Are you looking for tips to help you avoid getting stuck in the waiting? As Christians, we often say that we are waiting for a breakthrough, whether it is for a career, finances, relationship, or business. And although it is true, sometimes we can get stuck in the endless cycle of waiting. We live in a fallen world, thus there will never be the right opportunity to do something. If Abraham had waited until everything was perfect for him to follow God’s instruction when He told him to move, he never would have.
Had Moses waited until he felt confident and bold to face the king, the Israelites would have remained in bondage. Had Peter waited until he was perfect, he would never have preached the gospel and led 3000 people to Christ in a day.
Had Paul waited for his perfection so that he could preach the gospel, he would have waited forever. That is why he said that he found himself doing the things he did not want to do and not doing the things he wanted to. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. No one is perfect. And it is sadly so until the day we will be glorified and given our heavenly suit. But just because we are not perfect doesn’t mean that we cannot try our best to be. The Holy Spirit will empower you and me to live a holy life. But He will only do that when we fully surrender and will follow His way. How then can we avoid getting stuck in the waiting?
What are some reasons that prevent us from moving forward?
If we want to avoid getting stuck in the waiting, it is imperative we self-evaluate. Asking the hard questions is the key to avoid getting stuck in the waiting. Are you tired of living in the same state? Do you want to experience a breakthrough? Check out this blog on the principles of breakthrough. Let us now look at what could hinder you from moving forward.
Could it be that you are afraid of making the same mistakes you made in the past?
When God delivers us from our past and takes us through a season of isolation, we can be hesitant about stepping out to the places He is calling us to. This can be because we do not want to revert to our old ways. It’s funny how sometimes we can get so used to isolation and lack. That when abundance knocks at our door, we fail to respond and instead run the other way. Have you ever had moments where you let a God opportunity pass you by simply because you felt like you were not ready? One thing we need to realize is that every season does come to an end. The waiting season will come to an end. Things will not always be as they are. And just like it happened for Abraham and Sarah, you too will get to your season of breakthrough.
Now theย Lordย was gracious to Sarahย as he had said, and theย Lordย did for Sarah what he had promised.ย 2ย Sarah became pregnant and bore a sonย to Abraham in his old age,ย at the very time God had promised him. Genesis 21: 1-3
You will not always be in a waiting season. You might have waited for a long time for the promise to manifest. But at some point, it will come to pass. And you should not let fear hold you back from walking in the fullness of who God created you to be. To avoid getting stuck in the waiting, it is important to renew your mind and remain expectant.
Understanding the kind of fear that holds us back to avoid getting stuck in the waiting.
Fear of not being good enough.
If this is the kind you are dealing with I want to give you a scripture that will help you and that is you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. God will never ask you to do something He hasn’t equipped you for. If He has called you to it, then He has definitely equipped you for it. You will not do it alone this time. He is with you and the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you will guide and direct you every step of the way.
You don’t need to feel equipped for God to use you. In fact, He is attracted to weakness. Because it is in your weakness that you will experience His strength and glory. Also, Jesus has already justified and qualified you. This walk is a journey. Allow God to fill the gap with His strength. Moses did not feel adequate for the task, but God qualified him anyway. Jeremiah was no different. Check out what God told Jeremiah when he felt inadequate.
โBefore I formed you in the wombย I knewย you,
ย ย ย ย before you were bornย I set you apart;
ย ย ย ย I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.โ Jeremiah 1:5
Fear of falling back into old patterns.
While that can happen, the difference this time is that again, you have the Holy Spirit and He will convict you when you go down a wrong path. The Bible clearly tells us that the righteous fall back 6 times and rise 7 times. So even in situations where you fall back into old patterns, you will bounce back better and faster. And that’s why I want to remind you yet again that until the day you will be glorified you can be sure of stumbling, so do not let the fear of your past keep you stuck in the waiting and prevent you from moving forward.
You are not who you used to be and as long as you are doing your best and asking the Holy Spirit for help, you will be okay. The fear of your past can also become a stumbling block. It could be that you think people will not want to see past your mistakes and shortcomings. And while that is true for some, do not allow other people’s perception of you to keep you stuck in places God wants you out of. If you want to avoid getting stuck in the waiting, focus on who you are right now. Jesus has made you whole and you are now a new creation. You have the Holy Spirit who will guide you and show you the way to go.
