Don’t Worry, You Are Next.
Don’t worry, you are next. Have you been wondering when it will be your turn? Maybe the people you’ve been praying with all received their miracles and breakthroughs, and now you are the only person left? Have you waited for your breakthrough for so long that you’ve resolved to think that this is how your life will always be? Maybe you have been praying the same prayers for years and it seems like God is yet to answer you. Well, today I have a word for you. Especially if you feel you are the only one left that has yet to receive their breakthrough. Or maybe it seems like God is answering others and has yet to answer your prayer.ย Maybe you are at a point where you want your miracle and breakthrough and you are tired of waiting.
After Jesus crossed over by boat, a large crowd met him at the seaside. One of the meeting-place leaders named Jairus came. When he saw Jesus, he fell to his knees, beside himself as he begged, โMy dear daughter is at deathโs door. Come and lay hands on her so she will get well and live.โ Jesus went with him, the whole crowd tagging along, pushing and jostling him. A woman who had suffered a condition of hemorrhaging for twelve yearsโa long succession of physicians had treated her, and treated her badly, taking all her money and leaving her worse off than beforeโhad heard about Jesus.
She slipped in from behind and touched his robe. She was thinking to herself, โIf I can put a finger on his robe, I can get well.โ The moment she did it, the flow of blood dried up. She could feel the change and knew her plague was over and done with. At the same moment, Jesus felt energy discharging from him. He turned around to the crowd and asked, โWho touched my robe?โ His disciples said, โWhat are you talking about? With this crowd pushing and jostling you, youโre asking, โWho touched me?โ Dozens have touched you!โ But he went on asking, looking around to see who had done it.
The woman, knowing what had happened, knowing she was the one, stepped up in fear and trembling, knelt before him, and gave him the whole story. Jesus said to her, โDaughter, you took a risk of faith, and now youโre healed and whole. Live well, live blessed! Be healed of your plague.โ While he was still talking, some people came from the leaderโs house and told him, โYour daughter is dead. Why bother the Teacher any more?โ
Jesus overheard what they were talking about and said to the leader, โDonโt listen to them; just trust me.โ He permitted no one to go in with him except Peter, James, and John. They entered the leaderโs house and pushed their way through the gossips looking for a story and neighbors bringing in casseroles. Jesus was abrupt: โWhy all this busybody grief and gossip? This child isnโt dead; sheโs sleeping.โ
Provoked to sarcasm, they told him he didnโt know what he was talking about. But when he had sent them all out, he took the childโs father and mother, along with his companions, and entered the childโs room. He clasped the girlโs hand and said, โTalitha koum,โ which means, โLittle girl, get up.โ At that, she was up and walking around! This girl was twelve years of age. They, of course, were all beside themselves with joy. He gave them strict orders that no one was to know what had taken place in that room. Then he said, โGive her something to eat.โ Mark 5:21โญ-โฌ40โญ, โฌ40โญ-โฌ43 MSG
In this text, Jairus is begging Jesus to come and heal his 12-year-old daughter, who was on the brink of death. And Jesus obliges. However, as they were on their way, a woman who had been sick for 12 years interrupted Jesus by touching His hem. Now Jesus had to stop to tend to the woman. Imagine if you were Jairus. How would you have felt? Here you are in a hurry because your child is dying and Jesus stops on the way. It must have been frustrating and painful for Jairus to watch. I believe on one end he was happy that the woman had received her healing. On the other end, he must have been in agony because of his situation. You see his situation was dire because his child was dying.
And Jesus stopped to heal the woman. Her situation was serious. But Jairus might have battled with the thoughts that his situation required Jesus’ immediate attention. This brings me to my question for today. Have you ever experienced what Jairus experienced? Maybe it’s not a matter of life or death. But let me give you a scenario. Maybe you have been seeking employment for 5+ years and someone who has been seeking for 3 years gets a job before you. Or maybe someone who is working gets promoted before you get the job you have been praying for years. Maybe someone who is 5 years younger than you gets married before you yet you have been waiting for 6+ years for the same. Has this happened to you?
Have you seen others experience breakthroughs before you and it seems like they have not been waiting longer than you have? Maybe they just stumbled upon their breakthrough. And according to you, they did not pray as much as you did. And now you are dealing with envy and jealousy and to some extent, you are angry with God. Because it seems like you have been planting in vain. Today I want to speak to the person who feels like God has forgotten about them and has been asking themselves this question. Lord, when will it be my turn?ย
You know, oftentimes we find ourselves feeling guilty because of feeling this way. And today I want to encourage you to be honest with your feelings. No need to hide them because God already knows what is in your heart. Anyway, let’s get back to our topic for today.
How do you navigate waiting when everyone else is living in their promised land?
Shift your perspective.
