how to position yourself for a breakthrough
Spiritual growth in the wilderness and waiting season

How To Position Yourself For A Breakthrough As A Christian Millennial.

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

Do you desire to experience a change in your life as a Christian Millennial? Have you been in a wilderness season for far too long? Today, I want us to talk about how to position yourself for a breakthrough as a Christian millennial. You see there is always something you need to do before you can receive your breakthrough. Every Bible Character we read in the Bible had a condition they needed to meet before they could receive their breakthrough. Hannah had to align with God’s will for God to open her womb. There are 5 changes you need to make so that you can position yourself for a breakthrough.

Table of Contents

The Changes you need to make to position yourself for a breakthrough.

Change in your thoughts

Before you can experience any breakthrough, you need to change your thoughts. After all, everything starts in the mind. And often your current reality results from your thinking.

2 Corinthians 10:5  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

How can you change your thoughts?

  • Be mindful of your thought. What thoughts do you entertain often? Being aware is the first step to changing your thoughts. Practice stillness to become mindful of the ideas in your mind. Identify any negative thought patterns. What negative thought patterns do you have? Maybe you feel you are not good enough. Or you could battle imposter syndrome. Whatever negative thoughts you possess, identify them. This will help you increase your awareness of your thoughts.
  • Identify the root of the negative thoughts. Before you can replace your negative thoughts, it is essential to identify the root of the thoughts. Where did those thoughts come from? Childhood? Environment? It is imperative to identify the root. When you focus on the fruit, your change will only be temporary. The change will be permanent when you focus on getting the root out. Every thought has an origin. Some things that will help you identify the source are stillness, journaling, and therapy. You could start with stillness. Anytime you embrace solitude and stillness, you bring your thoughts to the forefront, can make sense of your thoughts and deal with the inner junk. Journaling helps you give words to your inner turmoil. And therapy helps you gain the clarity you need to identify any negative patterns that have led to your negative thoughts and beliefs.
  • Repent and denounce the negative thoughts. Now that you have identified the root, the next step is to repent for having negative thoughts and also denounce those negative thoughts. One thing is true: until you denounce those thoughts, they will keep holding you captive. The reason for repenting and denouncing is that the devil cannot torment you with anything you have brought to the light. And repenting and denouncing is bringing it to light. God is faithful and just. He promises you that when you repent; He is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins.
  • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Denouncing is not enough. The next thing you need to do is to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. If you don’t replace it, you give the enemy room to bring even worse thoughts. What does God say about you? Who are you? Find scriptures that will replace the lie with the truth. Let’s say you feel unworthy. Scriptures like you are fearfully and wonderfully made and you are a royal priesthood will help you gain your confidence back. If you feel you don’t belong, the scripture on Jesus translating you into the kingdom of light and being a co-heir with Jesus will help you feel a sense of belonging.
  • Silence the inner critic. The inner critic will try to discredit your progress and make you feel like your actions do not matter. However, silencing the inner critic and focusing on what God says about you will help you keep going. The more you focus on God’s words, the weaker the inner critic gets.
  • Repeat. Please don’t do it for a season and then stop. Make this a lifestyle if you want to see yourself have a renewed thought pattern. Transformation comes from the mind. That is why the Bible reminds us in Romans 12:2 that renewing our minds should transform us.

Change your name.

In order to position yourself for a breakthrough, you need to change your name. Now I am not talking about the name your parents gave you. What I am talking about is the name that you have allowed others to call you or that you have called yourself. What do people call you? Maybe because of your past they call you a failure. This name could be hindering your breakthrough.

Changing your name means not allowing your past to define you. God called Gideon a man of valor to symbolize where He was taking him. You too need to call yourself according to your destiny. If you feel God called you to be a leader, you need to start calling yourself that. If God called you to be a prophet, call yourself that. It does not matter how bad your past was, start identifying with the place God is taking you.

Another example I would give you is for those who desire marriage, I would encourage you to identify as a wife. The reason for changing your name is that you will start acting as one. Once you start identifying yourself with a name, you will find that you will act like it. How do wives act? What don’t they tolerate? What are their non-negotiables when dating? Do you see the power in a name?

