- Signs that you could be on a new path
- Feelings of unfulfillment
- A desire to explore new opportunities
- Embracing your uniqueness
- How then do you start this journey?
- Establish an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit
- Trust
- Conclusion
What do you do when you realize the path you are in or wanted does not appeal to you anymore? What do you do when you feel God redirecting you to a new path? Are you questioning your decision and your path yet you have invested time, resources, and even money? Do you feel guilty because you desire to change but have invested so much where you are? Have there been moments when you just don’t want to keep doing what you are doing now? Maybe you feel like you can do better. Or maybe you feel there is more inside you and you want to explore that. Then this word is for you.
God has a way of shifting our path by giving us new desires. He sometimes causes us to step into something new regardless of how long we have been doing what we are doing right now. Guilt can sometimes overpower you and cause you to question what God is doing. You should not feel guilty because when God redirects you, He has better. And also, what you are doing now will not be wasted.
God has a way of integrating the old into the new. He will show you how to use these skills in a new way. So do or allow the guilt to overwhelm you. When the feelings of doubt come, just remember that God is in control and He knows what He is doing. He will never allow any season to be wasted. Embrace this new thing He is doing. Allow Him to take you to these new heights.
Signs that you could be on a new path
God will always send you signs to show you He is taking you on a fresh path. He will give you these signs to confirm that He is doing a new thing. That is one thing you should always remember. God will speak to you more than once when He is redirecting you. He will also give you confirmation along the way to get you to keep going.
Ways in which God will speak
- Through dreams. When God is leading you on a new path, He might give you a dream to reaffirm that. The dream will be unique to you. It might not make sense at the moment, but as time goes by you will understand it.
- In a vision. When God wanted Peter to try something new, He gave him a vision. In this vision, He made it clear that everything He created was clean. This vision was to allow Peter to have an open mind as he went to Cornelius’ house. And that’s how salvation came to the Gentiles. God will do the same for you. He will speak to you in a vision and help you embrace the shift. Visions are usually so clear that you can never miss them.
- God can speak to you in your inner witness. You will have a knowing of what you are supposed to do. It will not matter how ridiculous the new path feels. You will embrace it fully. It will not make sense why you are doing what you are. But you will follow the new path anyway. And the thing is that when you try t deviate from what God is calling you to, you will be so uncomfortable doing it. You should never ignore the inner witness because it is the Holy Spirit speaking to you. Again to reiterate, you will know that you know that you are meant to leave the familiar for the unfamiliar. And the knowing will be so strong you will not be able to shake it off.
- Through the Bible. A scripture will jump from the pages and through this God will give you a revelation of what He wants you to do. The Bible contains hidden gems and revelations. Again, God will confirm it and you will sense a feeling of peace to step out into the new.
- Through another person. God might send a word to someone to show you the path you should follow. In this case, God will also confirm it to you personally. But God can use someone who knows you to redirect you to the new path He has for you.
These are some of the ways that God will speak to you. Always remember that God will confirm His word. And there will be the knowing deep down. So let’s look at some of the ways you can know there is a new path and purpose inside you.
Feelings of unfulfillment
When God places a new desire inside of you, the old no longer fulfills you. The old desires almost seem foreign to you. They no longer bring you joy and happiness. Now there are times we go through moments of uncertainty about the path taken. You might even doubt your purpose from time to time. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about a never-ending feeling of unfulfillment in your purpose regardless of what you do.
The lack of fulfillment is unrelenting and no matter how much you try, it just does not lift off of you. Have you experienced a prolonged season where you feel unsatisfied? Do you frequently feel like you need a change? You could be feeling this way because God wants to take you on a different path. When God is taking you on a new level, the old oftentimes will fail to fulfill you simply because God is changing you so that you can carry the new He has for you, after all, you cannot pour new wine into old wineskins.
Some of the ways He will do so is by igniting a fire in you that makes you believe that there is more for you. You suddenly realize that you are not growing where you are and want change. These feelings of unfulfillment will make you so uncomfortable and sometimes unhappy until you decide to make a change. You will suddenly realize that what you have been doing does not bring you fulfillment. And it will not matter how much you try, you will not shake that feeling off. When this happens, try to explore what God is doing.
A desire to explore new opportunities
You could find that you are open to new opportunities or even discover new opportunities and avenues that you did not know existed. Suddenly, you no longer want to do the same things. You could even want to leave your comfort zone. This is another sign that God could have placed a new desire inside you. Do you have a desire to explore a new hobby, career, or opportunity? It could be a sign that God is taking you in a different direction.