Jairus, for a moment, had to let go of his problem and be okay with Jesus taking time to tend to the woman who had been sick for 12 years. And I want you to do the same. Instead of asking the Lord when your turn will come. Be grateful that He allowed you to witness their breakthrough. This will ignite your faith to believe that God will do it for you too. Sometimes it takes seeing what God has done for others for you to believe that He can do it for you.
We ignite our faith when we hear faith-building words. You cannot fill your mind with fearful thoughts and expect faith to manifest in your life. Jairus’s faith was ignited when he saw the woman receive her healing. Could it be that the reason God blessed them first is that He wants to ignite your faith? And maybe your miracle is bigger than what the others have experienced so He is building your faith muscle to believe for more.ย
Jairus’ faith had to be ignited because he had to believe in more than just healing. A few verses later, some men came and told him his daughter was dead. Therefore, he needed this miracle to ignite his faith. He needed to see it so that he could believe that the same God who healed her would raise his daughter from the dead.ย
One thing we have to realize is that there is no randomness and coincidence with God. He is very intentional and EVERYTHING He does serves a purpose. Jesus knew the news THAT Jairus would receive. Jairus didn’t. And that was why He allowed Jairus to witness that testimony. And let’s not forget the fact that the woman had been sick for as long as his daughter had been alive. Jesus was up to something. Although Jairus did not know that at the time.ย
The same goes for you. Their testimony is building your faith so that you can be able to receive your exceedingly and abundantly miracle. And it is true that the longer you wait for your miracle, the greater the answer will be. Your waiting is not in vain. Today, I want to encourage you to ignite your faith by shifting your perspective. And recognize that if God can do it for them, He will do it for you. He is not a respecter of person.
What a relief. And your breakthrough will serve as a testimony to ignite someone else’s faith too. Come up higher and recognize that God’s ways are higher than your ways and His thoughts are higher than your thoughts. If He is yet to answer your prayers, you best believe that He is up to something. And that thing is greater than anything you could ever have imagined or pictured for yourself. Shift your perspective and realize the fact that God has heard and answered their prayers means that you are next in line.
Don’t hide your emotions from God.
God wants you to be transparent with your emotions. It is true He knows what you are feeling. Still, He wants you to take them to Him because that is how you will receive your healing. Child of God, God understands your pain. Jesus experienced all these emotions when He was on earth. So you can trust Him and be open with Him. He can only heal what you confront. He is waiting for you to be honest with Him so that He can heal you.
You know, sometimes our trauma and brokenness can hinder us from receiving our breakthrough. So today I encourage you to take it all to God. The beauty of God is that He is not asking you to get your act together before you can come to Him. He is telling you to come as you are. And as you lay bare before Him. He will heal all those areas that you need Him to heal. He knows that your heart is sick with hope deferred.
God knows you have been waiting for a long time and you feel left out. And He is asking you to come to Him. He is close to you when you are hurting and have a broken heart. Do not hide your emotions from Him. He loves you and wants to see you made whole. So tell Him exactly what you feel. He can handle your emotions.ย God wants to heal you from all the pent-up emotions because you, my friend, are next in line for your breakthrough.
Guard your faith at all costs. This is the key that prepares you because you are next in line for your miracle.
Do not allow negative people to speak over you. Limit your interactions with people who lack faith. After all, when you hear something long enough, you will believe it. Again, you are the average of the 5 people you spend your time with. Why would you listen to people who will fuel your fear when your faith is crucial? When the men came to tell Jairus that his daughter was dead, Jesus told Jairus to ignore them and instead believe.
This is the same thing that Jesus wants to tell you today. Only believe. People around you might tell you that you are crazy to wait ON God seeing that others have already stepped into their promised land. But today I want you to know if God gave you a word, hold on to it and believe that He will do it for you. After all, you have seen Him do it for others.ย
Fuel your faith and feed on hope. Whether it is through other people’s testimonies, the Bible, or prayer, just do it. Hold on to the promises God spoke over your life because He who promised is faithful.ย Do not let go of your faith. It is when you are too close to your breakthrough that the devil will tempt you to quit. Keep the faith because you are next.
Don’t forget to celebrate with those who are celebrating.
As you cheer others on, you make room for God to move on your behalf. As you praise, you invite the presence of God. He is already in your neighborhood. That is why those around you have received their miracles. And this means that the God who has done it for them is about to come through for you, too. You are celebrating because you are preparing for your celebratory moment too. After all, you are next.
Today, I want you to shift your perspective and recognize that God has not forgotten about you. The fact that He has answered the prayers of those in your circle means you are next in line for your breakthrough. God does not want you to lose the faith. He wants to see you excel and step into your next season. Don’t grow weary in doing good, for you will reap a reward if you faint not. I know you are tired of waiting. But today I want to encourage you with this. Don’t worry, you are next!