discern imminent deliverance
Christian Journey,  Faith


Are you wondering how to discern imminent deliverance? Do you feel you are going through a never-ending battle? Does it seem like it is taking forever for you to break through and see God’s deliverance in your life? Today, I want to encourage you by telling you that God has heard your prayer. In Exodus 2:24-25, the Bible tells us that God heard the groans of the Israelites, saw their affliction, and knew it was time to act.

24 God heard their groaning, and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. 25 So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them. Exodus 2: 24-25

Fast forward to Exodus 5 where God gives Moses and Aaron to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh to tell him to give the Israelites time off. This was so that they can go to the wilderness and worship Him.

Pharaoh in his arrogance sneers at them and tells them he would do no such thing. He even said that the only reason they would ask for such a thing was that they were idle. He tells them he did not know who God was, so he would not heed His wishes. This request from Moses and Aaron infuriates Pharaoh to the point he calls the slave masters and gives them an order not to provide straw for the Israelites. They should instead let the Israelites collect the straw and still build the same ton of bricks as before.

This obviously was a slap to the Israelites and a way for Pharaoh to show them his power. The supervisors tried to reason with Pharaoh, but he would not listen. And so they poured out their frustrations on Moses and even spoke cursing words to them.

Sometimes, when you have been going through the same thing for a long time, it’s difficult to discern imminent deliverance. After all, having waited for so long, it’s hard to imagine things changing for the better. Is this you? Have you been going around the same mountain for a long time? Maybe, like Hannah, you have been praying for a child, to no avail. Or maybe, like Abraham, you have been waiting for your promise for 20+ years. Or maybe you have been in exile for so long that you don’t even think freedom can be your portion. Well, today I have a word for you to help you know how to discern imminent deliverance. But before we do, let us look at some lessons we can learn from this story.

Lessons to learn.

God hears your prayers

One thing you can be sure of is that God hears your prayers when you pray. And to prove it to you let me give you a few scriptures.

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. And when you seek me with all your heart, you will find me. Jeremiah 29:12-13 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayers. 1 Peter 3:12 Until now you have not asked anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be full. John 16:12

These scriptures clarify God hears our prayers when we cry to Him. He does not ignore us because first off; we are His creation and children. And He even says that even though a mother could reject her child, He would never reject us. So remain confident because your prayers are not wasted and God hears your prayers. He heard Daniels’s prayer and sent an answer way before Daniel started to pray. The same way He did for Daniel, He will do for you, too.

God is loving and caring, too. And just like any caring person, He wants to help you out. Unfortunately, just like any loving Father, He wants to see you grow and mature. This means that although He has heard your prayers, there is a process He has to take you through. This is not because He hates you or wants to punish you. Rather, He wants to refine you and get you to become the person He created you to be.

God does not want to deny you the very thing He knows you need. He wants to give it to you more than you want it for yourself. So today I want you to know that although you have been praying over the same things, He heard it. Even though He is silent, I want you to know that God heard you. He sees you because He cares and loves you. He is your Father and loves you more than anyone else ever will.

God always has a rescue plan

God knew He would use Moses as the deliverer of the Israelites. His birth was so strategic, so much so that He was raised in the palace where He learned all there was to be a leader and have authority. He placed the burning passion in Moses to deliver the Israelites that he went along doing the wrong way when he killed the Egyptians. What I am getting at is that God already has a way that He will use to rescue you from the affliction that the enemy has placed on you. God’s plan will not look the same for each one of us but we can count on the fact that He will definitely rescue us. He tells us that His intentions towards us are good and pure in Psalms 139, so He will never leave you in a place, helpless.

I hope this helps you recognize that God already has it all figured out. He knows how He will get you out of your predicament. And not only that, He knows when He will too. He is working behind the scenes to deliver you out of your predicament. The question I have for you is will you discern imminent deliverance when it comes your way? Are you sensitive enough to discern it?

The enemy will always try to block your deliverance

Isn’t it funny how Pharaoh’s anger was kindled over the Israelites so much so that he burdened them more with work, and the only thing Moses had said was that they needed time off? The enemy knows that once your eyes are opened and you get to experience God’s rest and goodness, you will never come back to the place of bondage again. That is why he keeps you stuck in endless cycles of battles and frustrations. This is so that he can delay the promises God spoke over your life. When the attacks get worse it is a sure sign that your breakthrough is near. The main reason why God allows it is to make you so uncomfortable that all you will desire is a shift from the place.

Unfortunately for us, God has to make our environments so uncomfortable to get us to move because unless He does that, we will never move. So are you experiencing heightened oppression? Is your environment uncomfortable? The reason the battle is so hard is so that the enemy can wear you out and cause you to give up. But I want to encourage you to keep fighting. The word tells us that though the righteous fall 6 times, they rise the 7th. So keep pushing, keep praying, and do not grow weary.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

How then will you discern imminent deliverance?

