actively waiting


As a Christian, I’m sure that you are not new to the term ‘waiting on God’. This is a term that is usually thrown around Christians in a bid to explain the reason for the delays. It is essential to wait on God. But we can all agree that most people use this term to absolve them from any responsibility. Waiting on God is biblical but we need to understand what waiting on God really means.

Definition of waiting on God. The Bible dictionary refers to waiting as having earnest expectation and anticipation for something. It is an inner posture, heart, and soul posture. In simple terms, waiting is having a firm belief in a particular outcome. When you are waiting on God the hope is usually positive and to some extent we usually have a glimpse of what God has told us. Waiting on God does not come about blindly, it stems from trust and also from a promise earlier made by Him to you. Let me ask you this. Has God made you a promise? Do you have a word from the Bible that speaks to your situation?

Now let us look at an example of scripture that talks about waiting.

James 5: 7-8  tpt
Therefore, brothers and sisters be patient and filled with expectation for the coming of the Lord. Think about the farmer who has to patiently wait for the earths harvest as it ripens because of the early and latter rains. So you also keep your hopes high and be patient for the presence of the Lord is drawing near.

In the verse above, we are told of how the farmer waits for his harvest. What we cannot realize is that he/she has already done the plowing, planting, and weeding. He is not just waiting for harvest out of the blues. What I’m getting at is that you cannot wait for an answer to prayer, having not done the work. So let me ask you this, have you prepared your land? Can you confidently say that you have done your part before waiting on God to do His part? God will never give you something unless He knows you are ready for it. He says so in 2 Peter 3: 9 that He is patiently waiting on us because He does not want us to get lost So how can we best position ourselves to be in the right posture as we are waiting on God?

Practical ways to position yourself in the waiting.


Most of the time our lives are a direct representation of our thought patterns. So before you can change your environment, change your mind. The book of Proverbs tells us that, As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Asking God for something is very easy. But let me ask you this, do you believe you are worthy of what you are asking for? What do you think of yourself? Have you allowed your circumstances to define who you are? In your waiting, do you believe God can answer your prayer? It’s one thing to wait, it’s a whole other thing to wait in faith.

Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God and that those who come to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him. Having read this scripture, we can conclude that Faith is a key ingredient in our waiting. Do you believe God will reward your faith?

Prayer and Praise

Prayer is communication with God and Philippians 4:6 tells us not to worry but in everything, through prayer and supplication to make our requests to God God wants you to tell Him every detail of your life, He cares for you. So beloved, before you can say that you are waiting on God, you have to make your request known to Him. Have you?

Praise is also another thing,16,17,18,19,20,21,22.amp. King Jehoshaphat obtained victory against the Amorites and Moabites through praise. The walls of Jericho came down because of the praise of the Israelites. Although Paul and Silas were waiting on God, they did not just sit there; they praised their way through the situation and the doors opened. God requires active participation on our end.

Read the Bible and Decree His word over your situation

When Daniel learned that the 70 years of exile were up, He sought the Lord and reminded Him that their time in exile was up. Something to note here is that Daniel had read the word. He knew what God had told the Israelites, and that came obviously through reading God’s word. Do you know what the Bible says concerning your situation? If so, read God’s word back to Him. In Isaiah 55:11, He tells us that his word does not go back to Him void until it has accomplished that which He wants it to do. All the promises written in the Bible are for you and me, so you can decree them over your life.

Train and learn the skills.

Before Davids’s unveiling to the world to fight Goliath, he had to train, and he did so by killing bears and lions. David also had to learn how to work the sling. This is where preparation in the natural comes in. Have you physically prepared for what you are praying for. If you are praying for a job, is your resume in order? Have you applied for the jobs you want? Have you positioned yourself to be found? Do you have your business plan ready? Do a self-analysis and figure out if you are truly prepared for what you are praying for before you can say you are waiting on God.

If you have done all this, then you can confidently and patiently wait on God. He hears you and He will answer you. 1 John 5: 14-15 tells us we can be confident that God hears our prayers when we pray according to His will. Be encouraged in your waiting.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too