4 Unique Signs God is Resurrecting Your Dead Dreams And Desires.
Estimated reading time: 11 minutes
God wants to resurrect your dead dreams and desires. Do you feel like some dead desires are coming back to life? Have you been experiencing a stirring of passions you thought were lost? Well, today I have a beautiful and encouraging word for you. So here we go. And before we even look at the application side, let’s look at scripture.
- Anyway, this begs the question why did God have Moses’ dream die only for Him to resurrect it?
- There was a set time for deliverance.
- For preparation.
- To prepare the place for you.
- So how do you know that God is resurrecting the dead dreams?
- How do you position yourself when God resurrects a dead dream or desire?
- Conclusion.
One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. Looking this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting. He asked the one in the wrong, โWhy are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?โ
The man said, โWho made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?โ Then Moses was afraid and thought, โWhat I did must have become known.โ When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian, where he sat down by a well. Moses agreed to stay with the man, who gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage. Exodus 2:11โญ-โฌ15โญ, โฌ21 NIV
God had created Moses to deliver the Israelites from bondage and just to give you some truths that prove it.
- During Moses’ time, Pharaoh tried to kill him by ordering the killing of the male-born Jews. The same thing happened during the time of Jesus male born Jews 2 and under were killed and this caused Joseph and Mary to flee to Egypt.
- Moses was not satisfied with being in the palace. He wanted his people to experience salvation and rest from bondage. And this was why he killed the Egyptians who oppressed the Israelites.
These two scenarios paint a picture of Moses having something great inside him that was even bigger than him. Can you imagine giving up the palace for people who don’t even accept you? Moses was willing to do just that. You can never run away from your purpose no matter how much you try. You will always find yourself getting drawn to it. Anyway, after that incident, Moses ran to Midian where he stayed for 40 years. And then God disrupted his comfort zone because he had a role to play.
Anyway, this begs the question why did God have Moses’ dream die only for Him to resurrect it?
There was a set time for deliverance.
You see, Moses acted before it was God’s time. One thing I want you to know is that you are not wrong for having that desire. Maybe you have the urge to be a leader. I want to suggest to you that it could actually have come FROM God, especially if you have had it for a long period. God already put those desires inside us although we are not aware of them. God allowed the dream to die because it was not time. Has God allowed some dreams in your life to die? Maybe it is you being in the corporate world. And yet you can’t seem to find a job. And because of that, you decide to let go of the whole idea and venture into something else. Today I want you to know, that God might bring that desire back again.ย
For preparation.
The truth is that until you are ready for the role, God will not release you to it. The Bible reminds us that God is not slow to act, rather He does not want us to perish. God does not want you to perish. That is why He is having you wait before you can possess the promised land. Preparation could look different for you, it could be that God is taking you through an isolation season where nothing is working out for you. Moses went to the wilderness.
It was while there that God called him back to his purpose. What wilderness is God having you go through? Lack of a job? Financial difficulties? Singlehood? Whatever it is, I want you to know that this is just preparation and that is not your final story. Yield to God and allow Him to mold you as He would have you be. And when He has done doing the work in you, He will reveal you to your purpose.
To prepare the place for you.
Before God created Adam, He had to prepare the environment. That was why Adam was created last. Before God can release you to your purpose, He will prepare the place for you. The Israelites did not even get into the promised land until the houses had been built and the vineyards tended to. And even God clearly told them that they were stepping into a land they had not toiled and labored for. You see the wilderness is a place of preparation. And the reason for this is that the place you step after preparation is responsibility. Which means that the task is already assigned.
Moses already had a nation to deliver out of bondage. He was not going to figure out what his role was. God had figured that part out for him. Therefore, God is preparing the place for you. That job you desire, God is preparing the organization for you. Who knows, it could be that the company has yet to be established. If it’s a spouse, God has to prepare their heart to receive you. In this season God requires that you are patient so that He can set it all up for you. Joseph would not have been second in command had there not been a need. And that was why he had to be patient. There was a set time and when the time was right God made it happen.
So how do you know that God is resurrecting the dead dreams?
