The Easter Series: When Your Purpose is About to be unveiled.
What happens when your purpose is about to be unveiled? In John 12, we see Mary anoint Jesus with oil. Mary, as an act of worship, was anointing the feet of Jesus with oil to prepare for His burial.ย Jesus was…
Have you been running away from something? What have you been running away from? You know it is easy to pretend that you are doing something because you want to. But let me ask you again, where you are now,…
How To Overcome Hindrances To Your Breakthrough.
Have there been moments in your life where you caused hindrances to your breakthrough? Breakthrough is something as Christians and human beings are meant to experience. This is because God takes us from glory to glory and we are not…
Christmas Countdown. How To Know When God Takes the Lid Off.
What does it mean when God takes the lid off? Isn’t it funny how we as Christians try to limit God although we know He is Sovereign? We often give Him just enough room to move in ways we are…
Countdown to Christmas: How To Handle The Silence Of God!
How can you and I handle the silence of God? How best can we position ourselves when God is silent? As we draw closer to Christmas, let’s reflect on some lessons we can learn from the birth of Jesus Christ,…