For the Godly Sophisticated woman,  Personal Development fot Christian Millennials

The Importance of Embracing Godly Femininity as a Christian Millennial.

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

For a while now, the term godly femininity has been trending and maybe like me, you would like to know more about it. Let me ask you this, now that you are saved do you find yourself desiring to be womanly than before? Do you have an innate desire to step into the fullness of who you are as a woman? This my dear friend is normal. Do you know why? This is the essence of who God created you to be. In the beginning, God created man and woman.

The goal was for them to complement each other. Therefore, possessing different attributes from each other. This is not limited to the physical attributes, but the difference in nature and essence. Therefore finding yourself desiring to be feminine is a sign that you are coming into who God created you to be.

What then is godly femininity?

A woman who embodies godly femininity expresses womanhood in a way that reflects biblical values. She embraces strength and gentleness and nurtures her relationship with God always. It involves embodying virtues such as kindness, humility, compassion, and wisdom and cultivating inner beauty that comes from a deep trust in God. A woman who walks in godly femininity reflects Christ-like qualities, allowing her faith to shape her character, relationships, and purpose.

At its core, societal expectations do not limit godly femininity or stereotypes of what it means to be a woman. It is Godโ€™s design and calling that define it. It is about nurturing a servant-hearted attitude, embracing vulnerability and strength, and stewarding oneโ€™s gifts to serve others while honoring God. Whether in leadership, family life, work, or ministry, a woman displaying godly femininity lives with purpose, integrity, and a grace-filled confidence that radiates from her faith.

Characteristics of a godly feminine woman.

One important thing to note is that godly femininity focuses more on intangible attributes. And here are a few of the qualities of godly femininity.

Grace and Compassion: A godly woman shows kindness, empathy, and understanding toward others, reflecting Christโ€™s love through her actions and words. Helping the needy is one of the ways we embody compassion. ( Proverbs 31:20)

Inner Strength and Resilience: She relies on God during challenges and demonstrates resilience, trusting Him in difficult seasons while staying composed and grounded. ( Proverbs 31:25)

Humility: She recognizes her strengths but remains humble, giving glory to God for her accomplishments and serving others without seeking recognition.

Wisdom and Discernment: A godly woman seeks wisdom from the Bible and through prayer. She exercises discernment in her decisions and actions, aiming to honor God in all aspects of life. ( Proverbs 31:16). The fact that she does not make hasty decisions is a sign of wisdom.

Gentleness: While not weak, she approaches situations with a peaceful demeanor, handling conflicts with grace and promoting peace and understanding in her relationships. ( 1 Peter 3:3-4)

Modesty and Dignity: She carries herself with dignity and modesty, not just in appearance but in attitude, valuing her identity in Christ over worldly validation.

Faithfulness and Trust in God: She is faithful in her relationship with God, relying on Him for guidance, and placing her trust in His plan always. ( Luke 1:45)

Nurturing and Supportive: Godly femininity is often expressed through nurturing and caring for others, whether in family, friendships, or the community, offering emotional and spiritual support. (Titus 2:5)

Purity of Heart: A godly woman seeks to live a life of purity, not just physically but in her intentions, thoughts, and actions, striving to honor God in everything she does. ( Titus 2:5)

Differences between Godly femininity and worldly femininity

The greatest difference between godly femininity and worldly femininity is that cultural or worldly femininity changes depending on what culture defines femininity to be. Unlike Godly femininity, cultural femininity centers around the culture of that particular generation and sometimes the status quo. Godly femininity on the other hand is rooted in Biblical principles and does not change. worldly femininity is shaped by societal trends, media, and cultural norms, often focusing more on external appearances, behaviors, and roles rather than inner character and spiritual values.

Other differences include:

Physical appearance vs inner beauty

Cultural femininity emphasizes attraction, good physique, and fashion which are all mostly carnal. Now don’t get me wrong, they are essential after all, the goal is to embody femininity not just inwardly but an outward display of the same. However, this should not solely be the focus. And again when we focus on physicality, what happens when we don’t have the said physique? At a time when being voluptuous is being celebrated, how then should the petite ladies show up?

When we focus on outward beauty we tend to exclude the group that does not fit the said criteria. And again if we measure femininity based on physical attributes, does that mean we give a free pass to the obnoxious just because they are well-endowed in the right areas?

Unlike cultural femininity, godly femininity emphasizes the inner beauty that stems from having a great relationship with God. I am by no means undermining taking care of the physical body however, I want to emphasize the importance of inner beauty. This is something that has taken a back seat in our society today. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. ( Proverbs 31:30). The realization that at some point age will catch up with us should help us have an eternal mindset as opposed to the here-and-now mindset.

Toxic Feminism vs Godly Feminity

Toxic feminism refers to a distorted or extreme version of feminism that promotes hostility, resentment, or superiority towards men, rather than focusing on true gender equality. This breeds the hatred of men to the point of blaming them for all societal problems, rejecting men’s issues, advocating for superiority over men, and undermining those who embrace traditional feminine roles. In undermining the roles, those who have embraced the traditional roles are often shamed and viewed as inferior.

