How To Conquer Your Fear Of Taking Risks As A Christian Millennial.
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
Being afraid of taking risks is very common, especially in a world that is always dynamic. With the current global economy and bank collapse, taking risks is becoming even more terrifying. I believe because of the fear pandemic, people are becoming more risk-averse. That is why today I want us to talk about how to conquer your fear of taking risks. And before we go any further, it is important to note that fear does not come from God. That is why God has told us He has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. And not taking risks means we are complacent and in our comfort zones. This, as we all know, is something that God loves taking us out of.
Table of Contents
- What are the signs that prove you are afraid of taking risks?
- So how can you conquer the fear of taking risks as a Christian Millennial?
- Don’t be afraid of failure if you want to conquer the fear of taking risks as a Christian millennial.
- Know your identity if you want to conquer your fear of taking risks.
- Take the limitations off.
- Don’t allow other people’s doubts to hold you back if you want to conquer the fear of taking risks.
- Surround yourself with a community that is not afraid of taking calculated risks
- Conclusion
What are the signs that prove you are afraid of taking risks?
You spend a lot of time daydreaming about what youโd like to do, but you struggle to take action.
You make impulsive decisions because thinking about your options is just too anxiety provoking.
When you think about taking a risk, you usually only imagine worst-case scenarios and choose not to take the chances.
You think you could be doing more adventurous and exciting things in life but fear holds you back.
Sometimes you let other people decide for you so you donโt have to make them.
You avoid risks in at least some areas of your lifeโsocial, financial, career, or physicalโbecause you are afraid.
You base decisions on your level of fear. If youโre a little afraid, you might do it. But, if you feel really afraid, you decide itโs unwise to proceed.
Last, you think outcomes largely depend on luck.
So how can you conquer the fear of taking risks as a Christian Millennial?
Don’t be afraid of failure if you want to conquer the fear of taking risks as a Christian millennial.
The truth is that only those who have embraced failure succeed in life. You cannot be afraid of failing as that will hinder you from making any progress. After all the mere thought of making mistakes will paralyze your movement. Child of God, you need to realize that God has equipped you with everything you need to do to progress. And even in times when you think you have failed, it is just a lesson along the way to your success.
How will you learn if you don’t fail? Of course, I am not telling you to act recklessly, all I am saying is that because you are human, you will fail from time to time. After all, you don’t know the end from the beginning. There are so many times that I have failed, whether it was in exams, an interview or a business. However, one thing I have learned over the years is that what I perceive as a failure was actually a lesson that imparted a skill I needed later.
That thing you perceive as failure is getting you closer to where God wants you to get to. And maybe God allowed you to fail the first time because He wants you to relinquish control or overcome your pride and ego. There are moments when failure is the only option to humble us.
And the best thing is that you have God who will help you process that failure with you. He says He is close to the brokenhearted.
Know your identity if you want to conquer your fear of taking risks.
Realizing who you are is very powerful if you want to conquer the fear of taking risks. Did you know that most people who have done great things in this world had to work on their inner selves first? The more they did that the more they realized their potential and through unleashing it success was inevitable. Discovering your identity is at the core of your conquering your fear of taking risks. And you might wonder how to discover your identity.
One thing I want you to know is that your identity is found in Christ. This leads me to a question. Do you have a relationship with God? Have you made Jesus the Saviour and Lord of your life? If not, what’s hindering you from doing that? God created you. And Him being your creator means He knows who you really are and not what society makes you believe you are. That is why before you can ever find yourself, you need to have a relationship with Him.
God loves you so much and wants to have a relationship with you. He has always wanted to fellowship with you, And He has such a beautiful plan for your life. This is because His intentions for you are pure and good. Therefore, you missing out on what the world has to offer will not phase you when you get to experience Him for yourself.
He promises that His burden is light, and His yoke is easy. And the best part is, He will send you the Precious Holy Spirit to help you discover your identity in Him. You belong to Him and you become His child when you receive Jesus. It is as simple as that. Make Jesus your Saviour and Lord. Invite Him and tell Him you are ready to follow Him. If you have congratulations. Heaven is celebrating your decision and so am I. And Jesus will willingly leave the 99 just for you. Welcome to the kingdom of light.
