change your story as a Christian millennial
Spiritual growth in the wilderness and waiting season


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Are you tired of living in your current narrative? Do you want to change your story? You know, reinventing yourself is easier than you think. It is possible for you to become who you have always wanted to be. And today I want us to talk about how you can change your story as a Christian millennial. The good news is that you can level up and come out of your past.

Table of Contents

The importance of changing your story.

Your life story matters. The story you tell yourself determines the way you live your life. An example is if you focus on what is always going wrong, you will tend to think life is unfair and develop a victim mentality. You will also develop limiting beliefs. On the flip side, if you focus on the opportunities found in limitations, you will have a mentality of a victor and a growth mindset,

Changing your story brings fulfillment and eliminates competition, strife, and jealousy.

When you change your story, you give yourself room to make mistakes because you have the ability to extend grace to yourself and not focus on the past.

How to change your story as a Christian millennial.

In order to change your story and narrative, there are three things you need to do that will help you. And while there are many other ways you can do it, I want us to look at a Christian perspective.

Renew your mind

The Bible reminds us in Romans 12:2 that the renewal of the mind brings about transformation. It is important for you to unlearn your past viewpoint and relearn the new thought pattern if you want to change your story and rewrite your narrative, So how can you do that?

  • Acknowledgment. Deciding that you want a new story is the first step to changing your story. As a Christian, it is imperative that you resolve to see a shift in your life. No one, not even God, can do it for you. And the reason is God gives us free will. He will desire it for you, but He will not make you change your story. You have to want it and then partner with Him to experience the change you need. Acknowledgment simply comes with the awareness that you don’t like how your life is playing out and you want to see a change in your life. When the Israelites were in bondage, they got to a point where they realized that they were tired of this narrative and they needed to change. It was when they desired the change that it came. Now acknowledgment is not enough, bringing me to the second point on how to renew your mind.
  • Prayer. Let us not underestimate the power of prayer. It was through prayer and crying out to God that the Israelites got help. In Exodus 2:24-25, The Bible reminds us that it was when the Israelites cried out to God that relief came their way. In fact, the Bible tells us God heard their cry, remembered His covenant, and knew it was time to act. Another example was Hannah. She has been barren for a long time. The Bible tells us that it was because God had closed her womb. And through prayer, she touched God’s heart and God remembered her. Prayer moves mountains. This is because, through communication and fellowship with God, we start thinking about His thoughts. Remember the saying, what you focus on, you empower. When you spend time in prayer, you empower your Spirit and in doing that activate and ignite your authentic self.
  • Read books and scriptures that empower who you want to become. In order to change your story, you need to change your beliefs. This means that what you absorb in your mind has to change. The things you listen to have to change as well. Let’s say you want to embrace leadership, and find scriptures that talk about being empowered to be a leader. Read about Gideon and Moses and how they changed their story from being cowards to fierce leaders. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to believe that you are victorious. We should never take the help of the Holy Spirit for granted. He wants to help you. However, you need to ask Him for help. After all, He cannot override your free will. Read books that talk about leadership. What I am simply pointing to is that you need to fill your mind with what you want to become. Rewriting your story comes from changing your mindset. And renewing your mind comes from replacing the old with the new. Jesus even told us we cannot put new wine in old wineskins. It is the same, you cannot change your story until you change your mindset. And changing your mindset means unlearning your old beliefs and relearning new ones. It requires active participation.
  • Silence your inner critic. Renewing your mind requires that you silence the inner critic. Allow the truth of God’s word to speak louder than the inner critic. This will be difficult at first. After all, it is easier to stick to familiar ways of doing things. However, the goal is to take note of every time the inner critic tries to get you back to your old way of thinking. When this happens, counter with the truth from the word of God. An example would be when something negative happens and the inner critic makes you feel like life will always be this way, find scriptures that say that your future will be greater than your past. This brings out an important point. You cannot silence your inner critic if you don’t have truth to replace the lie. Again, it is imperative that you read and meditate on the truth.
  • Journal. Journaling will help you see your progress. And also it makes you aware of every time your old self tries to spring up. Again journaling helps you get all the junk out and make room for the new which in turn will help you change your story.
  • Extend grace to yourself. Remember Rome was not built in a day. Stop expecting to change immediately. It takes time and the journey will not be linear. There are days you will mess up. But remember to get back up. The righteous fall six times and get up seven times. So be gracious to yourself and learn the term ‘yet’. You will get there, you only need to be patient. Extending grace to yourself also means celebrating small wins. Be kind to yourself.
  • Identify the root source. Where did the story come from? Was it because of your background and childhood? Did someone tell you the story you believe about yourself today? Identifying the root of your story will help you change your story. You might need to go for therapy, practice stillness and embrace solitude to get there. Whatever it takes, commit to identifying the root so that you can fix the problem permanently.

