Even Today It Can Happen. Don’t Lose Hope!
Are there promises that you have been waiting for, for a while now and you have given up hope of them ever coming to pass? Or maybe you have not given up hope but seem to think it will happen someday in the future. Have you postponed the fulfillment of the promises because of your circumstances? Maybe you have been seeing people around you walk into their destinies and you feel left behind and therefore feel like you will always be last in seeing the fulfillment of your promises. Can you relate? Well today yet again, I would like to encourage you with this word. And the word is it can happen even today.
It might seem like nothing is happening. Everything around you could look bleak and dead. But just because it seems unlikely does not mean it is unlikely. We often limit our thinking and seeing to the here and now, and we forget that there is a spiritual realm, too. But just because we are ignorant of it does not mean it does not exist. Anyway, my point is that even when it does not seem like it, God is working behind the scenes. And He calls us to partner with Him even when it looks like nothing is working.
What has God promised you? What words has God spoken over your life? Have you stopped partnering with Him because of the circumstances? Have you lost hope? Don’t! Did you know God can turn your situation right now? Everything can change in an instant. You could walk into your promise now. Maybe it’s a minute away, an hour away, or even a day away.
You could be closer to your miracle than you think. Do you believe that?
Let me give you an example from the Bible.
The Israelites had faced oppression in Egypt for years: 430 years, to be exact. And looking at it never seemed like it would ever stop. They probably had lost all hope of redemption and deliverance. But it happened. They left Egypt. The Bible even tells us that they left Egypt with so much plunder that it compensated them for their years of service to the Egyptians.
Can you imagine what they must have felt when they walked out of Egypt? Let’s not forget that their deliverance was not handed to them. They had to go through turmoil to get it. They experienced so much pain and anguish that they complained they wanted to go back to normal. Is this you? Have you been experiencing endless attacks that you miss the yester years?
Has the oppression worsened? Could it be that it’s because the breakthrough is here? The wait was long and exhausting, but it ended and finally, the Israelites received their freedom. In a moment, everything changed. And what seemed impossible became possible. They probably lived the day before their redemption like they always did, not knowing that God had heard their prayers and was delivering them the following day. Could God be intending to do the same for you too? Remember it can happen even today.
Now let me take you back to when Moses came to them to tell them that God had sent him to deliver them. They did not think it was possible. In fact, they were so used to pain and bondage that the thought of freedom sounded so far-fetched. But it was because God had promised Abraham that He would set his descendants free. God always watches over His word to perform it. What He promises, He delivers. Now that you know that, how can you position yourself for the breakthrough? Even today, ti can happen so don’t lose hope.
Now that you know this, you need to know how to position yourself for the breakthrough and deliverance. Because we live in a fallen world, nothing happens by chance. And because the enemy wants us to remain bound and never experience our freedom, we have to take it by force. The Bible even says that the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. So you have to take your breakthrough by force. Not to say that God cannot do it sovereignly. But often He desires partnership. And therefore having the correct posture is vital.
What’s the correct posture to have?
Have an expectant heart.
Expectation is the breeding ground for the manifestation of your promise. Unless you expect it, you will never see fulfillment. Remember, faith is the substance of something hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Also, without faith, it is impossible to please God.
Expectation is the breeding ground for the manifestation of your promise.
Jesus says that when we ask, believing that we have received, we will get the thing we ask for. So do you have faith that it will happen? I know you have been waiting for a long time, but don’t stop believing. Did you know that the faith of a mustard seed is enough to move a mountain? It does not matter how fickle your faith is as long as it’s there. It can be very daunting when your situation stays the same for years. And you can even be tempted to lose hope. But today I want to encourage you not to lose hope because it can happen even today.
As a Christian, you will be knocked down time and time again, but dust yourself up and keep going. The goal is to press on and move forward. Every morning is an opportunity for you to see the fulfillment of the promise. So expect the best always. After all, you empower what you focus on. Why not focus on your promise? Why not choose to partner with God? Abraham had to partner with God to see the fulfillment of his promise despite his old age. Hannah trusted God would give her a son, and God did exactly that. And to even show you the power of faith; God gave Hannah the son she prayed for, not a daughter. That is how powerful your faith is. What is your faith tied to?
It is time for you to believe again. I know you have been disappointed for far too long. I know you want to guard your heart because the pain of deferred hope is unbearable and your heart is sick. But try again, hope again and believe again. God is waiting for you to continue with where you left off. This time it will be different, but you need to take the leap of faith and start believing again.
Repent and receive your healing.
