3 Powerful Effects of Jesus’ Resurrection On Christian Millennials.
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus today, I would like for us to have a discussion on the effect of Jesus’ resurrection on you as a Christian Millennial. You might be wondering how His resurrection applies to you. And without further ado, let’s get started.
Table of Contents
- Why did Jesus come to earth?
- The effects of Jesus’ Resurrection on Christian Millennials.
- Conclusion
Why did Jesus come to earth?
Of course, this is the first place we should begin our discussion. After all, how will you understand the magnitude of the cross if you don’t know the reason for it? And to do this, we need to go back to the book of Genesis. When God created Adam, He did so with the hope that Adam and his offspring would live in perfection and be in continual communion with Him. However, because of the sin of disobedience and rebellion found in Genesis chapter 2, the relationship between human beings and God was destroyed.
Remember, God had warned Adam that there would be repercussions if he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Now that they had done the one thing God had warned them not to, sin and trouble got into the perfect world. And now the enemy took dominion from them. Not only that death and poverty came in and now they had to fend for themselves. Childbirth also became a painful ordeal. And the harmony among animals was also broken.
The good news however was that God had the plan to redeem humanity. And that was through Jesus. The plan was already in motion before the beginning of time.
19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,
21 Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.1 Pet 1:19-21
And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:
10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,
11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: Ephesians 3: 9-11
From the scriptures above we see God already established that Jesus would die to redeem you and me even before He created Adam. After all, He knew Adam would sin. Isn’t it good to know that God made provision for all your sins? And all include your past, present and future sins. Now that we have the introduction laid out, let’s get to the effects of Jesus’ resurrection on Christian millennials.
The effects of Jesus’ Resurrection on Christian Millennials.
One of the effects of Jesus’ resurrection is redemption.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, the definitions of redemption are,
- the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.”God’s plans for the redemption of his world”
- The action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.
When we look at the first definition, we see Jesus came to save us from sin. You see through sin, death entered the world. But when Jesus resurrected, sin and death held no power over us. That is why the Bible reminds us that Jesus defeated the power of sin and the grave. And through that, we were reconciled. The caveat however is that those that get to experience redemption are those who receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Child of God have you made the decision to make Jesus the Lord and Saviour of your life?
You know, there is no need for you to complicate it. All you need to do is to invite Him in and surrender your life to Him. The Bible even reminds us that no one can be saved except through Jesus. Now after making that decision, the Bible tells us that Jesus then translates us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. Redemption means restoration. Through redemption, you become a child of God, a co-heir with Christ, and a royal priesthood. This means that the enemy has no power over you. How would he have power over you? After all, Jesus lives inside you and the power of the Holy Spirit lives in you.
Redemption brings.
- The forgiveness of sins. God no longer holds your sins against you because Jesus took them upon Himself. When God sees you He sees His Son, Jesus. And the consequences for your sins now become a thing of the past. Redemption gave God the legal right to forgive you of your sins. Instead of sacrificing bulls and goats to receive forgiveness. All we do now is repent and ask God for forgiveness.
- Redemption brings closeness to God. This means that instead of going through priests and prophets, you and I can come with confidence before God. Jesus broke that protocol and now God is your Father too. This then means you have the same access to God as everyone else. What do you need from God? You can now come confidently to Him and in faith. Because of the finished work of Jesus, you have access to the throne of God. And your prayers are now acceptable to God. Don’t be shy to ask God for help when you need it. And don’t be afraid of bringing your petitions to Him. He is more than ready to listen to you.
