3 Unexpected Signs That Prove You Don’t Have Faith.
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
Today God is asking you this question. Do you really believe? And maybe you might think you do. But do you really? You see faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. This means that faith precedes manifestation. You have to see it in the spirit before you can see it in the physical realm. So again, I ask you, do you really believe in the things you have been praying for? Do you have faith that God will do the very thing you have been asking Him to?ย
Table of Contents
- Here are 3 signs that prove you don’t have faith that God can do what you are asking of Him.ย
- So what now? How can you ignite your faith and get back to the place of belief?ย
- Conclusion.ย
And of course, we have to be aware that whatever we ask God for must align with His word. Therefore, you cannot expect God to give you that which does not align with His word. After all, He would never contradict Himself, His character, or His word. With that being said, I would like for us to look at 3 things that reveal you don’t believe that God would do what you are asking Him for.
But before we do that, I want you to remember that God’s word in the book of James reminds us we have not because we ask not. And that when we ask, we do so with impure motives, making it hard for God to give us what we ask Him for. And yet in another scripture, God reminds us that when we doubt, we cannot receive what we are asking of Him. Because one who doubts is like the wind-tossed back and forth and unstable in their ways. And yet another scripture reminds us that without faith it is impossible to please God as the one who comes to God must believe that He is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.
ย These 3 scriptures reveal to us the power of faith and belief. And that is why I posed you the question asking you if you really believe.ย
Here are 3 signs that prove you don’t have faith that God can do what you are asking of Him.ย
Compromise is a key sign you don’t have faith.ย
Anytime you compromise, it is a clear sign you don’t believe. After all, why would you compromise when you know God will do for you the very thing He promised you?
And you see, the thing about compromise is that it makes you accept less than what you know God can do for you. One thing is clear: God will never give you less than what you ask if it is according to His will. Have you settled for less than what God promised you? It might be something like compromising your morals to get a job because you have been unemployed for years. It could also look like going against your moral compass when it comes to relationships because you are tired of being single or you feel you are too old.
Still, it might look like you cutting corners in your business to make ends meet. And this begs the question: do you really believe that God can take care of you? Do you believe He knows how to align you with the things He promised you, regardless of how impossible the situation looks? Sometimes compromise could come in to please people. An example would be caving into peer pressure because you want to be a part of a certain clique. It could also look like you letting go of what God gave you because you don’t want to miss out on an opportunity.ย
When I think of compromise, the story of Daniel comes to mind. He had two opportunities where he could have compromised, yet he chose not to. In one instance, he refused to partake in the king’s delicacies because he knew that the food would defile him and he wanted to do right by God. The second instance was when he refused to bow down to the false god that the king had set up. And because of this, he was thrown into the lion’s den.
Now we all know that God delivered Daniel from the lion and he and his friends were the healthiest among all, despite his diet of vegetables and water. But let’s go back to the lion’s den for a minute. Do you know Daniel risked his life and was not willing to compromise his walk with God, although it was a life-or-death situation? Now, this is what we call faith. Sometimes acting on faith means taking that step, despite knowing the outcome and trusting that God will catch you. Can you do that? Whatever area you compromise in, I want to encourage you, like Daniel, to risk it for God. You never know, God might rescue you. But even if He does not, you can be sure that there is a reward for you in heaven.ย
Child of God, do not allow compromise to sip into any area of your life. Because it will start small and after a while, you will have gone in so deep that you will not know how to get out.ย
When you are impatient, it means you are trying to do things with your own strength. It also means that you don’t want to work with God’s timeline, but want to work with yours.ย
Abraham exhibited impatience by agreeing to have a child through Hagar, his wife’s maidservant. You see, both he and his wife were well advanced in years, so it made sense for them to find a way. And by doing so this led to problems in the future. Abraham had to send both Hagar and Ishmael his son away. And not only that, the Ishmaelites were the ones who sold Joseph into slavery.
Another example is King Saul, who, because of impatience, lost the throne. Instead of waiting for Samuel to offer the sacrifice, he did it himself. This angered God so much that He took the throne from him and gave it to David.
Today I want to encourage you to practice patience. God tells us that we should let patience have its perfect work in us. This is because there is always a reward for patience. It might seem like God is taking His sweet time. But when it is time, everything happens so fast. And what would have taken you a year when it is time, might take you a month.
