Faith,  Spiritual growth in the wilderness and waiting season

The Wait Is Over. 5 Unique Signs That God Is Telling You This.

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

The wait is over. Today I felt this word strongly in my spirit. And if you are like me, you might have become jaded because of the endless cycles of disappointment you have experienced in the past. But you know, the truth is that every season always comes to an end. And whether or not you believe it, you will not remain in the valley forever. Just like there is always springtime and wintertime, so there is a valley season and a mountain top season. Therefore, if you have been in the valley for a long time, God wants you to know that there is a mountain-top season waiting for you. 

Think about this for a second. Abraham and Sarah waited for a child for 25 years. In fact, in the process of waiting, they tried to help God by having Ishmael. But you know what, when it was the time of manifestation, God remembered them and Sarah had Isaac. What I am getting at is that there are seasons of breakthrough that God has destined for you and today I will start off by giving you Scriptures to help ignite your faith before giving you the signs. 

Scriptures that talk about a set time of the manifestation of God’s [promises in your life. 

Genesis 21:1-5

Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him. When his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God commanded him. Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.

the wait is over

Joshua 21:42-45

43 So the Lord gave Israel all the land he had sworn to give their ancestors, and they took possession of it and settled there. 44 The Lord gave them rest on every side, just as he had sworn to their ancestors. Not one of their enemies withstood them; the Lord gave all their enemies into their hands. 45 Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one of them was fulfilled.

Luke 2:25-32

25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. 26 It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. 27 Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, 28 Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying:

29 “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
    you may now dismiss your servant in peace.
30 For my eyes have seen your salvation,
31     which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
    and the glory of your people Israel.”

Galatians 4:4-5

But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship


5 Unique Signs that God is telling you the wait is over.

Discomfort in the wilderness.

The first key sign God is telling you the wait is over is when He makes you uncomfortable in your current season. Usually, when you are in the valley for a long time, you establish a rhythm that works. And when God wants to move you to your next level, He will shake that comfort zone so that you can recognize that it is time for you to move. You see, God will do nothing until He reveals it to us. And usually, He will send us cues to show us we are in a new season. And shaking is one of those cues. You see, it’s difficult to move to the next when your current is comfortable. Unfortunately, as human beings, we are creatures of comfort and that’s why God will shake our comfort zone.

He does so to make us so uncomfortable that we will leave when He tells us to. Have you been experiencing discomfort in your valley and wilderness? Sometimes the shaking could look like you just outgrowing the space. Maybe you now feel like you need more space to grow. And the interesting thing is that regardless of how much you try to fight it, it will not make sense and you will not want to stay where you are a moment longer. Have you been experiencing this kind of discomfort? This could be a sign that God is telling you, the wait is over and it is time for you to elevate. 

The second sign is when you go through a nesting period. 

The nesting period is defined as the overwhelming desire to prepare. This term is especially used during pregnancy. However, the cues are the same when God is telling you the wait is over. You will find yourself making room for the new. And you will have a never-ending desire to get ready for your next season. This could look like you taking on a new skill because you want to be job-ready. It could also look like you upgrading your website because you want to make room for an influx of traffic. It could also look like you getting your passport if you want to move. The point is, you will feel the urge to prepare for your new season. And the interesting thing is that it will not feel forced.

the wait is over

When God is telling you the wait is over, He will reveal to you through visions, dreams, or prophetic words your new season.

The third is when God starts speaking to you about your next season. Like I said before God does nothing until He reveals it to His people. Even before the birth of Jesus, God had to reveal it repeatedly until it manifested. And the same thing happens today. When God wants you to know that the wait is over, He will start giving you strategies for your next season. He will reveal to you where He wants to take you. Your dream life will even change.

Instead of you seeing yourself in your current place, you will start seeing visions of yourself in your next season. If you are unemployed, you will see yourself working. And it will be something you cannot even shake no matter how much you try. You will find yourself more inclined to change than before. And even your language will change from that of fear to that of faith.

