Faith,  Spiritual growth in the wilderness and waiting season

How To Overcome The Fear Of The Unknown.

How do you overcome the fear of the unknown? Has God been speaking to you about starting a new journey? Maybe you have an impression in your heart about doing something you’ve never done before. Or maybe it is something you used to do, but stopped and God is asking you to pick it up again. Whatever the case may be, the journey seems daunting and you are wondering if you have what it takes.!

Perhaps what God is asking you to do or what you want to do has been done by others and you are wondering what new thing you will bring to the table. Or maybe the people doing the thing you want to do has been done by people who look different from you and are wondering if people will even appreciate it. If you can relate to any or all of these statements, then read along.

Starting something new or picking up something you had let go of is scary and can be intimidating. But the beauty is that when you get past the fear, you experience the fulfillment that comes from doing it. Also, when you are following the leading of God, whatever you do regardless of how many times it has been done before will be fruitful because what God provides, HE sustains. So what is God asking you to do? Is God telling you to step into the fashion industry, lifestyle, entertainment, etc.? Or could it be that He is asking you to start a YouTube Chanel? Or maybe He is telling you to become a writer and you’ve never written before.

What is God asking you to do that seems so scary that you’ve lacked the guts to even start? Or worse every time the idea pops in your mind you shut it down? Don’t worry, today I want us to look at some steps to take if it seems that you are frozen at the moment.

What to do when you have a fear of the unknown?

First things first, learn who you are in Christ. This will help you overcome the fear of the unknown.

It’s no secret that we all get scared of doing something new because we lack confidence in not knowing who we are. Unless you know who and whose you are, you will always place limitations on yourself. It does not matter where you come from or the things you have done. What matters is that you keep in mind that you are a child of God, you have been redeemed and you are a co-heir with Jesus because He bought you with a ransom price and now you are free. When you do not know your identity, you will never know your full potential. It is in your identity that you will gain the confidence to fully become who God created you to be. And this is found in Jesus.

Not only that, you have the ability and capability to do whatever you set your mind to because you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you. Again, the Holy Spirit has not given you the spirit of fear but of power, love, and sound mind. These are just a fraction of who God says you are.

Did you know that you have a fraction of the same creative power that He has because He created you in His image and likeness? Why would you let the enemy lie to you that you don’t have what it takes?

If it is regarding your background and past, did you know that God redeems? Look at Rahab, she was a prostitute who God redeemed and she is part of the lineage of Jesus Christ. Ruth was a widow who had lost everything and also was an outsider from a tribe that was overlooked and disregarded because of its foundation. But God redeemed her and she got a second chance at love and she too is part of the lineage of Jesus. So as you can see, your past and background don’t matter. And God will never ask you to do something you are not qualified for.


Granted, it is scary because maybe no one looks like you in that industry. Either way, God is with you and you could be the one with the forerunner mantle. Follow the leading of God and do it anyway, remember it is already on you and in you to do that very thing. And when you are tempted to think otherwise look for scripture in the Bible that will help strengthen your faith and give you the momentum to keep going.

Reading these scriptures will also help you replace the lies of the enemy with the truth of God’s word. You might not feel like you can do it but as long as God says you can, it means that you can, and that is enough.

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day. Psalm 139:13‭-‬16 MSG

Start it and do it scared to overcome the fear of the unknown.

Now that you know who you are, it is time for you to start the said thing. Once you know who God says you are, it is time for you to step into the very thing. Sometimes it could mean that you will have to do it scared.

You might not feel like you are capable of doing it, but do it anyway. You could feel unworthy but start it anyway. Maybe the industry is flooded, still don’t wait for a second longer. There will never be a right time to start something. When it is from God, you will meet unimaginable obstacles.

Remember, the enemy will never want you to walk in what God has for you because He knows you will be a threat to His kingdom. Sometimes the fear of starting is a sign that you are on the right path. So let that fear of stepping into the unknown fuel your willpower to do the thing that God is asking you to.

Never forget that when God is for you, no one will be against you. You know why because He is the Most Powerful and He is Sovereign so all the power and Dominion belongs to Him. And the best part, He will never leave you nor forsake you so you are not alone in doing it. He is with you every step of the way. Isn’t it exciting to know that your creator will help you every step of the way?

Stay committed to the new path.

Diligence, discipline, and commitment are some of the values you will need to have to succeed in your new path. Without these, you will accomplish nothing. Although God gives the ideas, the execution of the said idea is up to you and me. You are in partnership with God and this means you have a role to play if you want to see it all come to fruition. Did you know that the best way to display God to the world is through walking in the fullness of what He has called you to? How else will God be revealed to the world if you don’t accomplish what He is asking you to?

Did you know that God created you for a purpose and established your days before you came to be? God predestined you before He created you. Do not allow anything to get you off track. Even when the road is tough, press on keeping in mind that the reward will bring joy and lasting fulfillment in your life.

Block out the noise.

When you embark on something new, you will face lots of criticism, mainly because people don’t understand. You see, it is easier for you to stay in the status quo. But when you step outside the box, there will be people who will get intimidated and try to put you down. Still, don’t stop doing what God is asking you to. Remember, people will not understand the process, let them see the result. Instead of focusing on what they are saying, block out the noise and keep going.

When God is with you, you don’t need other people’s permission. He is all the validation you need because He is not fickle. Trust in God. Also, you could look for a community that understands. If not, the Holy Spirit is more than enough to encourage you and help you in any way. Don’t be afraid to tell Him what’s on your mind. Be honest with Him about everything, He is not only your helper but your friend too and He is always eager and ready to listen to you. Do not entertain the voices that tell you to stop, focus on the ones that tell you to keep going. Can you imagine what would have happened if Noah had given in to the naysayers and stopped building the ark? Keep going and don’t stop until God tells you to.

The fear of the unknown can stop you from stepping into the new that God has for you. But as long as you stay focused and silence every other noise, you will get to the other side. Had David focused on listening to his brothers or the other soldiers he would not have fought Goliath. Instead, he silenced every other noise and believe in God. He knew God would give him victory. And so He focused on that. Sometimes it will take you blocking out every other noise in order to do what God is calling you to.

Keep the end result in mind.

For you to have the strength to keep going, have the end goal in mind. Imagine 2 years from now having followed the leading of God, where will you be? Look at some of the people in the same path, where are they now? Envision yourself too and let that give you the confidence to keep going even when the going gets tough.

Overcoming the fear of the unknown starts when you focus on the end goal. Imagine who you will become once you have achieved the goal.


Stepping into the unknown is both scary and exhilarating, so don’t allow fear to keep you trapped. God will always ask you to do something He knows you are capable of doing. This is because He equips you first before He calls you. Moses was equipped to be a deliverer long before God called Him to be one. And this case applies to you too. There will always be naysayers and that is okay, still don’t allow other people to prevent you from walking into the path that God has for you. Imagine where you will be in the future when you stick it out now and let that motivate you to keep going.
And never forget that God is with you every step of the way because He promises to never leave you nor forsake you
Be encouraged.

“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 MSG

Today, I want to encourage you to do that thing that God has been calling you to. Yes, it will be difficult in the beginning, especially because you do not have the blueprint or the skills you need. But when you stay true to the course, you will experience the reward that comes with consistency. God has already equipped you for it. Don’t count yourself short.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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