True feminism advocates for the rights of women and values women’s empowerment. This shouldn’t however advocate against the male gender as well. God created us to complement each other. And we both need each other to live in this world. Godly femininity focuses on nurturing, being compassionate and kind, while toxic feminism centers around selfishness and deep-rooted hate for the male gender.

Extreme and Toxic independence vs Godly independence.

Toxic independence disregards the value of community and family and focuses on self-sufficiency. This at the core is wrong because as Christians we recognize that we are not self-sufficient rather our sufficiency comes from God. We also recognize that God wired us for companionship and relationship with Him and fellow human beings.

Healthy and godly independence refers to the ability to be autonomous while maintaining a balanced and positive approach to relationships and family. And again it is the realization of the need for God without endorsing passivity. This allows you to make decisions without over-dependence on others and the need for validation. Healthy independence is characterized by, effective communication, interdependence, emotional resilience, having a growth mindset, setting healthy boundaries, having a relationship with God, and the ability to make decisions and come up with solutions.

The importance of embodying godly femininity

Godly femininity emphasizes the importance of embracing your God-given identity and pursuing your God-given purpose. It celebrates the ability to be able to confidently become who God created you to be without feeling the need to dim your light. Being humble enough to allow others to shine as well. Empathy, confidence, boldness, and humility are at the forefront of Godly femininity.

Alignment with God-given purpose.

Embracing Godly femininity encourages you to deepen your relationship with God. In so doing He reveals to you your identity which in turn helps you embrace your God-given purpose. The reality is that you can only embrace your God-given purpose when you step into your true identity in Jesus. And the foundation for this is having a relationship with God.

You can only walk into your true purpose when you know who you are in Him. Your identity allows you to fully operate in your purpose. Esther, Ruth, Deborah, and Abigail all knew their identity and that’s what allowed them to step into their callings while embracing Godly femininity. Esther stood up for her people and rescued them from annihilation. Abigail helped in the preservation of her family. These women through embracing godly femininity used this gift to save their own. Because they knew their identity, they did not see the need to fight like men instead they used their charm, humility, empathy, and gentleness for victory.

In a world where we are trained to embrace masculine tendencies, why not focus on our real power, godly femininity?

Godly femininity helps to promote healthy relationships

Godly femininity emphasizes the importance of nurturing relationships, fostering love, respect, and kindness in interactions with family, friends, and the broader community. This helps to create a peaceable space where people feel seen and heard. When your interactions embody empathy and kindness there is less strife as you find yourself accommodating other people’s feelings. I am in no way endorsing you being a doormat, you must set healthy boundaries and have firm standards. However, the focus is to do so with love and kindness.

Some examples would be, allowing people the opportunity to express themselves, having open and honest communication, respecting individuality, treating others with respect and dignity regardless of their social status and during disagreements, being reliable, and honoring your promises.

Godly femininity reflects God’s character

Ultimately, godly femininity reflects the character of God, showcasing attributes like love, kindness, and wisdom. Women who embody these qualities not only grow in their faith but also point others toward God’s goodness. Whenever you are walking in godly femininity, you give other people who don’t know God the opportunity to experience an aspect of His nature and essence and this essentially draws people to Him.

Having a warmth around you draws people to you and in such moments you can preach the gospel to them. Being kind will draw people to you and even encourage them to desire to know the source of your personality and essence. As women, we should desire to embody a personality that reflects God’s character to those who are yet to know Him. Can your character evangelize? This is something we should all be keen on. Self-righteousness and being critical of others will get us nowhere.

Encourages personal development

By prioritizing spiritual growth, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence, godly femininity promotes continual personal development, helping women to become their best selves in every aspect of life.

Spiritual growth tips include: reading your Bible, prayer, worship, listening to sermons, meditating on God’s word, reading books centered on Biblical principles, and journaling.

Self-awareness keys include counseling, embracing solitude, journaling, and listening to podcasts or reading books on the same.

The goal is to do something every day that elevates you and enhances you as you journey through your godly femininity era. After all, it is a lifelong thing. Remember it is important to surround yourself with a community focused on the same otherwise, you will not grow. Also always remember to be kind to yourself. Rome was not built in a day and there will be days where you will see your old traits come up. Take note of the triggers and learn how to manage them.

Balance of Strength and Vulnerability:

Godly femininity teaches that true strength can coexist with vulnerability. Women can be assertive and confident while also embracing gentleness and nurturing qualities, leading to a holistic approach to womanhood.

Don’t shy away from stepping into your God-given purpose. Deborah saved her nation because of her boldness. When situations arise where you need to be assertive, go ahead and do so. Whether that involves standing up for what is right, setting boundaries, making tough decisions, or negotiating deals in the marketplace. Sometimes, that could also involve seasons of spiritual warfare. You’ve got this. But also remember that being vulnerable and soft is important too. Discern the situation and decide whether you need to use your strength or vulnerability.


As we start this series and adventure to delve deeper into Godly femininity, I would like to encourage you to journey with me. Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself and start over. Who knows maybe the fulfillment you have been looking for is on the other side of reinventing yourself. Initially, you might feel like a phony but with time your appetite will adjust and you will find yourself embodying godly femininity.

Celebrate the small wins and remember, this is a lifelong journey and there will be moments where you will lose track. Just ensure you get back up. After all, the Bible reminds us that the righteous fall six times and rise up seven. Until next time, XoXo

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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