A stirring in your heart
The number one way God will resurrect the dead dream is when you have a stirring in your heart. All of a sudden you will have a desire for the things that you had let go of. You will be drawn to it. And even the things you used to think about will all come back to you. God tells us that He never does anything until He reveals it. Therefore, He will stir it in your heart. What I want to encourage you is not to run away from that desire. It might even feel like you are unstable in your ways. But just lean into it. Stir it up once more. The beauty of God is that He will stir the desire in a way that will be unique to you.
A sign
God might do this through a dream or a vision. Or it might even be through a movie. Something about a particular scene in the movie will ignite that lost passion. And you will find yourself thinking about it more. You might find that you relate to a particular character in a movie. It could be through the word. An example would be your relating to a particular person in the Bible. If it pertains to leadership, you might find yourself drawn to Moses, Esther, Joseph, or Daniel. The point is when God wants to get your attention, He will despite how much you run away from it.
Discomfort in your now.ย
When you find yourself suddenly feeling uncomfortable in your comfort zone, then it is a sign that God is taking you to your purpose. It could even be that what you have been doing is not working anymore. Or everything you have ever tried has not worked out. That could be God telling you that where you are now is not where He wants you to be. Don’t worry though, your efforts now will pay off. But they will only do so when you are in your calling. There are some seeds that God will allow to die only for Him to resurrect them when you are in your promised land. And this is not because God is bad. It is just that He does not want you to get comfortable in the wilderness such that you will not move when He tells you to.
Divine connections.
God will bring people your way who will help you step into your calling. For Joseph, it was Pharaoh’s butler. For you, it might be someone who sees your potential and is willing to contend with you until you get your breakthrough. Sometimes the wilderness might make you lose who you are. But God will send people your way who will remind you. And often times this will happen when He wants to elevate you. Have people been talking about a dream you had let die?
Have there been people encouraging you to try again? Maybe someone has sent you a job advert and is encouraging you to try again. Today I want to encourage you to try again. Don’t be so quick to discount it because of your past experiences and disappointments. There is such a thing as God’s timing.. And when it is His time, you will apply and you will get the job. And the best part is that it will be better than you could ever have imagined. This is because God does immeasurably more than we would ever ask, think or imagine.
How do you position yourself when God resurrects a dead dream or desire?
Read also: These 5 Unique Signs Prove Your Dream is From God.
Be flexible.ย
This season, God is encouraging us to be flexible and open to what He is doing. He also wants you to know that just because it did not work before does not mean it never will. The truth is that God wants to partner with you to bring your desires to pass. And He wants to fulfill the desires of your heart. When He stirs an old desire, be open to what He is doing. And don’t be afraid to step into that space. Remember He already equipped you for this.
When it was time Moses stepped into his position of authority and He successfully led an entire nation out of Egypt. Everything you have been through is preparing you for what God has for you. Don’t be afraid child of God. He who equipped you will sustain you. And the best part is that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Be obedient.ย
Going back to that thing that caused so much pain in your life because of disappointments can be frustrating. But when God tells you to take it back up, I want to encourage you not to hesitate. Just lean in. This is because this time heaven is backing you. And the truth is that when God is by your side no one can be against you. And even when they are formed, they will not succeed.
The same sea where Peter failed to catch fish an entire night was the same one he caught a large school of fish that he required help from his friends. When God is for you, nothing will stand against you. Don’t be afraid. Not only that, His favor will be upon you and He will qualify you for that thing you feel unqualified for. Daniel and his friends found favor because God was with them. The same will happen for you.
The key to being obedient is to be rooted in God. It is in Him that you will find the strategies you need to win. God wants to give you the keys to success. And the best part is that His ways will lead to success. Fellowship with the HOLY spirit and spend time in the secret place. God is with you and He is for you.ย
That thing you thought was dead, God had only buried it. You should always remember that God always works everything out for your good. God never wastes anything. He would never have allowed you to cultivate that desire if He did not want to use you in that space whatever the capacity. He is with you and for you. And He is the God of resurrection. He can have those dry bones live again. The question is, will you partner with Him? It is time for your dry bones to live again.