5 Practical Keys That Will Help You Navigate A Wilderness Season As A Christian Millennial.
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
When you are in the wilderness season, it’s difficult and often, we just want it to be over. Unfortunately, sometimes no matter what you do, if God has set the wilderness to last for a particular period, that’s exactly what will happen. Therefore, the goal is to understand how to navigate the said season. Here are 5 practical keys that will help you navigate the wilderness season as a Christian Millennial. But before we do that, let’s define what a wilderness season is.
Table of Contents
- Definition of a wilderness season
- 5 Practical Keys to help you navigate a wilderness season.
- Find the why behind the wilderness season.
- Once you have learned the reason, the next thing is to learn the lesson and skills God wants you to.
- Cultivating an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit will help you navigate the wilderness season.
- Find the right community to help you navigate the wilderness season.
- Conclusion
Definition of a wilderness season
According to the Environmental and Society Portal, the wilderness season is a locale for intense experiencesโof stark need for food and water (manna and quails), of isolation (Elijah and the still small voice), of danger and divine deliverance (Hagar and Ishmael), of renewal, of encounters with God (Moses, the burning bush, the revelation of the divine name, Mount Sinai). There is a psychology and geography of wilderness, a theology gained in the wilderness.
The wilderness season is a period where you experience extreme limitations of some form and feel you cannot push forward. It is where you get half or even a quarter of the result from your efforts.
5 Practical Keys to help you navigate a wilderness season.
Find the why behind the wilderness season.
One thing is for sure, God will never take us through a wilderness season if there is no reason for it. Every single person who went through a wilderness season did it because there was a purpose for it. You might not know the entire reason you are in the wilderness season. However, you can have a rough idea. And how you can do that is look at the things God revealed to you before you got to your wilderness season.
Fortunately, before we go through warfare, there is always a word that God will give us concerning our destiny and future. Before Abraham started his journey, God made him a promise that he would be a father of many nations. Before Joseph’s brothers sold him to Egypt, God had revealed to Joseph that he would be so great that his brothers and parents would bow to Him. God had promised Abraham that the Israelites would be slaves in Egypt for 400 years before coming back to possess the promised land. There is always a word that preceded the wilderness season.
Of course, we know that sometimes our disobedience and rebellion can cause the wilderness season. When the Israelites disobeyed God, God handed them over to the Midianites for 7 years. So, they went through a self-inflicted wilderness season for 7 years. Again, when Jonah rebelled against God, God had a whale swallow Jonah for 3 days. That was another wilderness.
The goal is to ensure that you know the reason for your wilderness. Why does God have you in a wilderness season? Could it be that He is preparing you for something? Maybe He wants you to stand in the gap for your family and that’s why He has you in a season of limitation. Or maybe He is teaching you a skill as He did for David so that you can step into your season of revealing.
Could it be that God wants you to draw close to Him because He has instructions that will help you set others free from some form of bondage? God will waste no season. Understanding this will help you see things from a different perspective and get you off the victim mentality. One thing I can guarantee you is that nothing happens in this world without God allowing it. He might not cause it, but He will allow it.
And to understand the cause of your wilderness, you could.
- Read the word of God to find people who went through something similar to what you went through.
- You can ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it to you. The HOLY spirit is always ready to help you and me figure out the reason behind our wilderness. And the reason is that when Jesus left, He sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper. And by you engaging with Him, He will reveal to you what you are seeking. Let’s not forget that Jeremiah 33:3 reminds us that God will answer when we call Him. And He will also reveal great and mighty things we don’t know of. And in the book of Romans 8, we see the HOLY Spirit desires to reveal who the Father is. Based on these scriptures, we can conclude that asking the Holy Spirit should be something we often do. He will answer, are you asking Him?
- Stillness and silence. Sometimes all it takes is for you to be still and then the answers will come. Stillness is questing the soul, and this comes through constant meditation on God’s word and journaling to free your mind from all the internal junk. Silence is quieting all the external noise. This could look like you switching off your phone and electronic devices. It could also look like you going into a quiet space to make room for your soul to come alive. There are moments when the answers we seek will be found within. God has already given us everything we need. And when we learn to listen to our Spirit we will get to know that which we seek. This is because our spirits are in tune with the Holy Spirit. Intentionally take time alone.