Once you have received Jesus as your lord and Saviour, the next step is to read His word. In the word, you get to discover all the promises that God has spoken over you. You also get to discover who God says you are. In one scripture, He calls you a royal priesthood and in yet another; He calls you His Child. The beauty of having a sense of belonging is that fit helps fill a void. And when this void is filled, it gives you the confidence to embrace walking the road less traveled since you don’t need to seek validation.
Discovering your identity also gives you the confidence to walk on water, just like Peter did. Once Moses discovered his identity in Christ, he confidently faced Pharaoh. And although it was challenging getting the Israelites out of Egypt, he did not relent. Can you imagine the same Moses who gave excuses in Exodus 3 & 4 ended up being the one in confidence who delivered the Israelites? That is the power of discovering your identity. Once you do that, you will easily conquer the fear of taking risks.
Take the limitations off.
The only way you will conquer the fear of taking risks is when you take the limits off. This looks like you not placing a cap on how far you can go or the things you can achieve. Maybe you thought you don’t have it in you to start a thriving business because no one around you did. Take that limit off. You need to realize that God is with you ever step of the way. This means that He will help you in your weakness. Even Paul reminds us that God’s strength is present in our weakest moments. It does not matter if something failed before. As long as God is leading you to it yet again, do it.
The Israelites did not think God would deliver them out of the hands of the Midianites in Joshua 6. But He did. And the cool part is He used Gideon, the most unlikely person to do that. And despite Gideon’s limitations and fear, God helped him prevail. In order to conquer the fear of taking risks, it is imperative that you do whatever God is asking you to albeit scared.
He will only help you when you are willing to take the first step. Taking the limits off looks like you starting that business, although you lack the funds. It might look like you moving to that country, although you have never lived on your own before. Whatever God is asking you to, today I want to encourage you to take the limits off and realize that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. And that you have the Holy Spirit who will empower you to do what God is asking you to.
Don’t allow other people’s doubts to hold you back if you want to conquer the fear of taking risks.
If you want to conquer the fear of taking risks, you need to be careful not to allow other people’s doubts and limitations to hold you back. Just because someone else failed before you does not mean that you, too, will fail. Sometimes maybe they were not acting on the leading of the Holy Spirit and that was why they failed. Maybe they acted hastily. What i want you to realize is that just because your parents did not succeed in something does not mean you too will not. When God asks you to do something I want you to take His word and hold on to it until you see success in that area.
King Solomon had never witnessed someone building a temple. And yet God appointed him to build him one. Imagine if he had allowed fear to take over and assume that because no one else had done it neither would he. I hope this helps you see God can empower you to do that which looks difficult. And in conquering your fear of taking risks, you need to be flexible and have an open mind.
Sometimes God will ask you to do something that looks orthodox. Esther became queen, although no one in her lineage had taught her to be one. In fact, Mordecai was a servant of the king. God might want to change the story through you. Take that leap and go all in. Jesus will hold your hand every step of the way. Just because it has never been done before does not mean it never will. Noah built an arc with no mentor, and Abraham became the father of many nations, having no one to look up to but God. You can be the pioneer and that is okay, too.
Surround yourself with a community that is not afraid of taking calculated risks
You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with. If you want to learn to walk by faith, why would you hang out with people who don’t want to embrace that concept? Walking by faith requires that you renew your mind with faith-filled words. And we all know that faith comes by hearing God’s word. How will you get faith-filled words from an environment full of doubt?
The journey you are on requires people who can understand what you are going through even if it is not directly. Finding a community can look like you joining a program at your local church. You can be a part of an online community that is on the same path as you too. Another thing I would encourage you to do is have mentors that will help guide you when you error when you are discouraged.
They will also help you discern what God is telling you through the Holy Spirit when your mind is clouded. Always remember that success and victory is found in the presence of many wise counselors. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you feel lost. However, ensure that you seek help and advice from those that know how to walk in faith too.
In order to conquer the fear of taking risks, you need to stay rooted in Christ and develop a friendship with the Holy Spirit. Embracing God’s love will help eliminate fear. After all, the Bible tells us that perfect love casts out fear. Child of God, God wants you to conquer and be victorious. He has given you the strength you need to be victorious. Now go and do that thing He instructed you to. And remember, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.