17ย Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,ย the new creationย has come:ย The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17
21ย Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voiceย behind you, saying, โThis is the way;ย walk in it.โIsaiah 30:21
Why then would you allow fear to keep you stuck when God has promised to help you out? You are not doing it on your own. God’s got your back.
Fear of failure
Another reason could be that you fear failing in the same thing you have been praying for. An example would be, let’s say you have been asking God for a child. Doubt can creep in, to the point you doubt if you even can take care of a child. You could even start imagining all the things that could go wrong. Fear can paralyze you and become a barrier to your success.
If you want to avoid getting stuck in the waiting, it is time for you to change the narrative playing in your head. I want you to believe that this time it will be different. After all, you are doing it with God. And the best part is when His hand is upon you, you will not fail. I know you failed before and you don’t think it can work out. But believe in God and believe that He will see you through. You are never alone. And it is in the place of your greatest pain, failure, and loss that God will redeem you. Have faith.
Fear of the counterfeit.
Sometimes the fear of walking down the wrong paths can prevent us from moving forward. There have been so many teachings on counterfeit that we have become experts in recognizing the counterfeits. Unfortunately, we have fewer teachings on identifying what is from God and this can cause us to discard God’s things, too.
But what we cannot realize is that as long as we are walking with God, He will show us the right way to go, and even when we go astray, He will lead us back to His way. This simply means that even when you fall for the counterfeit, God will lead you back to His way. He is Sovereign. Let Isaiah 30:21 encourage you today.
So then how can you avoid getting stuck in the waiting?
Take the first step if you want to avoid getting stuck in the waiting.
I know it sounds simple, but sometimes the simplest things can be difficult at times. You cannot stay stuck in the preparation stage. At some point, step out in faith and practice what you have learned. This requires you to get out of your comfort zone and that place of isolation and lack. God hid Joseph for 15 years, but when it was time for his unveiling, he had to step into the role given and use the skills he had learned while he was in prison. We know God does not waste any season. This means that everything He takes you through, He does so because He wants to unveil His Glory and work it out for your good.
Taking the first step does not have to be complicated. Doing what you feel God is telling you to do right now is the best place to start. It could be writing your first page of the book. It could even be applying for that job and risking being rejected. Whatever you feel God is telling you to do, do it. You never know, that could be the key you need to break through. Relentlessly pursue your breakthrough and get out of the fear of failure.
The Bible tells us that God ordains the steps of the righteous. In another verse, it says that God’s plan prevails even though we do make our own plans. These scriptures prove God will partner with you as you make your move. What is in your hand? Use that and watch what God does with it.
Trust is essential if you want to avoid getting stuck in the waiting.
Even as you take the first step, you need to trust that God is with you, guiding you every step of the way. You also have to trust that you’ve got what it takes. Because if you don’t, you will not have the confidence to be all God created you to be. Trust in who you are in Christ and trust that His power lives in you. You also need to trust and own the fact that you are where you are because God planted you there and you add value to every room you walk into.
You have the power and wisdom to navigate and steward your blessings and promises. Another thing is that you’ve got to trust that God gave it to you because He knows you can handle it. He says that He is patient. Because He doesn’t want us to get lost. This means that you can trust when He says it is your time to arise and shine.
In order for you to learn to trust God, it is imperative that you spend time with Him. Get to know who He is and His character. What does God say about you? Trust in God is cultivated by spending time with Him. Reading the Bible, prayer and worship are some ways you can spend time with God.
You and I cannot stay in the preparation stage forever. We have to take the first step and walk into our purposes. Everything God teaches you, He does it so that you can teach others. It is never just about you, although you matter. But it is about those that God has called you to minister to. A quick disclaimer is that ministry does not just involve a pulpit. God has called you and me to dominate in all the 7 mountains. This goes to show you that your business, career, and even studies are your ministries. You should avoid getting stuck in the waiting. Move, advance, and conquer. It is time to arise and shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Don’t get stuck in the waiting.
God wants to reveal to you the person you can be. But He will only do that when you take the first step. Abraham had to move for God to bless Him. Your move does not have to be physical, It could be doing what you feel God is leading you to do. Do what you can and trust that He will do what only He can.