Some questions you can ask yourself to understand why you are in the wilderness season is what preceded the wilderness season. What were you doing before you found yourself in the wilderness season? let’s say you had been praying for a change in the lives of your family members. And because of that God takes away all distractions so that He can take you on a journey to reveal to you the things that are holding your family members back. Now that is a wilderness season that involves you breaking the generation’s cycles. Or maybe you asked God to reveal to you your purpose. And after that, you lost your job.
That could be a sign that the path you are on is not what God has for you. The thing that preceded your wilderness will help you determine the reason you are in the wilderness season. Sometimes we complicate things when, in the real sense, the answers are right under our noses.
Once you have learned the reason, the next thing is to learn the lesson and skills God wants you to.
The wilderness is a place of training, preparation, and refinement. It is a place where God has you on a mission to prepare for what He has for you. When you are navigating a wilderness season, you must do the work that needs to be done. You cannot just cruise by. Look at the example of Jesus. After John had baptized Him, the Holy Spirit led Him to the wilderness to be tempted. And because He had been spending time with God, He passed the test and God launched Him into His purpose.
God took the Israelites to the wilderness where they were to stay for 11 days before stepping into their promised land. God wanted them to get out of the victim and slave mentality so that they can possess the land. However, they failed to learn the lesson God wanted. And to top it all up, they rebelled against the Lord and this led them on a 40-year wilderness season.
What does God want you to learn? Is it reliance on Him? Does He want you to overcome people-pleasing and jealousy? Maybe He wants you to let go of control and pride and surrender to Him. Or maybe He wants you to learn to remain rooted in Him. He could also want you to experience freedom and therefore lead others to freedom.
Whatever it is, I encourage you to learn. Don’t waste the wilderness season. Use this season to perfect your skill. Whether it is reading books, fasting, praying, listening to other people teach about the season, taking courses, or getting mentors. Do what you need to do to get out of that season.
Your wilderness could be a place of healing. The woman in Revelation 12 went to the wilderness, a place God had prepared for her to receive her healing. If that’s the case for you, then go through that healing. Confront what needs to be confronted and stay in that pain until you stop feeling it. Confrontation and acknowledgment will lead to your healing and wholeness. And in all this, always remember that God is for you and with you. Therefore, don’t feel abandoned or unloved by Him because of the process you are on.
To learn more about the woman in Revelation 12, check out my blog post on: Rest in the wilderness. Can it be?
Cultivating an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit will help you navigate the wilderness season.
Everyone who got out of the wilderness season successfully had an intimate relationship with God. From Abraham to Joseph to David to Moses. They all had very close relationships with God. And the reason for this is that in their intimacy they discerned the shifts in their seasons correctly. When we look at the life of Joseph, we see all it took was the interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream and his life changed completely.
For David, it started off with defeating Goliath, and later on, God gave him a strategy to take over after King Saul died. As you can see, when you are close to God, you will know what to do when an opportunity for your breakthrough comes. This, however, will not come automatically.
Train your spirit to hear God when you are in the wilderness. And this comes from spending time with Him. Intentionally choose to spend time with God. Set time aside every day to pray and study His word. It is through intimacy that you will discern His voice. And reading His word gives you the ability to understand His nature and character. And because of that, it will be easy to move on His word and trust His leading when He speaks.
Find the right community to help you navigate the wilderness season.
The right community is one that is walking with God. They might have gone through something similar or simply have been walking with God long enough. This means that they will help you when you are weary. And also encourage you to keep pushing. If Job was not strong enough in God, he could have given up in the wilderness season because of his wife’s advice. Who you have in your ear will also determine how you fare in your wilderness season. That’s why I want to encourage you to find the right community.
You can ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of discernment and help as you identify the right community for you. And again, it is important to be teachable as you navigate the wilderness season. If you don’t learn what you need to you will not move forward. When you are corrected, be teachable and have a positive outlook. Don’t view it as a negative thing. Those that are willing to be taught are the ones that become successful. Remember, it is wilderness season, and this means it will end.
Navigating the wilderness season requires humility, teachability, flexibility, and sensitivity. Are you willing to experience all these? Humility is the ability to surrender and submit to what God is doing in your life. Flexibility is being open to God’s ideas. As you navigate the wilderness season, allow these keys to guide you. Don’t be too quick to dismiss the season and assume it is from the enemy. Sometimes it is God taking you through the process before the promise. Jesus and the woman in Revelation 12 are two examples that show God can take us to the wilderness. I want to encourage you not to prolong the season longer than it needs to be.