Doubt and offense will hinder you from walking into your promised land. I am not saying that the disappointment was not real. What I am saying is that as long as you have doubt and your heart is sick, God cannot move on your behalf. Anything that is contrary to the word of God gives room for the enemy to torment you. And the enemy will do everything he can to prevent you from receiving answers to your prayers. So repent for any partnership you have made with the devil.
The beauty about God is that He knows you are human and prone to sin. Therefore, He has provided an avenue where you can repent and push forward. You don’t have to stay stuck in your mistakes. It will not help you. Wallowing in guilt and shame for partnering with the enemy will only keep you stuck. So it is time for you to get back up, repent and move forward. God promises to forgive your sins when you repent. He also says that as far as the east is from the west, He will remember your sins no more.
It could be you have given up on the promise or maybe you haven’t, but have built up offence because you think God has been unfair to you. Whatever it is you need to repent. God says that His mercies are new every morning and when you repent He is faithful and just to forgive. So swallow your pride and ask God to forgive you. Once you repent, His healing power will permeate your entire being, and hope and faith will be renewed.
After repenting, often we fail to receive the healing that Jesus so freely gave us. This is because we have a hard time receiving His healing. It’s difficult to believe that repentance is all you need to be forgiven and receive healing. But that is what it clearly says in the word. He has already paid the price for your healing. He loves you so much and wants to see you made whole. The other thing is that God promises that once we repent, He will forgive us of our sins and also heal us. Receiving forgiveness is a part of your healing. So, just receive the healing power of Jesus. He is more than ready and willing to forgive you.
Decree into your promise.
There are scriptures that speak into your situation. And because God created you and me in His image and likeness, we have the power to speak forth and call out those things that be not as though they are. Use your mouth to shift your circumstance. Remember, death and life are in your tongue and the angels hearken to the voice of the Lord. You cannot afford to keep your mouth shut. Not when there is power in what you say. God has given us power to be co-creators with Him. Why then would you let that power lie dormant? If you want His kingdom to be made manifest in your life. Then you have to speak up and decree that His kingdom come on earth.
Every time you speak the word of God, you bring heaven on earth and the angels hearken to it and act accordingly. What do you want to see shift in your life? Speak it into existence. God says that you shall decree a thing and it shall spring forth. Why not take God at His literal word? Why not choose to believe that there is power in your tongue? You have the HOLY Spirit living inside you, and this means you have the power to decree and shift circumstances. It is time for you to use it. Not only that, the moment you became a believer, you invited Jesus into your life and now He lives inside you.
You will pray to Him, and He will hear you, And you will pay your vows. You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways. When you are cast down and humbled, you will speak with confidence, and the humble person He will lift up and save.
Job 22:27â€-‬29 AMP
Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.
Maybe there are specific instructions you need to follow for you to see the fulfillment of your promise. What is God asking you to do? Could it be disobedience that’s holding you back? Obedience will get you to places and rooms you could never access before. Resolve in your heart to obey what God is asking you to do. It could be something difficult or even silly. But as long as it’s from God, it has power. Don’t despise what He is telling you. Obedience to God will bring acceleration in your life. This is because every word that God speaks, He breathes power in it.
Also, delayed obedience is disobedience. Stop holding yourself back. Higher and better is waiting on the other side of your obedience. You know, God will not speak again until you have obeyed what He spoke last. If you want to see God move in your life and you experience His power, then be obedient and swift about what He tells you. Remember, it can happen even today. Could it be then, that you are the one holding yourself back?
The Holy Spirit wants to help you. Are you ready to allow Him into your life? He wants to help you and anything is possible. It can happen even today. The Holy Spirit is your helper and teacher. He is more than willing to hold your hand and reveal to you what you should do to get to where you need to. He wants to be the one to help you. But for Him to do that, He needs you to make room for Him. The Holy Spirit wants you to fellowship with Him and be sensitive to His voice and leading. For this to happen, you need to spend time with Him and practice silence and stillness. As you do that, you will hear His moment to moment instructions and that is how the even today moment will come.
It does not matter how long the wait has been. As long as God has said it it will come to pass. He always watches over His word to perform it and He can be trusted. God is not a man that He should lie. When He says He will do something, you can be sure that He will.
Your promise could be closer than you think so don’t stop believing. Always have an expectation that it will come to pass. It can happen even today. Today could be the very day you walk into the promise that God has spoken over you. Keep hoping, keep trusting and believing. God has not forgotten about you and the fact that He is making you wait means that what’s coming is greater than you could ever imagine. Believe that He can do it even today.
Even when you can’t see it, HE is working. Even when you don’t feel it, He is working. Have faith and hold on. It is coming even today.
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