Unexplainable confidence 

Do you all of a sudden have a confidence you can’t shake off? Have you had people compliment you on your newfound confidence and boldness? That could be a sign that God is telling you the wait is over. God will equip you before sending you. That is why He takes us through the process before the promise. Joseph had the boldness to stand before Pharaoh and advise him. Mind you, he had never been before Pharaoh before, but God gave him the boldness because his waiting season was over and it was time for him to receive the promise

. When you are about to step into the promised land, God will give you boldness. Don’t forget that the promise is also responsibility, which means without boldness you will not be effective. It does not matter what your promise is, if it is a job you need confidence not just for when you are going for the interview, but to also decide and offer solutions when asked. After all, how will you be effective if you cannot even solve problems and voice out your solutions?

You see regardless of what your promise is, you need boldness and confidence so that you can fully embrace what God has given you. The Israelites needed to be bold to conquer the land once they got to Canaan. The enemy will not go down without a fight. That is why it is so important to recognize that you need to take what is yours by force. And you need boldness and confidence to do that. Could it be that God is asking you to gain your confidence back? 

Excitement for the new is yet another key that God is telling you the wait is over.

Is the thought of the future exciting you more than it did before? Are you looking forward to the new although it has yet to spring? Well, that could be the Holy Spirit igniting you as you step into the new. The Holy Spirit wants you to discern the times and sometimes that excitement could be a sign that your spirit is giving you a sign that the season has shifted. And it might not be evident in the natural realm, but whenever you find yourself excited for the future although your current situation is yet to change, it is a sign that the wait is over. It is essential to know that the shift happens in the spirit realm before it manifests in the natural realm. 

God remembers

Revived faith. 

When you find yourself having faith in the things you did not have faith for before. Or even something you lost faith for, then it is a sign that God is telling you that the wait is over and He wants you to step into the new. Are buried desires coming to life? Do you feel like you are yourself once more? Maybe the passions you had before you went into the wilderness season have come back. If you experience this, then this could be a sign that the wait is over.

How then do you position yourself now that you know the wait is over?

God remembers
  • Stay rooted in Christ. God wants you to stay rooted in Christ. You see in Him you will recognize when the shift happens. This means that you will not miss your moment of visitation. Not only that, you will recognize the strategies that God wants you to use so that you can successfully transition into your promised land. Because Joshua had a relationship with God, he knew how to transition into the season of promise. Not only that he was not fazed when the manna stopped coming. When your brook dries up, you will not get depressed because you will recognize that you are in a new season.
  • Wage the war over your promises. Of course, the enemy will not let you receive your promise without you fighting for it. It was the same case for the Israelites. They had to fight the Canaanites before they could inhabit the land. Your warfare could look like you getting even more intentional in prayer. It could also look like you decreeing those things that be not as though they are. The enemy will fight you by bringing negative thoughts. The enemy will try to convince you that your situation will never change despite the endless signs. Therefore, you will have a responsibility to wade him off by speaking God’s word and agreeing with what God has spoken over you.
  • Remain expectant. It does not matter what you see in your environment, remain expectant that God will do what He has spoken. After all, He is not a man that He should lie. Remember, it gets worse before it can get better. The warfare will intensify and in fact, you will feel like your back is against the wall. Don’t lose hope, keep the faith. You could do this by listening to other people’s testimonies. They will help reignite your faith whenever doubt and unbelief try to creep in.



God has a set time for your visitation. He wants you to know that you will get to the other side. It does not matter how long you have waited. If God remembered Hannah, Abraham, Joseph, and David, then surely He will remember you. God is not a respecter of persons. And not only that, times and seasons are in His hands.

Do not allow the enemy to convince you that your situation will never change. It will change because God has a glorious future for you. It is time for you to embrace the new. Don’t delay, this is your season. And always remember that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. And not only that, God is not done with you. If you are yet to get to the other side, it means that God is still writing your story. Don’t worry, you are next.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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