Prayer and persistence

Prayer is a powerful weapon, and this is even evident in the life of Jesus. He spent His nights in prayer and fellowship with God. Since we are followers of Christ, we should model the same and be people of prayer. In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus shows us the power of persistent prayer and how the widow received justice from the unjust judge because she did not give up. And Jesus even tells us that since our judge is righteous, He will not delay in coming to our rescue.

The beauty of prayer is that it increases intimacy with God. The more you pray, the easier it is to hear Him when He speaks. You cannot know what God is doing when you don’t spend time with Him. God clearly tells us He never does anything until He reveals it to His prophets. And again, as you pray, you will discern the times and the seasons. The truth is that God will give you signs to show you when you are close to your deliverance. After all, He wants to see you free too. He wants you to walk in the fullness of who He created you to be. And He also recognizes that your gift will solve a problem in the world. Your gift and talent that He placed inside you will also reveal Him to the world.

Persistence, on the other hand, helps ignite your faith and make room for your miracle. The more you persist in prayer, the more you create your realm for your deliverance. After all, the kingdom of God suffers violence and those who succeed are those who take it by force. Moses did not grow weary approaching Pharaoh for the Israelites’ deliverance. And neither should you. Don’t be deceived to think that the enemy will not go down without a fight. Spiritual warfare is real. And it is those that are persistent that receive their reward. God wants you to know He will show up when you tarry in that place of prayer.

And will God not hurry and rescue His people who cry out to Him day and night? Will He delay? I tell you that He will defend and avenge quickly. Luke 18:7-8a

Reading God’s word and decreeing His word.

The only way we can obtain deliverance is by speaking God’s word because we know that God’s word has the power to dismantle all the forces of the enemy. The only way you can scare the enemy is by standing on God’s word and for you to know what it says, you have to read it. Remember that God’s word is living and so it is full of God’s power and has been breathed on by the Holy Spirit.

The sons of Issachar could discern the times and the seasons, too. God wants you to do the same. And you find that wisdom in reading the word. It was while Daniel was in the Word that he realized it was time for deliverance. If you want to discern imminent deliverance, you will need to hide in the word. God will give you the signs. But for you to interpret them, read the word of God. God’s word contained blueprints and instructions that reveal to us what to expect in this world and how to combat anything that comes our way. God, a loving Father, ensured we had all the skills we needed to defeat the enemy. And that’s also how you will know how to discern imminent deliverance. So read the Word.

Death and life are in the power of our tongue. So what do you want to see play out in your life? Find a scripture that matches that. We also know that the word of God is alive, so why not shift your atmosphere by speaking His word? The angels also hearken to the word of God. Again, why not speak His word and have angels come to your rescue? God’s word will never fail. And His word will always come to pass. We find deliverance in the word of God. Decree His word today.

Faith and relentlessness will help you discern imminent deliverance.

Do not give up. Keep pushing until you see your breakthrough come forth. Have faith because when you have faith, you can speak to a mountain and tell it to go and it will. Faith will change your circumstance. So what problem are you experiencing in your life? Do you want to see the situation change? Then have faith and persistence and you will get delivered.

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Also, faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Having faith that your breakthrough and deliverance will come will do exactly that. Sometimes, the only thing standing between you and your breakthrough is faith. So today I want to encourage you to have faith and believe again. The dry bones can live again.

If you have grown weary of believing, I want to encourage you to listen to other people’s testimony as this will help ignite your faith. Also, praise and worship will help your faith build up. As you praise God, His Power and sovereignty will leave you in awe of Him and it will reignite your faith.

Discernment will help you discern imminent deliverance.

Are you able to discern your season? If you cannot, how will you know it is your time for deliverance? Discernment will help you hold on when everything around you is screaming for you to give up. Discernment comes from reading the word and also spending time with the Holy Spirit, because He is the one who gives the believers the spirit of discernment.

Ask the Holy Spirit for discernment and sensitivity to discern imminent deliverance. He wants to give you discernment more than you think. After all, He is on your side and He is your helper.


Discerning imminent deliverance is the key to getting out of your predicament. You don’t have to stay stuck in your situation. God wants to set you free. I know you have been going through this situation for so long. And you might have even grown weary and chosen to accept your fate as permanent. But beloved, I want you to know that this is not who you are. God has so much in store for you and He wants you to get to the other side. Press on until you receive your breakthrough. And remember when Jesus steps into the scene your deliverance will be permanent.

When the going gets tough the tough get going. It always gets worse before it can get better and if you want to cross over to the other side you need to have faith and discernment and remember that your relationship with God is key too. Keep holding on and let the fact that the Lord heard you since the first day you decided to pray God heard. Your answer is on the way.


Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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