Fear is false evidence appearing real. When you don’t have faith, you usually exhibit fear. It might be the fear of man. And you end up people pleasing because you are afraid of rejection. You might fail to follow what God is asking of you because you fear being canceled, especially in this cancel culture. You could even decide to compromise your morals and values because you don’t want to end up single. And sometimes you could even have the fear of God never answering your prayers and so you end up doing things in your own strength.
Sometimes it could even look like you forfeiting the path God wants you on because you are afraid things might not work out. Maybe God told you to start a business. And because you have yet to see someone else start it, you decide to say no to the assignment. That could be because of fear.
As a child of God, I want you to know that fear comes from the enemy. The Bible in the book of Timothy tells us God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-control. I also want you to know that you can trust God. He will never give you a word or promise that He can’t keep. And that is why in the book of Jeremiah, God reminds us He watches over His word to establish it. Don’t focus on the how, just focus on the who. Because He who promised is faithful and He will bring His promises to pass.
So what now? How can you ignite your faith and get back to the place of belief?ย
Even Gideon, in the book of Judges 6, was afraid. And God did not guilt or condemn him for not having faith. He worked with his level of faith until it was elevated to the eleven that God could use him. And even in Judges 7, God still worked with Gideon until he gained the faith to defeat the Midianites and deliver the Israelites from oppression. And this is the same case for you. God will never condemn you. He wants you to come to Him with the level of faith you have. And if you don’t have faith, still come to Him with your doubts. Remember, faith comes from Him. It is the Holy Spirit that gives you and me a measure of faith.
Here are 6 keys that will help ignite your faith when you don’t have faith.
- Repent. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9). God wants you to know that you can repent for your lack of faith. He will not ostracize you. Just like Peter, when you cry out to Him, He will run to your rescue. As you confess your sins and repent, God promises He will remember them no more. And as far as the East is from the West, so your sins will be far from you.
- Be honest with God. In the book of Philippians 4, the Bible reminds us that God wants you to pray to Him about everything. He does not want you to pretend before Him. When you don’t have faith, tell Him. You see, it is in your honesty that God will reignite your faith. Immediately, the father of the child cried out and said with tears, โLord, I believe,ย help my unbelief!โ (Mark 9:24). This man’s son received his deliverance because of his father’s honesty. Let this be proof that you can come to God and be honest with Him about anything.
- Ask the Holy Spirit for help.ย When Jesus went back to heaven, He sent us the Holy Spirit to be our helper. In the book of Acts, we see the Holy Spirit strengthen the faith of the disciples. He also gave them the boldness to proclaim the Gospel. When you ask the Holy Spirit for help, He will reignite your faith (1 Corinthians 2:9). After all, faith is a gift from the Holy Spirit. Barnabas was full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a large company was added to the Lord. Acts 11:24
- Read the Bible. Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message,ย and the message is heard through the word about Christ. (Romans 10:17). Fill yourself with the word of God if you want to reignite your faith. After all, the Bible tells us out of the abundance of the heart; the mouth speaks. We also know that transformation comes when we renew our minds. I want to encourage you to renew your mind by filling it with the word of God. You can find devotions if you are looking for structure.
- Listen to other people’s testimonies. If you want to activate your faith, listening to other people’s testimonies will help you. This could look like you reading the Bible to see how God moved on behalf of His people. It could even look like you reading someone else’s book about how they overcame a specific situation. Jairus’ faith was reignited after he witnessed Jesus heal the woman with the issue of blood. That’s why it is imperative that you learn to share your testimony. You never know whose faith will be reignited when you share your testimony. In the meantime listen or read other people’s testimonies. And remember God is not a respecter of persons, what He did for them, He can and wants to do for you too.
I pray this blog helps you have faith again and believe again. God is waiting on your faith. He has so much planned for you. And there is a beautiful destination waiting for you on the other side of your faith. Beloved, it is time for you to believe again. God is not against you. He has a beautiful plan for your life. But you need the key of faith to activate all the beautiful blessings He has in store for you.
You can start today. Just pick up where you left off. In the same way, Jesus came back for Peter and redeemed Him, He will do the same for you. And He will give you a fresh start. Have faith! Believe again!