prince of Peace If you are frustrated. Either way, your fellowship with Him through stillness will most definitely yield results. As you practice stillness, you realize that the deep sense of restlessness will leave you.


Surrender comes when you decide to relinquish control. It is an act that comes when you get to the end of yourself. Sometimes restlessness can come from a place of impatience or frustrations of your reality not matching up with your vision and desire. And it is in these moments that surrender becomes paramount. Let me ask you this: have you given the Holy Spirit the driver’s seat of your life? Does He have full reign over every aspect of your life? Maybe it is time for you to do that.

Surrender will bring you so much peace as you discover your life is in His hands. Don’t go through life alone. Jesus promised us that the Holy Spirit wants to commune with us, guide and lead us every step of the way. When you exhibit a deep sense of restlessness, invite the Holy Spirit in to help you.

In case you don’t know how to. Just talk to Him in all honesty and ask for His help. And if you are struggling with surrendering to Him, I would encourage you to let Him know exactly that. Tell Him you are struggling with surrendering to Him. Ask Him to heal those areas you are struggling with letting go of control. As you invite Him, He will help you. Everything Jesus did while on earth, He did with the help of the Holy Spirit. This goes to show you that you can trust Him.

Tips that will help you fully surrender to the Holy Spirit.

  • The number one key that will help you is the word of God. This is because it is in the Word that you will learn God’s character. The more you get to know His heart, the easier it gets to trust the Holy Spirit. After all, surrender is built on trust. Take your Bible today and read the book of Psalms or the book of John. Whatever it takes, take time to read His word intentionally. And with time, surrender will come easily.
  • Worship and praise. These two keys make it easier for you to surrender. The more you indulge in them, the easier it becomes to surrender to Him. I would like to encourage you to start today. You don’t have to wait until Sunday or whenever you go to church. Put on some worship music and allow yourself to get lost in the music.

Journaling will help you overcome the deep sense of restlessness.

Jotting down your emotions is also paramount if you want restlessness to leave you. There are times when unresolved emotions could lead to restlessness. And until you put into words exactly what you are feeling, you might struggle to overcome restlessness. The beauty of journaling is that there is no formula. You simply write what you are feeling at the moment. And if you need more help, then you can decide to get a coach.

Sometimes having someone to help you articulate what you are feeling can help you too. Either way, make it a habit of writing your emotions down. Learn to release those emotions. That’s how you even learn to master your emotions and gain a high level of emotional intelligence.

4 scriptures that will help you overcome a deep sense of restlessness.

Philippians 4:6-8

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthyโ€”meditate on these things.

Matthew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

John 16:33
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.’

Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you.

Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


I hope this blog has helped you understand why you are experiencing a deep sense of restlessness and how to overcome it. I just want to encourage you to press in, and build an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is the One Friend who will never leave your side. Don’t try to fill up the void with temporary fixes, rather sit still and tarry until you receive His comfort. When God encountered Elijah in the cave, Elijah had to decipher His voice. God was not in the thunder or the wind, He was the still small voice that reassured Him.

Child of God, the Holy Spirit wants to commune with you. He wants to reveal to you the hidden mysteries that will help you navigate this life. But for Him to do that, He is asking you for your time. Let the Holy Spirit in. It might feel weird at first, especially because you cannot see Him. And it might take a while before you can feel His presence. Still, press in, and even when you feel silly, don’t stop. What part of this blog spoke most to you? Let me know in the comments below. Until next time… Xoxo

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too