Guard your belief.

Your beliefs will help you change your story. And now that you have renewed your mind, it is important to protect your beliefs. After all, if you don’t, you will go back to what you used to be. And some ways that will help you guard your beliefs include.

  • The first thing you need to do is believe that you are worthy of a change in your story. Realizing that you are worthy will help you gravitate towards rewriting your story as a Christian millennial. Hannah had to believe that it was possible for her to change her narrative. Let me ask you this, do you believe that you are worthy of a change in your story? Do you believe that God wants more for you? Today I want to encourage you to believe that God has more for you and wants you to step into who He created you to be. In order to believe you need to know what God says about you. And this stems from intimacy with Him. Spending time with God will help you cultivate your faith to believe for more. As a child of God, you have the right to go from borrower to lender. You also have the right to live a life of abundance and victory. Guarding these truths through meditation and decrees will ensure the enemy does not take you out. After all, faith is what pleases God. And your faith is the currency you need to activate change in your life.
  • Make room for mistakes. There will be moments when doubt will kick in. This does not mean that you are back to your old ways. This is the enemy trying to discredit your progress.
  • Protect your environment. This means that you need to feed yourself with words and narratives that fuel your faith. This includes the friends you hang out with. Who is in your circle? You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to have a positive mindset. You cannot go back to the thing that destroyed you and expect to receive healing there. It could be time for you to change your circle. Or at least limit the time you spend with them. Guarding your faith comes with making sacrifices. So let me ask you this, how much do you want to change your story?
  • Listen to other testimonies. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. The more you listen to testimonies that mirror your beliefs the more you empower your belief. After all, the Bible tells us that the only way we will overcome is through the Blood of the Lamb (Jesus) and the power of our testimonies. You can listen to testimonies on YouTube or read books about people who changed the trajectory of their lives. Steve Harvey, Tyler Perry, Sarah Jakes, and Oprah Winfrey are all wonderful examples of people who changed their stories and are now reaping the fruit of their sacrifices. These people will help you see the possibility of you changing your story. That is why other people’s testimonies are important.


Remain consistent as you change your story.

Diligence and consistency are the keys that will help you change your story. And in order for you to do this, here are some tips that will help you.

  • Schedule time for renewing your mind and be intentional about spending time with God. As you change your story, it is imperative that you be intentional with the time you spend reinventing yourself. If you do it sporadically, you will not get the results you need. Whether it is your time with God, journaling, meditation, or scripture reading, be intentional with your reinvention. And better yet, guard that time with everything you have. Change requires sacrifice. How much do you want to change your story? Your level of sacrifice will give you that answer.
  • Find an accountability partner. Whether it is a coach, partner, or friend, find someone you are accountable to. They will help you stay on track on days when you have lost motivation. Again be intentional and ask the Holy Spirit for discernment when picking an accountability partner. This will ensure that you achieve your goals.
  • Find your why. Why do you want to change your story? Finding the reason for this change will help you stay consistent, even when it is hard. Find a reason that is bigger than you. This is because change is not always easy and having a reason that is bigger than you will help you stay motivated. And ensure that your reason stems from the inside. That will be your greatest motivation when it is inspired by others.


It is time for you to tell a different story by taking small steps toward progress. Remember, Jesus is the author of your life. However, you can partner with Him to create a beautiful life story. Changing your story will have a positive impact on your life. Changing your story is the best thing you can ever do for yourself.

God does not want you to live a defeated life. He wants you to experience the fullness of what Jesus paid on the cross. And in order to step into that, you will need to experience transformation through the renewing of your mind. Are you tired of living life as you have been doing? Then it is time for you to change your story. I am rooting for you. And more importantly, God is rooting for you.

Mercy is the author and founder of radiantly resurging. She is a Christian and having gone through the wilderness season, she decided to impart the knowledge learned to help others navigate their wilderness season too

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