In what ways do you think God is nudging you to try out new opportunities? Do you have a desire to try out a new hobby? If yes, could it be that God is asking you to step into a new path. The new path could demand an improved version of you. So when you find yourself desiring the new and tired of the old, it could be that there is a new purpose inside you. God could be calling you to step into something new.
Embracing your uniqueness
It is very easy for us to conform to our surroundings. In fact, it’s harder to be different than it is to fit in. So when you find that you are more in tune with whom you are and are okay being different, this is a sign that you could walk out a new path. This is because when you go on a self-discovery journey, you discover new things inside of you you could have suppressed because of your surrounding.
Don’t be afraid of this newfound purpose and identity. Embrace it because there is greater and higher waiting for you on the other side. It is okay to admit that you don’t like doing certain things that you did just to fit in. Being different and standing out is okay. It is okay to love the real you and step into your authenticity
How then do you start this journey?
How then can you effectively start the journey of stepping into the new? And how do you start this new path that God has laid out for you?
Establish an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit
This new journey is exciting and scary so the only way you will hack is when you involve the Holy Spirit. He is your helper and teacher. God knows the beginning from the end, so even in your confusion, He will sustain you, and again He will give you the confidence you need to take that leap of faith and start your journey. He understands you are having a hard time letting go of your old path because of the investments, but if you can trust Him and go all-in He will hold your hand every step of the way.
It is very uncomfortable walking into something new that you know nothing about. And the essence of trust could be crippling, but trust is key in your relationship with God. God will never give you the entire picture. He will give you just enough to trust Him and what He knows to be necessary for the moment. That’s why His word says that He is a lamp on my feet http://bible.us/1/psa119.10,105.amp. A lamp gives only enough light to see the next step but not much to see the whole picture.
So realize that you will need to trust in God. If you are having a hard time, read the word and see His character. This will help you in moments when it seems dark and you are unsure. Trusting in God does not exempt you from having doubt and fear, it simply means that you will trust Him even when you don’t know what He is doing and are afraid. God knows you are afraid, all He is asking you to do is trust Him. Give Him your fears and your yes.
You can trust in His plan and purpose for you because He loves you and has the best intentions for you. He is the one who created you so He knows what is best for you and knows that this alternative path will fulfill you. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the Faith to keep pushing when you are afraid.
As you pray, God will reveal to you what He wants you to. Also, prayer will bring clarity to you. And Yo will realize that God is doing something and it is time for you to embrace it. Prayer will also help you trust God in the midst of the feeling of confusion. God is not the author of confusion. Sometimes, however, we do get confused because there is a battle between the Old and the new. Your feeling confused will stem from the desire to want to do something new and the guilt o leaving what you are used to.
When God is doing something new, He will require that you step away from the crowd so that you can hear Him clearly. He will ask you to take time away so that He can give you direction on your new season. Stepping away from the crowd will silence the external noise. But for you to really hear Him you will have to still your soul. This means dealing with the junk that has been holding you captive and confronting all the pent-up emotions that are clogging the flow of the Holy Spirit. It is important to ensure that you are dealing with the issues in your soul as they come.
Solitude is important as you step into your new purpose and path. It is in this space that your identity will come alive. And the confidence to step into the new will emerge. You will also learn how to incorporate the skills you have in your new season. Also, it is in the solitude that the fear of men and people-pleasing will leave you. This will leave room for you to be your authentic self.
Writing your thought down will give you a clear directive on what you are supposed to do. God will show you what He expects you to do and how you should navigate the new season. In doing so you will also find the strategies that will bring the best results. God is always doing a new thing. This means He will ask you to do something that has never been done before. Or ask you to do something old in a way that has never been done before. And writing them down will ensure that you do not miss them.
Before starting this blog, I journaled a lot and that’s how the ideas kept coming. Journaling is essential in your walk with God, especially when God is asking you to step out in faith. He says to write down the vision and make it plain.
You have never done this before and you could be worried that should it fail, you might not have a fallback plan. But as long as you are walking with God, He will redirect your steps. So you do not have to be afraid of going down the wrong path. Just trust that in His Sovereignty. He will get you back on track and everything will work out for your good. He has it all figured out. This means that you do not have to have it all figured out. He’s got you in the palm of His Hands.
You are not alone, now go all in. Jump in the deep end and stop swimming in the baby pool. He will catch you and not let you drown! This new purpose and plan will bring utmost fulfillment to your life. Do not shy away from stepping into it because God’s got you and He will never leave you alone or let you figure things out on your own. He is with you every step of the way.