- Redemption brings dominion and authority. After God created Adam, He gave him authority over everything in the world. But, they lost it when they sinned. This was however restored through redemption. And that is why the book of Romans tells us we are now co-heirs with God. And again Jesus also told us He gave us authority to trample over snakes and scorpions. Do you know the devil is afraid of you? He knows the power you carry. Therefore, exercise that power and ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to live a life of power and authority. It does not power what lies the enemy spews at you; I want you to remember that you have the power because Jesus already redeemed and restored your authority. In Him, you have access to the power you need to overcome the enemy. And the best part is that you will not be doing it alone. You have the gift of the Holy Spirit who Jesus sent to help you live a life of righteousness and power. Whatever struggles you are facing, I want you to remember that you are an overcomer and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. The Holy Spirit will give you everything you need to overcome the enemy. The key is to remain in close proximity to Him. This means daily communion and fellowship with Him. You also need to read the word of God. This also looks like you reading the word of God to ensure you don’t get deceived and are sensitive to His leading.
Another effect of Jesus’ resurrection is that it gives you the confidence to believe in God and His promises.
The prophets in the old testament prophesied about the coming of the Messiah. And that it happened, you and I have the confidence to believe in God. This means that our faith is not baseless. Instead, our faith is anchored on Jesus who is alive and seated at the right hand of God. When you are in a difficult situation, it is important to hope in something bigger than you. And the knowledge of Jesus’ resurrection gives exactly that.
After all, the fact that Jesus was raised from the dead means that whatever dead situation you are experiencing today can be resurrected. With God, all things are possible. Do you have an impossible situation you are going through today? I want you to know that God can resurrect it. He has power over everything and nothing is difficult for Him. Maybe you have been unemployed for years and the current economic situation makes you wonder if you will ever get a good job. If God raised Jesus from the dead, surely He can do it for you too.
The resurrection also reminds us that God’s promises are true. When Jesus was on earth, He told His disciples that He would resurrect. When it happened, it proved God to be true. This then means that whatever promise God gave you, you can hold on to it. He who promised is faithful and His word will never go back to Him void.
It does not matter how long you have waited on God. The promise He gave you, He will bring to pass. He is not a man that He should lie. And He also watches over His word to perform it. Have you grown weary waiting on God? Today I want to encourage you to hold on and keep the faith.
And again, I want to remind you that through the finished works of the cross; you are a descendant of Abraham. This is because Jesus grafted you in. And through this, all the promises God made to Abraham are yours as well. (Galatians 3:29). What promise do you want to see manifest in your life? You can access it through Jesus.
There is life after death. This is yet another one of the effects of Jesus’ resurrection.
Because God raised Jesus from the dead, we have the confidence that there is life after death. And this means we don’t need to fear death. This realization also helps us grieve differently. Because we recognize we will meet our loved ones when this life is over. This part of eternity is so short compared to the time we get to spend with Jesus when we die. If you have been struggling with the fear of death, let the reminder that Jesus resurrected give you hope that there is life after death. And although we don’t know what that looks like, we recognize we don’t have to worry because of Jesus’ resurrection.
We have the guarantee that just like Jesus, we will get to experience life with Jesus and live in the presence of God forever. The resurrection of Jesus also gives us the confidence that our present suffering is not in vain. There is a reward awaiting us on the other side of eternity. Do you have moments when you feel like your walk with God is not bearing any fruit? Well, today, let the fact that Jesus resurrected give you the confidence you need to keep doing good knowing there is a reward awaiting you.
With Jesus seated at the right hand of God because He completed His work, you too will reign with Him when your time on earth is over. Your efforts will pay off. And God will reward your good deeds.
Do you see the beautiful effects of Jesus’ resurrection for you as a Christian millennial? Don’t look at the Easter celebration as just a normal holiday. Today I want you to reflect on the beautiful things that Jesus did through His death and resurrection. Do you have areas in your life that need resurrection? Remember, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside you. Therefore, God can resurrect the dead thing in you. After all, Jesus is The Resurrection. Don’t give up yet. It might look like it is over, but God is getting ready to do something greater than what you could have ever imagined. Child of God, you have to go through Friday to get to Sunday.
If you have experienced a loss in your life, just remember that God will redeem it all. All you need to do is to trust Him and keep the faith. If you are yet to see the bad thing work out for your good, then that is not the end of your story. There is so much more that God wants to do inside you.