Estimated reading time: 13 minutes
Have you been desiring to experience a breakthrough, but have yet to? Has breakthrough been elusive to you? Maybe you are now at a point where you are willing to do what it takes to get your breakthrough. If you can relate to any of these then keep on reading as I have a fresh word for you today. It does not matter the level we are at, each one of us is always looking to advance to the next level. After all, who wants to stay stuck on one level? Not only is it frustrating but it can also cause hope deferred which the Bible says makes the heart sick. As always, let’s look at the Bible to give you the principles for your breakthrough by looking at Blind Bartimaeus.
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Mark 10:46-52
46ย Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus (which means โson of Timaeusโ), was sitting by the roadside begging.ย 47ย When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth,ย he began to shout, โJesus, Son of David,ย have mercy on me!โ 48ย Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, โSon of David, have mercy on me!โ 49ย Jesus stopped and said,ย โCall him.โ So they called to the blind man, โCheer up! On your feet! Heโs calling you.โย 50ย Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus. 51ย โWhat do you want me to do for you?โย Jesus asked him. 52ย โGo,โย said Jesus,ย โyour faith has healed you.โย Immediately he received his sight and followedย Jesus along the road.
Blind Bartimaeus
Here was a man who as far as we know was born blind. He identified himself as a blind man and also had a cloak to prove that he was. You see, in those days, the government allowed the physically challenged to receive alms as their source of livelihood. And for them to qualify to receive alms the government gave them a cloak to help identify them. So in short, if you were seen wearing a cloak, you were eligible to receive alms and not need to work.
This was Bartimeaus’s case, the government had given him a cloak that helped him receive alms and so what he did was sit at the side of the road. He, however, got to the point where he realized he needed a breakthrough as he was tired of living like that. So he decided to do something about it. It was his persistence and his art of silencing the noise that got him his breakthrough. He learned the principles for breakthroughs. Let us look at some of the lessons we can learn from this.
How the story of Bartimeaus can help you learn the principles for your breakthrough.
- Desire change.
- Cry out to God.
- Leave your past behind as the principle for your breakthrough.
- Walk toward Jesus.
- Be clear on what you want.
- Receive
Desire change
One of the key principles for your breakthrough is to desire change. You need to get to the point where you are tired of living as you have been. Breakthrough is always found on the other side of your resolve to seek change. Bartimeaus heard that Jesus was leaving Jericho and knew that he had his window to receive his miracle. Mind you, he did not receive his miracle as Jesus was entering Jericho, but when he was leaving Jericho. He might have missed it the first time, but he was not going to let this opportunity pass him twice.
Let me ask you this, are you tired of the way things are in your life? Have you made a decision to see things change in your life? You know you don’t have to beat yourself up over the fact that you missed your miracle the first time.
You can always come to Jesus and receive it now. It is never too late for you. Bartimeaus missed it the first time, I believe that is why the Bible made it a point to tell us that Jesus was leaving Jericho when Bartimeaus cried out to Him for his miracle. Jesus wants you to know that just because you missed it the first time does not mean that you can’t access it today. There is still room for you to receive your breakthrough. The question is, are you ready for your breakthrough?
Have you reached your breaking point? Are you tired of living as you have been? Bartimeaus was not willing to let this opportunity pass him by. He was willing to take the chance and do everything it took to get his breakthrough. Are you?
Cry out to God.
Bartimaeus had made the decision to change his situation. Because he was, he did something others were not ready to do. He cried out to Jesus. This is another one of the key principles for your breakthrough. He knew that was his chance to get the attention of Jesus. Bartimaeus used what he had. He did not let the lack of his eyesight deter him from getting Jesus’ attention so he used what he had and that was his voice.
While it is true you have some limitations, let me ask you this, what do you have? What can you do today to get Jesus’ attention? He is always ready to listen but remember He will only help you when you come to Him. Even while he was on earth he helped mostly those who came to him, well with the exception of the man at the pool of Siloam. He knew that if he could get the attention of Jesus, then he would be made whole.
The cool thing about him is that he did not let other people silence him. He was very determined. Verse 49 gives us a picture. Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, โSon of David, have mercy on me!โ There comes a time when we have to silence all the other noises and focus only on God. You have to get to that point where you do not allow other people to prevent you from receiving your miracle. But for that to happen, you will have to use what you have. In what area do you need God to come through for you? What are you doing about it?
Always remember that it is your persistence that will get you your breakthrough. The Bible says that God will rush to rescue those who cry out to him day and night. Have you been crying out to God for your breakthrough or have you been allowing others to silence you?
Leave your past behind as one of the principles for your breakthrough.
Leaving the past behind is another one of the key principles for your breakthrough. That resolve alone will get you unstuck from situations that do not serve you. The cries of Bartimeaus, sure enough, got Jesus’ attention and Jesus called out to him. And the funny thing is that the same people who silenced him before were the ones telling him that Jesus was calling him.