Today I want to encourage you to start calling yourself based on your future. And if you don’t know your purpose, ask God to tell you. And again, how will you live your life when you have the knowledge that God calls you a royal priesthood and His child? Take on those names today and allow the names to give you a reason to change your behavior and thoughts to position yourself for a breakthrough.

Change of garments will help you position yourself for a breakthrough.

A change in your garment is essential before you can move to the place that God has for you. Joseph had to change his garments before he could experience his elevation. Bartimeus got to where he was willing to give up his cloak to receive his breakthrough. When Jesus called out for him, he threw his cloak to the ground to receive his sight. You see, in those days beggars were given cloaks so that they could receive alms legally. But he got to the point where he was willing to change his garment so that he could walk in his next level. To learn more about this story, check out this blog on the principles of breakthrough.

Changing your garment looks like you show up the way you would when you get to your place of breakthrough. How will you dress? Sometimes it takes you acting like you are there before you can get there. It is called faithing it until you make it.

Garments can be spiritual or physical. In the spirit realm, are you clothed with the garments of righteousness and the garments of joy?

God tells us in Isaiah that He will give us garments of joy instead of mourning. And we know that joy and praise can change our situation. If you don’t believe it, read the story of how Paul and Silas received freedom and deliverance through singing and praising ( Acts 16:16-40). Can you imagine you worshiping God to the point that He releases you from bondage? Could it be that God wants you to get rid of the garment of pain, defeat, and shame? Resolve to remove every garment that is not of God and allow Him to clothe you with His garment of joy, righteousness, beauty, or whatever other garments you need.

Change of connections.

Sometimes the reason you have yet to receive your breakthrough is your connections. Who do you surround yourself with? Remember Abraham and Lot? It was not until Abraham separated from Lot that God spoke to him about blessings.

The Lord said to Abram, after Lot had parted from him, โ€œLook around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. 15 All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. 16 I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted. 17 Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.โ€ (Genesis 13)

Because Esther was living with Mordecai, that was how she learned of the audition to be queen and ended up becoming queen. Through Naomi, Ruth was married to Boaz and became part of Jesus’ lineage. Child of God, who is in your corner? Remember, even the Bible reminds us that when we hang around wise people we will become wise and the inverse of that is true as well. Could it be that God is waiting on you to change your connections before He can bless you? In order to position yourself for a breakthrough you need to identify who is right for you. You cannot elevate until you get rid of that which does not serve you.

A change of environment will help you position yourself for a breakthrough.

Before God could bless Abraham, He asked him to leave his home country. Joseph had to go to Egypt to receive his breakthrough. Both Ruth and Naomi had to go to Bethlehem to receive their restoration.

The Lord had said to Abram, โ€œGo from your country, your people, and your fatherโ€™s household to the land I will show you. 2 โ€œI will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.โ€ ( Genesis 12)

Your environment can hinder your breakthrough. Sometimes you changing your environment could look like you changing your hangout joints. Maybe instead of always going to clubs God wants you to attend a seminar that could be the key to your breakthrough. Positioning yourself for a breakthrough through changing your environment looks like you making different choices. This could look like you taking on new hobbies and in the process meeting your divine connector.

God could even ask you to leave your home country or city because you will not grow if you stay where you are. How would Joseph have become the 2nd in command if he stayed with his father? How would have Ruth met Boaz if she stayed in Moab? Do you see how a change in environment could be what you need to position yourself for a breakthrough?


Positioning yourself for a breakthrough is essential if you want to get to the next level. Until you desire breakthrough you cannot receive it. Amd doing things the same way and expecting different results is just insanity. Today I want to encourage you to take the steps and make the changes needed so that you can welcome your breakthrough. God will not take you to your next level until He sees you are ready for it. And how can you be ready for it if you keep living life the same way? Are you prepared for what you are praying for? Have you made room? Child of God make this the year you elevate by making the changes you need to position yourself for your breakthrough. God is not delaying, He is waiting on you. He will do what He can do when you do what you should do.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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