So you see why it is important to silence the noise? The people around you will not understand what you are doing now, but when Jesus visits you, they will be the first ones to celebrate with you. Bartimeaus having heard that Jesus was calling him, threw the cloak and turned towards Jesus. He was willing to let go of the past and everything that defined him so that he could walk in the newness that God had for him. This is the same attitude that you and I should embody in the newness
When we cry out to God for breakthroughs we need to realize that our past will not go with us to the next level. Bartimeaus left the cloak that was his source of livelihood. He left all he knew because he wanted to embrace the new thing that God was doing in his life. What things do you need to let go of in order for you to receive your miracle?
Could God be asking you to let go of the victim mentality and your limiting beliefs? Bartimeaus knew that the cloak would hold him back and he wanted nothing that would keep him stuck, unable to receive his breakthrough. Is your mindset hindering you from receiving your breakthrough? What things are you meant to leave behind as you walk into your new? For Bartimeaus, it was the cloak. What is yours?
Walk towards Jesus
Another one of the key principles for your breakthrough is walking towards Jesus. As you leave the past behind, the next thing you need to do is turn toward Jesus. When Jesus calls you, you cannot stay stuck where you have always been, be it mentally, physically, or spiritually. Your breakthrough is always on the other side of your obedience. Bartimeaus might have missed his moment of visitation had he not taken the step to walk toward Jesus. He would have remained blind if he hadn’t taken that step of faith. It is not always easy walking towards Jesus but that is where your breakthrough is found.
Do not make the mistake of staying back when Jesus is asking you to come forth. You have cried out and Jesus has heard you, but now He is beckoning you to come, just go. Peter, after leaving the boat, walked toward Jesus not knowing what to expect. He did it anyway. In fact, the only time he sank was when he turned his eyes away from Jesus. Fix your eyes only on Jesus because He is the source of your breakthrough.
Do not turn your eyes away from Him and go when He calls you because He wants to see you made whole. Has Jesus asked you to come to Him? He promises to give you rest when you turn to Him and give Him all your cares and burdens. He promises to hear you when you cry out to Him. And you can be sure that He will never turn away from you when you come to Him.
Be clear on what you want
Being clear and specific on what you want is yet another one of the principles for your breakthrough. “What do you want? “This was the question that Jesus asked Bartimeaus. Bartimeaus knew what he wanted, and he did not hesitate. Do you know what kind of breakthrough you are looking for? Do you know what you want Jesus to do for you today? The truth is that Jesus does hear us when we cry out to Him. But let me ask you this, in your moment of visitation, will you be clear on what you want Jesus to do for you?
After crying out to God and getting His attention, what will you tell Him when He asks you what you want? Never forget that general prayer gets general results. You can’t just say that you want a breakthrough. What kind of breakthrough do you want? In Mathew chapter 7, Jesus tells us that we will be given when we ask. But how can God give us something when we do not ask Him? Or worse, what will He give us when we don’t know what we want?
God says that He is a loving father and He will withhold no good gift from those who ask Him. Have you been praying specific prayers? Does God know exactly what you want? Now we cannot discount the fact that God is Sovereign and this means that He knows all and sees all. While it is true, that God knows what you want because of His Sovereignty, He oftentimes will not give you unless you ask. This is not because He is mean, but He wants you to ask Him and He wants a relationship with you. The other reason is that He states clearly that we have not because we ask not. In His Sovereignty, He withholds because He wants a partnership with you. State your specific requests to God.
For you to be specific it will require you to be honest and really analyze your situation. Never hold back from telling God what is in your heart because He is more than ready to listen to you. Sometimes it takes faith to trust God enough to ask Him for things that you would otherwise be ashamed to ask.
One other key principles for your breakthrough is having the faith to receive what you asked God for. After making your petitions, receive your breakthrough by faith. Bartimaeus’s faith led him to receive his breakthrough. In fact, the Bible tells us he never looked back. When you believe that you have received your miracle, you need to start acting differently. Don’t go back to your old ways.
There has to be a renewal of your mind and always remember that faith is the currency that you need to receive your breakthrough. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that He is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. God will reward you for your persistence and He will fulfill your desires. It was his faith that led Bartimeaus to receive his sight. Your faith will bring your breakthrough. Have faith and do not give in to the lies of the enemy at all costs.
The Bible is a love letter written to you by God. God wants you to have everything you need in this life to win. This means that whenever you are faced with a challenging situation, you can always turn to the Bible to receive your answer. Breakthrough is available to each and every one of us, but it will require us to pursue breakthroughs so that we can receive them.
Check out this blog on In Pursuit of breakthrough
Just like Bartimeaus, I believe it is time for you to take a stand and go for your breakthrough full throttle. The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. What’s holding you back from receiving your breakthrough today? What mindsets do you need to let go of today? Allow these 6 key principles for your breakthrough to motivate you to step into your place of visitation.
Jesus wants you to receive the breakthrough you need. This is because you might be the Bible that others get to read and when they see the evidence of God’s glory in your life through the things He does for you, they will be encouraged to turn to Him too.
So stop delaying your breakthrough and step into it. Leave everything that does not serve you behind and be specific on what it is that you want. God cares about you and wants you to get out of the things that have kept you stuck for years. Trust Him and don’t be afraid of telling Him exactly what it is that you want. He is more than ready to listen. He will leave the multitude just to cater to your need. When He does, be honest.
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